Copies Belonged to Rebbis and Admo"rs

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Auction 122 Part I
Item 89
Shulchan Aruch Ohr HaChaim, Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef

Shulchan Aruch Ohr HaChaim published by the Romm Widow and Brothers, Vilna, 1880. Copy that belonged to the Rishon LeTziyon Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef. Signature from his youth on the flyleaf. Sanctified book wherein Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef’s famous toil and diligence are evident.

Shulchan Aruch Ohr HaChaim is the central rabbinic tool, given that most questions for rabbis deal with daily life, and their halachahs are concentrated in the Ohr HaChaim section of the Shulchan Aruch. And this is indeed evident in the usage marks on each and every leaf. Before us, therefore, is the central tool of the leading Sephardic adjudicator of recent generations, Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, who also served in the most important government positions in the subject of Jewish adjudication, as Rishon LeTziyon, and as chief rabbi, and as head Av Beit Din of the State of Israel.

[8] 608 pp. Approximately 21 cm.The title page and several leaves are completed from another copy.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Minimal worming perforations. Minimal tears in the white margins. Blemish in leaf 276. Lacking back binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 90
Be'er Mayim Chayim. First Edition Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r Rabbi Yehudah'leh of Zhidikov

Be’er Mayim Chayim by Rabbi Chaim of Chernowitz is one of the earliest and most important Chassidic works of all time. Chernowitz, 1849. Two parts in one volume. This copy belonged to the famous tzaddik, the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudah’leh Horowitz of Dzikov.

Before us is the first edition of Be’er Mayim Chayim as a book on its own (in 1820, the Be’er Mayim Chayim commentary was printed in Sudiklev as an additional commentary among the other inside the chumash), but from this edition onward, it was printed as a book on its own.

There are many notations of the name of the book Be’er Mayim Chayim on the flyleaf, and of the word Horowitz (?) in foreign letters, all in the script of R’ Yehudah’leh of Dzikov. In his intense devotion and study, he would experience severe headaches, and to get some relief, he would write and scribble words and repeat them many times.

Refer to the Hebrew text for brief biographies of Rabbi Chaim Tirer of Chernowitz and of the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudah Horowitz .

[1], 203: 2-120: [1], 28: [1], 47: [1], 40 leaves, lacking the title page of Shemot and the following leaf.
Moderate condition. Aging stains. Minimal worming perforations. Taped reinforcements for the title page and the first and last pages. Tear with lose of text on 1 leaf. Simple binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".

The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 91
Rishon LeTziyon by the Author of Ohr HaChaim, Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r Rabbi Yehudahleh of Dzikov with Handwritten Notations

Rishon LeTziyon – novellae by Rabbi Chaim ben Attar, author of Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh, on Talmudic tractates, Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah and more. Jerusalem, 1915. Copy that belonged to the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudahleh Horowitz of Dzikov.
On the flyleaf there are many notations of the word Horowitz in Hebrew and in a foreign language, in the hand of Rabbi Yehudahleh of Dzikov. It is known that the tzaddik Rabbi Yehudahleh of Dzikov suffered from severe headaches, and in order to experience some relief, he would sign and scribble his name on paper many times.

It is well-known among the Chassidim that the Besh”t said about the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh that he learned Torah from G-d on a nightly basis. Therefore, his books are considered among Chassidic circles to be of first-rate sanctity, and they are said to have an influence of holiness and purity on the souls of those who study them. The author of Divrei Chaim of Sanz writes: “The author of Ohr HaChaim certainly authored his book with Divine inspiration … hence … one who denies his Divine inspiration … is an unbelieving apostate.” How much more so the pedigree copy before us that belonged to one of the great Chassidic leaders of the previous generation.

Refer to the Hebrew text for a brief biography of the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudah Horowitz .

[2] 138 leaves, 34 cm.
Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains. The two last leaves are partially detached. Simple binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".

The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 92
Damesek Eliezer, Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r Rabbi Menashe Eichenstein of Zhidichov and Vorke

Damesek Eliezer al HaTorah by Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beit Din of Paks. Pressburg, 1880. First edition. The title page bears the signature and stamp of the Admo”r Rabbi Menashe Eichenstein of Zhidichov.

Aside from the signature of the Admo”r of Zhidichov on the title page, and his stamps that appear several times along the book’s leaves, there is also a stamp from the author, Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer, Av Beit Din of Paks.

Refer to the Hebrew text for brief biographies of Rabbi Menashe Eichenstein and Rabbi Eliezer Zussman Sofer .

VIII, 62; XXXII, 58 leaves, 22 cm. Two parts with separate title pages. The book is bound together with Chovot HaLevavot . Moderate condition. Aging stains. Tears in some of the leaves. Lacking most of leaf 1. Tears in the margins of the title page without lack to the text. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 93
Tractate Peah - Yerushalmi, Copy that Belonged to the Tzaddik Rabbi Itzele Blazer

Tractate Peah of the Talmud Yerushalmi. Berdichev, 1895. The protective leaf bears the stamp of Rabbi Itzele Blazer (Peterburger), the leading disciple of the father of the mussar movement, Rabbi Yisrael Salanter.

