Books of the GR”A and his disciples

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Auction 098
Item 177
"Givi'ei Gavi'a HaKessef.". Sklow, 1804. First edition.

Short elucidations on verses and words of Chazal by Rabbi Binyamin Rivlin, prominent disciple of the Vilna Gaon. Includes ideas that he heard from his great teacher.
Specifications: 34 leaves. 16 cm. First edition. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA, 1550.
Content: Short commentaries and elucidations on the verses and words of Chazal by Rabbi Binyamin Rivlin, prominent disciple of the Vilna Gaon. Includes words he heard from his great teacher.This edition was printed anonymously by the author. The title page only mentions that it was written by a disciple of the Gaon of Vilna.
Unique features: Especially rare. Thick, light-green paper.
Background: In the preface to the Shulchan Aruch written by the Vilna Gaon’s sons, Rabbi Binyamin is listed as one of the elite disciples of the Vilna Gaon (along with Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and Rabbi Mendel of Sklow). It states: “He is renowned for Torah and avoda. The praiseworthy prince, man of many deeds…Rabbi Binyamin of Sklow. He kept sleep from his eyes and merited to hear studies from the pure mouth, and his Torah and yirah shone on him. He grasped his manner and path, and the city of Sklow was built correctly through him, and they accepted upon themselves many of his customs, in the manner of Torah study and proper mitzvah fulfillment.”
Condition: Fine. Tear on leaf 9, with loss; and a number of small holes on leaf 15, affecting text. Aging stains. Nice, new binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 098
Item 178
"Derech Avot". Vilna, 1836

Pirkei Avot with the commentary of the Vilna Gaon and the commentary Derech Avot, by Rabbi Meir son of Rabbi Eliyahu son of Rabbi Avraham, brother of the Vilna Gaon, with compilations from the teachings of the Vilna Gaon at the end.
Specifications: Faulty pagination. 20 cm. Otzar Sifrei HaGra 329.
Unique Features: With an approbation from Rabbi Avraham Avli, Av Beit Din of Vilna. Torah compilations on the weekly Torah portions are on the last 14 leaves, in which he mentions teachings of his great uncle, the Vilna Gaon.
Condition: Fine. Aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 098
Item 179
Tractate Avot with the Peirush HaGRA. Sklow, 1804. First edition

Tractate Avot with the commentary of Rashi and the commentary of HaGaon Rabbi Eliyahu HaChassid of Vilna [the Vilna Gaon], with “Masechtot Ketanot” as per the version of the Vilna Gaon.
Specifications: 82 leaves, 21 cm. First edition. Vinograd, Sifrei HaGRA 318.
Background: First edition of the Peirush HaGRA, printed by the Vilna Gaon’s two sons and noted disciple, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Sklow. The text of the Masechtot Ketanot was taken from the copy that the Vilna Gaon studied and revised, according to his disciple Rabbi Saadya who studied these tractates with him. At the start of the work there is a prominent preface from Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Sklow, regarding the greatness of the Vilna Gaon. It also includes quotes regarding secular subjects and Aristotle.
Unique features: Handwritten glosses. Stamp of the Beit Medrash of Rabbi Binyamin of Sklow.
Condition: Fine. Professionally restored title page with loss of text. Aging stains. Minimal worming holes. New binding.

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Auction 098
Item 180
"Sefer Yetzira". With the Commentary of the Vilna Gaon. Grodno, 1806, First edition

Sefer Yetzira with the commentaries of the Ra’avad, Rasag, Ramban, HaRokeach, Rabbi Moshe Butril and with the commentary of the Vilna Gaon, brought to print by his student Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov.
Specifications: [2], 42, [30] leaves. 20 cm. Kabbalistic sketches and charts. First edition. Vinograd, Otzar Sifrei HaGra 682.
Unique Features: The first of the Vilna Gaon’s Kabbalistic books printed. Brought to print by his famous disciple Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Shklov, who later immigrated to Israel first settling in Safed, and later founded the Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem. Handwritten Kabbalistic comments.
Condition: Fine. A few worming holes. New semi-leather and marbled paper binding.

