Chassidishe Books

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 110
Item 283
Three Important Editions of the Holy Book, Noam Elimelech

Three different editions of Noam Elimelech by the holy Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk.
* Noam Elimelech , with an approbation by Rabbi Meshulam Zusha of Anipoli. Leghorn, 1870.
* Noam Elimelech , Warsaw, 1920. Taamei HaMitzvot composed by Rabbi Yosef Giktilia was added to this edition.
* Noam Elimelech , Munkacs, 1940. There are many approbations to this edition, including from the Divrei Chaim of Sanz’s sons: Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova and Rabbi Shalom Eliezer Halberstam of Ratzfert.
Noam Elimelech is a protective book and a safeguard, very beloved among chassidic leaders.
Aside from aging stains, overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 284
Birkat David on the Torah. First Edition. Zhitomir (Shapira Brothers), 1862

Birkat David on the Torah. First Edition. Authored by the holy Admor Rabbi David of Tolna, son of the Admor Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl. At the press of the Shapira Brothers, Rabbi Chanina Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Shapira. Zhitomir, 1862.
Description: 72 leaves. (There are copies where the title page and the introduction are printed twice).
Condition: Fine. The title page was professionally restored. Lack in the last two leaves. Aging stains.
The Holy Rabbi David Twersky [1808-1882] was the sixth son of Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl, and founder of the Tolna chassidut.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 285
Torat Kohanim. Two Title Pages. Shapira Brothers Press. Zhitomir, 1856

Torat Kohanim . On Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat. With two title pages, partially printed in red ink. Shapira Brothers Press, Zhitomir 1856.
Specifications: 264 leaves. 37 cm.
Condition: Very fine. With refurbished binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 286
Collection of Chassidic Books - Early 20th Century

13 books on chassidut. 1903-1940.

* Sefer Yemei Moharana”t. Lemberg, 1903.

* Sefer Dvash HaSadeh which presents deep novellae, sweeter than honey … righteous pillars of the world, lights of Israel … and more from several tzaddikim NBG”M ztz”l, collected and compiled by the great rabbi in Torah and chassidut, Dovberish, ztz”l, ritual slaughterer and checker in Raysha, Galicia. Bilgoray, 1909. Unbound.

* Sefer Shivchei HaRa”n with Sichot HaRa”n … also about his journey to the Holy Land. Lemberg, 1909.

* Sefer Ohalei Naftali: Maases fun dem Heiligen Tzaddik der Rebbe R’ Naftali … Ropshitz, Lemberg, 1912. Detached binding.

* Eretz HeChaim by Chaim son of Yeshayah Leiberson. Pshemishl, 1927. Unbound.

* Chayyei Mohara”n, second part, called Shibchei Mohara”n, Warsaw 1928. Adhesions to the title page.

* HaDeah V’HaDibbur: in which there are precious thoughts gathered from Chaza”l and books of the righteous which delight G-d and man, by Rabbi Shmuel Rubin. It the end, there is a compilation, Ashrei HaMechakeh. Michlucha, 1928. Detached title page, stained and damaged on the right side.

* Sefer Imrei Tzaddikim by Rabbi Avraham Itinga. Lvov, 1920s. Bound with: Sefer Even HaShetiyah … Toldotehem shel Tzaddikim. Munkacs, 1930. Sichot Chaim … divided into two parts by Rabbi Chaim Meir of Mogelnitze. Pietrokov, 1920s. Sefer Meorei HaGedolim: Sippurim Niflaim V’Yafim … by … lofty tzaddikim, and many of their sermons, brought to print by R’ Aharon Zeilingold. Bilgoray, 1911.

* Sefer Abir HaRoim, first part, biography of … Admor …of Sochochov … and his father-in-law Admor … Menachem Mender of Kotzk … and of his only son … Admor Mahara”sh, author of Shem MiShmuel. At the end, the compilation V’Zot L’Yehudah. By compiler Tzvi Yehudah HaLevi of Amlak. Pietrokov, 1935. Detached back binding.