Owner’s stamp in Hebrew and in Russian: “Yitzchak Blazer, formerly rabbi of the royal city of Peterburg.” The serial number of the book in his library is handwritten: “375.” Additional owner’s stamp. “David Moskowitz, Av Beit Din Bonyhád-Mishkoltz.”

Refer to the Hebrew text for a brief biography of
Rabbi Yitzchak Blazer .

[2], 37, [1] leaf. 33 cm.

Fine condition. Aging stains. Tears in the corners of the title page without damage to text. Detached leaves. Not bound.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".

The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 94
Signature of Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil, Av Beit Din of Wallenstein, In-law of Rabbi Akiva Eiger.

Sefer Shnem Asar Derashot L’HaRa”n , Lvov edition 1781.
The flyleaf bears an owner’s signature and a lengthy inscription: Received as a gift from Rabbi Rephael Shmuel Segal, son of my brother-in-law, the belated Rabbi Moshe Segal of Gridetz, and signed by the youth Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil of Wallenstein. Written here in the above-mentioned community on Thursday, 24 Menachem Av 1821 [chronogram: גואל ישראל].
The title page of the book is lacking and is completed by hand, in the form of the manuscript, also in Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil’s script.
Rabbi Shmuel Zanvil, Av Beit Din of Wallenstein was Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s in-law [some say that he was the father-in-law of Rabbi Avraham Eiger – refer to Toldot Mishpachat Munk – and this should be investigated] and he corresponded with him in halachah. Refer to Shu”t RA”E , first edition, section 161 and second edition section 141. Rabbi Shmuel, in his approbation to Shu”t Gavr”i (Frankfurt am Main) calls him “my in-law” in the body of the book, where responsa from him are printed.
There is a handwritten gloss on page 15b, fine condition, simple binding. Minimal detached leaves.

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Auction 122 Part I
Item 95
HaOhel Olam. Frankfurt, 1714. Stamp of the Admo"r of Lizhensk

Novellae and in-depth studies on Tractate Ketubot by Rabbi Akiva Lehren. Stamps of the Admo”r Rabbi Shimon Schiff of Lizhensk (then in Klausenberg), grandson of the Noam Elimelech. Uncommon book; uncommon signature.

Various stamps from the Admo”r of Lizhensk appear among the book’s leaves: “Shimon Schiff Lizhensk, grandson of the tzaddik R’ Naftali son of R’ Elazar son of the Admo”r R’ Elimelech, author of Noam Elimelech , of Lizhensk;” “Shimon Schiff of Lizhensk, presently in Klausenberg;” and two types of stamps in a foreign language.

The Admo”r Rabbi Shimon Schiff was a grandson of Rabbi of Naftali of Lizhensk. He moved to Klausenberg and served there as Admo”r of Lizhensk. In 1925, he printed there the text of the hakafot service as recited at [many honorifics] Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk’s study hall. He was killed in the Holocaust. His son Rabbi Yechezkel was a son-in-law of Rabbi Itzikel of Pshevorsk. His son-in-law was the Admo”r Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Eichenstein of Zhidichov. (Refer to Alfasi III, at the beginning.)

86 [3] leaves. Lacking title page, the following leaf, and the final leaf. (As can be seen from the stamps, it was this way when it was in the Admo”r’s possession). The flyleaf bears the handwritten name of the book, the author, and the place of print. Additional signatures and stamps.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Isolated worming perforations.

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Auction 122 Part I
Item 96
Sefer HaPardes. First Edition. Copy that Belonged to the Author of Sdei Chemed, with his Signature and Stamp

Sefer HaPardes by the rabbi of the Jewish people, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki – Rash”i HaKadosh. Constantinople, 1802. First edition. Copy that belonged to Rabbi Chizkiyahu Medini, author of Sdei Chemed , with his signature and stamp.

On the title page, there is a signature by the author of Sdei Chemed in Oriental script: “Chizkiyahu Medini.” Under the signature is his personal stamp in Hebrew and in a foreign language: “הצ’ חיים חזקיאו מדיני המכו’ חכמ’ היו’.”

The Sdei Chemed mentioned Sefer HaPardes in his magnum opus, Sdei Chemed and even mentions explicitly that he had in his possession Sdei Chemed , Constantinople Press, see, for example, in me’arechet 20, rule 16, “In any case, he also wrote in Sefer HaPardes , which I have – Kushtandina Press, 1802, I didn’t find …’

Sefer HaPardes : Halachic rulings and commentary on Berachot by Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki – Rash”i, via Rabbi Chizkiya Yosef Kubo. In the book, there are also printed responsa from ancient sages and other Early Authorities. There is a large illustrated etching of Jerusalem on leaf 1. Interesting foreword from the printer, one of the sages of Salonika who ascended with his father to Jerusalem. He became one of the Jerusalem sages and traveled as an emissary to several places. During his trip to Constantinople, he printed this book.

Refer to the Hebrew text for a brief biography of the sage Rabbi Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini .

[1] 68 leaves, 29 cm. Thick paper. Ya’ari, Kushta 481.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Very few worming perforations. Tears with lack, without damage to text – in the margins of the title page and in the first and last leaves. Not bound.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

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Question about item

Shulchan Aruch Ohr HaChaim, Copy that Belonged to Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef

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