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Auction 098
Item 181
"Shenot Eliyahu". Lemberg, [1799], with notice from the rabbis of Vilna. First edition

Commentary of the Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna on the Mishnayot Seder Zeraim, with proclamation from the rabbis of Vilna.
Specifications: [2], 9, 59 [should say: 58] leaves. 35.5 cm. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 177. First edition.
Unique features: On the back of the title page: “Proclamation from the beit din of Vilna against people who did not do all that was necessary but still held that they could decide halachah, in the name of the Rabbi of the entire diaspora, the true and famous gaon…Eliyahu z”l.”This was one of the first books of the Vilna Gaon that was printed (he passed away in 1798). This book was printed by his sons, and his son-in-law, Rabbi Moshe Yehuda Leib of Pinsk was in charge of editing and proofreading.
Condition: Very fine. Minimal aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 098
Item 182
"Torat HaGR"A - Ma'ase Torah". "Barak HaShachar." Warsaw, 1863

1> Torat HaGra-Ma’ase Torah. Breita Ma’ase Torah with supplements from the Vilna Gaon.
Specifications: Warsaw, 1863. [1], 22 leaves. 16 cm. First edition. Two title pages. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 375.Content: Breita Ma’ase Torah authored by Rabbeinu HaKodesh with supplements by the Vilna Gaon, who gathered and authored all the numbers from 1 through 13 – and 70 – found in Tanach, Chazal, Talmud, medrashim, Zohar and Sefer Yetzira.Unique features: Interesting approbation from Rabbi Yosef Shaul Notenhausen, author of Shoel U’Meishiv. Published from manuscript with comments by Rabbi Noach Chaim Levin of Kobrin.Condition: Very fine. Minimal aging stains.
2> Barak HaShachar. Collection of new compilations from the commentary of the Vilna Gaon on Nach and Megillot.
Specifications: Vilna, 1863. 32 pages. 16 cm. First edition. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 947.Content: New compilations that have not yet been printed, including the elucidation of synonyms by the Vilna Gaon. Published and proofread by R’ Shmuel of Slutzk. (Bound with Ma’ase Torah, by Rabbi Avraham, brother of the Vilna Gaon. Koenigsberg, 1858, and Sha’arei Teshuva and Sefer HaYira published by Koenigsberg).Unique features: Approbation of Rabbi Avraham Simcha of Amstislav, nephew of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Novellae that had not been printed previously and elucidation of synonyms.Condition: Very fine. Aging stains.

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Auction 098
Item 183
"Tikunei HaZohar" with the Biur HaGRA. Vilna, 1867. First edition

Tikunei HaZohar with Tikunim M’Zohar Chadash by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, with the elucidations of the Vilna Gaon and his son.
Specifications: [5], 172, 52 leaves. 24 cm. First edition. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 724.
Unique features: Nice copy. Printed on thick, quality paper. Two title pages, the first title page is illustrated. Sections of the printed text on both title pages are in gold.
Content: “Printed entirely with the Biur HaGRA. The preface to the tikunim includes elucidations from his son, Rabbi Avraham, taken from his manuscript, along with many comments and compliations from the Vilna Gaon that relate to the elucidation on the Tikunei Zohar and Zohar Chadash. All was printed and proofread from the manuscripts of the Vilna Gaon, particularly proofread from the Tikunim (Proops, 1719), which was used by the Vilna Gaon and that he annotated in his own handwriting.”
Condition: The leaves of the book are in very fine-excellent condition. The binding is in disrepair.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 098
Item 184
"Hillel Ben Shachar". Warsaw, [1804]. "Hesped Geon Yisrael," first edition