* Sefer Shibchei HaRa”N. Jerusalem, 1950.

Overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 287
Three Books of Chassidut and Kabbalah. First Editions, C. 1900

Three books of chassidut and kabbalah. First editions, C. 1900.
* Shu”t Emek She’elah by the Admor Rabbi Mordechai Dov of Hornsteipl. Piotrkow, 1905.
* Lekket Ani , Torah novellae by the Admor Rabbi Moshe Hager of Kosov. Sighet, 1910. Two parts, separate title page for each section.
Overall fine condition. * Mishnat Chassidim by Rabbi Emmanuel Chai Rikki. Lemberg, 1878. With the commentary of the Admor Rabbi Moshe of Zaloshin.Detached title page and binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 288
Two Books of Tehillim with the "Tefillah L'Moshe" Commentary - Satmar. Two Editions

Two editions of Tehillim with the “Tefillah L’Moshe” commentary by Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum of Ujhely, author of Yismach Moshe , of Satmar.
* Tehillim with the “Tefillah L’Moshe” commentary, Krakow [1880], first edition. Missing the title page and introductory pages. Original leather binding. Moderate condition.
* Tehillim with the “Tefillah L’Moshe” commentary, Svaliava, [1907], second edition. Partially torn spine, overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 289
Collection of Chassidic Books - The Admors of Liska - First Editions

Three works by the Admors of Liska, first editions. [1876-1909].
* Ach Pri Tevuah , two parts, Torah novellae by the Admor Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska, Munkacs, 1876, first edition. Lacking the title page of the first part.
* HaYashar VeHaTov , sermons and novellae by the Admor Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska. Munkacs, 1880, first edition.
* Tal Chaim , novellae on Torah and festivals by the Admor Rabbi Chaim Friedlander of Liska, son-in-law of the Admor Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch of Liska. Betlen, 1909.
Some are unbound, overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 290
Collection [5] Books of Chassidut, Some Rare, and Including First Editions

* Likkutei Torah 2 Chalakim , from the Elder Admor of Chabad. On Devarim-Moadim. Torah compilations on Shir HaShirim. Zhitomir. 1866. Signed by Rabbi Yehoshua Falk Zeev, Av Beit Din of the Paltishen community. Size: 28 cm. 100-51 leaves. With worming holes in some of the leaves.
* Torat HaRaMa”L HaShalem .(With the Ateret Zekeinim V’Shivah Yemei Shabta compilation) Torah thoughts by Rabbi Moshe Leib of Sassov. Sighet, 1903. Size: 23 cm. 48 leaves. Moderate condition. Detached pages.
* Noam Elimelech . With approbation by Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga of Shinowa. Krakow 1932. Rare edition, does not appear in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and not found in the National Library. Size: 24 cm. [6], 109 leaves, fine condition except for aging stains.
* Darkei Chaim . Sayings, wonders and discourses. By the Admor, the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. Published by his attendant Rabbi Rephael HaLevi Zimmetbaum. First edition. Krakow 1923. Size: 21 cm. 36 leaves. Moderate condition – some leaves are torn.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 291
Divrei Yechezkel, Torah Thoughts by Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova. First Edition. Podgorze, 1901

Chassidut. Divrei Yechezkel on the Torah and holidays and novellae on Talmud. By Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova, oldest son of the Divrei Chaim of Sanz. First edition. Podgorze – Krakow, 1901.
44 pages. 26 cm.
New binding. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 292
Toldot Adam V'Chavah. Kapust. 1808. Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Bertichev's Approbation

Toldot Adam V’Chavah – Sefer Meisharim . By Rabbeinu Yerucham son of Meshulam. Kapust, 1808. Blue paper.
Rabbeinu Yerucham’s great work, from our early sages, including: Toldot Adam , Toldot Chavah , and Sefer Meisharim . With a number of approbations, first among them that of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev , with Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin’s approbation to this edition, and more.
[1], 188, 82 leaves. Special title page for Sefer Meisharim . 33 cm. Printed on blue paper.
Condition: Fine. Reinforcements to the margins of the first three leaves. Minimal stains and isolated worming holes. Simple binding.