Hillel ben Shachar. Sermons for Shabbat and the holidays and eulogy for the of the Vilna Gaon.
Specifications: [2], 6-92 leaves. 21 cm. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 1302.
Content: 26 sermons for Shabbat and the holidays, and a eulogy for the Gaon of Israel, the “Vilna Gaon”, authored by Rabbi Hillel son of Zev Wolf of Kovno, preacher and rav in Raczki.Leaves 74-79 feature the eulogy for the Vilna Gaon, these leaves are titled [in Hebrew]: “Hesped Geon Yisrael.” The following eulogy was written in honor of Rabbi Alexander Ziskind of Grodno, author of Yesod V’Shoresh Ha’Avoda.
Background: The author immigrated to Eretz Yisrael with the first aliya of the disciples of the Vilna Gaon, headed by Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Sklow. He signed along with the leaders of the peirushim community in Safed on the letter apointing Rabbi Yisrael of Sklow as fundraising emissary for the community in 1813 (refer to Yaari, Shiluchei Eretz Yisrael, p. 758).
Condition: Fine. Light blemish to title page Aging stains. Blemished binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 098
Item 185
"Evel Kaved". "Givat Shaul." Vilna, 1825

Two eulogies printed in Vilna after the death of Rabbi Shaul Katzenelboigen, prominent Vilna rabbi.
1> Evel Kaved. Specifications: Vilna, 1825. [28] leaves. 16 cm.Content: Eulogy and elegy by Rabbi Avraham Dovber Chaim HaKohen Levensohn, with Rabbi Shaul’s biography. Vilna Grodno. Bound with Oniya So’ara.Condition: Very fine.
2> Givat Shaul. Specifications: Vilna Grodno, 1825. [3] 24 leaves. Some copies have [4] leaves at the conclusion.Content: Eulogy by Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Katzenelboigen of Vilna, author of Netivot Olam.Background: Rabbi Shaul Katzenelboigen was the son of Rabbi Yosef, Av Beit Din of Brisk, and brother of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Katzenelboigen, Av Beit Din of Brisk. Upon hearing praise of the Vilna Gaon, he moved to Vilna a few years before the death of the Vilna Gaon. He was very ascetic, and his Rabbi, the Vilna Gaon rebuked him for this behavior (Kiryah Ne’emana p. 237).
Condition: Fine, not bound.

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Auction 098
Item 186
"Nachal Dima'a". Vilna, 1821. Eulogy for Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Only edition

“A river of tears that fell from our eyes upon the death of the great Rabbi, the genius, light of Torah, candle of mitzvah, the holy and honored Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin,” by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Katzenelboigen of Vilna, author of Netivot Olam.
Specifications: [2], 24 leaves. 17 cm. Only, rare edition. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 1498.
Background: In his eulogy, the author appeals to the residents of Vilna to elevate and support the yeshiva in Volozhin, now headed by the renowned son, Yitzchak, who was appointed by his departed father (during his lifetime) to run the yeshiva.
Content: Bound with: Dikduk Eliyahu of the Vilna Gaon, first edition. Vilna Grodno 1833, without the first and last two leaves. Megillat Sefer upon the death of Rabbi Chaim Farchi, by the above mentioned Rabbi Zvi Hirsch, Vilna Grodno, 1825. Toldot Adam, about Rabbi Zalman of Volozhin, Danzig edition 1845.
Condition: Very fine. Slightly cropped on the bottom, affecting the letter marking the start of the next page.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 098
Item 187
"Se'arat Eliyahu". Warsaw, 1877. First edition.

Eulogy and Torah topics upon the death of the Vilna Gaon, written by his eldest son, Rabbi Avraham, from manuscript, ends with compilations from the Vilna Gaon that had never been printed previously.
Specifications: 28 leaves. 16 cm. First edition. Otzar Sifrei HaGRA 1360.
Unique features: Pages 49-55 feature precious compilations of the Vilna Gaon that were not printed previously.
Content: Precious wisdom, sorrow, eulogy upon the death of the genius of geniuses, the great eagle, the splendor of the generations, Rabbeinu Eliyahu of Vilna, written by his eldest son, Rabbi Avraham, published from his manuscript with a few comments by Rabbi Shmuel Jewnin of Grodno.
Condition: Fine-very fine. Aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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“Se’arat Eliyahu”. Warsaw, 1877. First edition.

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