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Auction 110
Item 293
Rav YYB"Y, Rabbi Yaakov Yosef Av Beit Din of Ostroh. Brody, 1874

Rav YYB”Y, c hassidic elucidations on the weekly Torah portions, Psalms and a number of Talmudic tractates, by Rabbi Yaakov Yosef son of Yehudah Leib of Ostroh, a student of the Maggid of Mezeritch’s. With the Morah Mikdash compilation on the subject of synagogue sanctity. Third edition with supplements. Brody, 1874.
Two title pages with a decorative border. There are many handwritten notations from the time of the printing on the inner binding and the flyleaf, including the text of a ketubah.
32 cm. [2] 133 leaves. Two title pages.
Overall fine condition.

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Auction 110
Item 294
Collection of Books on Chassidism, 1860s-1930s

Six books of chassidut. Important approbations. 1860-1933.
* Shabbat siddur in two parts by the author of Be’er Mayim Chaim . The last page is torn with lack. Lemberg, 1860.
* Toldot Aharon by Rabbi Aharon of Zhitomir. Second edition, Lemberg, 1864. Bound with Ein Pnim LeTorah . Lemberg 1864.
* Nitei Ne’emanim Torah novellae by Rabbi Nota Yaakov Berger. With approbations by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Shapira of Munkacs, Rabbi Moshe Panet of Dej and more. Munkacs, 1903. Owner’s inscription on the title page: ‘the small one, Yitzchak Yuda Klein, son of the gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel, z”l.’
* Sefer HaMiddot by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. Warsaw, 1929.
* Omer Naka novellae on Rash”i’s commentary, with approbations by Rabbi Yisrael Hager of Vizhnitz, author of Ahavat Yisrael , Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hager of Vishova. Rumania, 1933.
* Kitvei Kodesh by Rabbi Feivish of Zbarazh. Dej, 1933.
* Shaar HaTefillah by Rabbi Chaim author of Be’er Mayim Chaim . Warsaw, 1873. Bound with Megillat Taanit . Warsaw 1874.
Overall fine-very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 295
Four Books of Chassidut - Admors of Hungary-Rumania, First Editions. Early 1900s

Four books of chassidut – Admors of Hungary-Rumania, first editions. [1900-1934]. Some have various owners’ notations, signatures and stamps.
* Atzei Chaim, novellae on the festivals by the Admor Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum. Sighet, 1934. * Afsei Aretz , Torah novellae by Rabbi Ephraim Fischel Sofer, Av Beit Din of Nanash. Munkacs, 1900.
* Keren LeDavid , aggadic novellae on the Torah (Bereishit) by Rabbi Eliezer David Greenwald. Satmar, 1930.
* Shevet MiYehudah , two volumes, Torah novellae by Rabbi Yehudah Greenwald Av Beit Din of Satu-Mare. Szécsény, 1928.
* Atzei Chaim , novellae on the festivals by the Admor Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum. Sighet, 1934.
Overall fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 110
Item 296
Tehillim with the Olilot Yehudah Commentary by the Admor of Satmar. [1927]. First Edition

Tehillim with Rashi’s commentary, Metzudot and the commentary by Rabbi Yehudah Greenwald, Av Beit Din of Satmar. Published by his disciple, Chaim Tzvi Zimned. 1927.
[4] 256 pages. 22 cm.
Very fine condition.

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Auction 110
Item 297
Two Books - First Editions Printed at the Height of the Holocaust. Romania - Hungary. [1942]

* Birkat Yehoshu a, novellae on Tractate Berachot authored by Rabbi Yehoshua Tzvi Weinstein of Dej, with rare approbation from 1942 from Rabbi Yaakov Elimelech Paneth of Dej. First and only edition. Klausenberg, 1942.
201 pages, 21 cm. Very fine condition.
* Shloshah Sefarim Neftachim , various novellae in three chapters. Chapter one, homilies regarding belief in G-d; chapter two, sermons regarding Shabbat; chapter three, novellae on Tractate Berachot. Authored by Rabbi Menachem Yosef Heimlech. First and only edition. Miskolc, 1942.
68 leaves, 25 cm. Very fine condition.

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Auction 110
Item 298
Tractate Chullin. "Shofar" Publishing, Miskolc. Approbation from Rabbi Yoel of Satmar. [1941]

Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Chulin. Shofar Publishing, Miskolc. With approbation from Rabbi Yoel of Satmar. Additional approbation from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich, Av Beit Din of Shamloy, the publisher’s father. Miskolc, 1941.
142, 23 leaves, 31 cm.
The binding and first leaf are detached. Moderate condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 299
Collection of Books Printed in Rumania. 1920-1933

Four books bound together. Printed in Rumania in the early 20th century.
* Imrei Yitzchak , novellae on four Torah portions and the festivals by Rabbi Yitzchak Meir HaKohen Schwartz of Dragomiresht. Satmar, 1930.
* Likkutei Torah, compilations from Techelet Mordechai which was authored by Rabbi Shalom Mordechai HaKohen of Brezan. Satmar, 1933.
* Al HaEmet V’HaSheker by Rabbi Menachem Nachum Friedman. Kishinev, 1927.
* Niflaot Asher, biography of Rabbi Asher Anshel Jungreis, Av Beit Din of Tshenger. Seini, 1920.
22 cm. New binding, overall very fine condition.

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Auction 110
Item 300
Tanya. Likutei Amarim. Lemberg, 1858

Tanya – Likutei Amarim , Lemberg, 1858. Bound with Saeh Solet. Venice, 1578. Forged edition.
Specification: Tanya , [59] leaves. 17 cm. Signatures and notations. Saeh Solet . [1] 15 leaves. 17 cm.
Condition: Fine. Tears without loss of text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 110
Item 301
Collection of [3] Chabad Books, Lemberg, Berdichev, Riga, 1861-1939

Collection of [3] Chabad books.
* Biurei HaZohar , Lemberg, 1861
* Magen Avot , sixth part, Berdichev, 1902.
* Sefer HaShanah , Riga, 1939. With colorful binding.
Varying sizes and conditions. Overall very fine condition.

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Auction 110
Item 302
[4] Chabad Books Printed on IDF Army Bases in Fayed (Egypt), and Hebron. 1974

[4] Chabad books printed by order of the Rebbe on IDF army bases in Fayed, Egypt, immediately following the Yom Kippur War. 1974. Likkutei Amarim Tanya printed in Hebron 1974.
* Siddur Tehillat Hash-m . Printed in Fayed, Egypt.
* Tehillim Ohel Yosef Yitzchak . Printed in Fayed, Egypt. 1974.
* Likkutei Amarim Tanya . Printed in Fayed, Egypt. 1974.
* Likkutei Amarim Tanya . Printed in Hebron. 1974.
Specifications: 11 cm. Three of them are bound in faux leather bindings.
Background: After the Yom Kippur war, the Chabad Rebbe turned to Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Lipsker, who was a lieutenant colonel in the IDF and a prominent Chabad chassid, with a request that he print Chabad books at the IDF base in Fayed. A special permit from Ariel Sharon, who was among the commanders of the war, was required for the printing. He of course fulfilled the Rebbe’s request without any refusal. This print has a well-known letter from the Rebbe with the request for the printing. There is also a photograph of the printing at the base which depicts the base commander with Chabad chassidim.
Condition: Fine-very fine. In two of the volumes, isolated leaves are detached.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Collection of [3] Chabad Books, Lemberg, Berdichev, Riga, 1861-1939

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