Early Prints

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 128
Item 7
Rabbeinu Bechayei. Incunabula. Naples, 1492

Peirush Rabbeinu Bechayei al HaTorah – first edition of the known commentary on the Torah, that of Rabbeinu Bechayei, who commentated according to pshat , drash and sod. Printed in Naples in 1492 by Azriel b”r Yosef Ashkenazi. Incomplete copy.

Printed in block letters in two columns (parallel to the printing of this book, an edition began to be printed in Spain, but due to the Spanish expulsion, its printing took longer, and may have stopped in the middle – there is no known complete copy). Printed without a title page.

208 leaves, (out of 287), 28.5 cm. A detailed list is available upon request.
Frieman, Otzar L’Melechet HaDefus HaIvri HaRishonah B’Meah HaChamesh Esreh , no. 74. Ginzei Yisrael-Osef Mehlman 2 (incomplete copy). Offenberg 8.

Moderate condition: Tears with lack to text. Margin completions. Stains. Minimal adhesions.

NB: VAT should be added to the commission for foreign residents as well.

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Auction 142
Item 8
Tana"ch - Menasheh Ben Israel. Amsterdam, 1639

Esrim V’Arba v’hem Chamishah Chumshei Torah Nevi’im Rishonim V’Acharonim V’Ketuvim printed by Menasheh Ben Israel. Amsterdam, 1639!

Beautiful and important edition of the Tana”ch printed by Jews at Menasheh Ben Israel’s renowned press.

Exceedingly precise Tana”ch with kri u’ktiv , petuchot u’stumot v’chaserot v’yitrot , as in a Tikkun Sefer Torah . Two columns, printed in vowelized letters.

112; 144, 144-166; 94, [4] leaf. 15 cm.

Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Artistic completion in the margins of the title page and the colophon at the end. New leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 128
Item 8
Tzuk HaItim. Salonika, 1652. Especially Rare.

The fundamental book that describes the Chmielnicki Massacres as seen by the author. Remembrance of the troubles … that came upon us … in the years 1648 and 1649 [ת”ח ות”ט] by Rabbi Meir Ish Shebrashin. [Salonika] Avraham Ger Tzeddek Press. Incomplete copy.

On the title page: “So that it will never be forgotten until the final generation, one unique person arose in his city and aroused his lament over thousands of casualties …”

The book was printed only three years after the pogroms. The first edition was printed in Krakow in 1650, but it cannot be found, and in the edition before it, the proofreader added from what he saw.

The printer Avraham Ger Tzeddek printed only a very few books in Salonika.
This copy includes seven leaves. The last three leaves are lacking. 20 cm. Especially rare.

Fine condition. Tiny tears. New binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 128
Item 9
Sefer Mitzvot Gadol - Sma"g. Venice, Daniel Bomberg Press, 1547. Impressive Volume

Sefer Mitzvot Gadol – ( Sma”g ). Halachic rulings by Rabbeinu Moshe of Khutse. Arranged according to the order of the 613 mitzvahs. With many sources and with the elucidations of Rabbi Eliyahu Mizrachi. First edition of the elucidations by Rabbi Isaac Stein.

Early and important edition of the Sma”g with commentaries by our early rabbis, and with sources.

On the title page: Printed for a second time. Yet it was already printed twice in the incunabula period. Some of the “mitzvot aseh” have a dedicated title page. Haberman, HaMadpis Daniel Bombergi 194.

250 [2], 251-316 leaves, 31 cm. One leaf at the beginning is in the incorrect place. Owner’s signature and inscription on the title page.

Very fine condition. Aging stains. Original leather-covered wooden binding. The binding is in moderate condition with remnants of buckles.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 9
Ohr Ne'erav - The Rama"k's Kabbalah. Venice, 1587. Important and Rare Sefer

Ohr Ne’erav – Gateway to Kabbalistic wisdom by Rabbi Moshe Cordovero – the Rama”k, rare first edition. Lacking the title page.

Fundamental work on Kabbalistic doctrine according to the Rama”k. With a lengthy introduction by Rabbi Gedaliah Cordovero, the Rama”k’s son. Additional lengthy introduction by the proofreader, who, according to Rabbi Gedaliah’s words, was likely Rabbi Menachem of Pano (the Rem”a). It is important to note that leading Kabbalists saw in the Rama”k’s Kabbalistic works, especially Sefer Ohr Ne’erav , a gateway to entry into the world of Kabbalah (refer to the expanded discussion in the Hebrew catalog text).

The sefer was printed by the author’s son, Rabbi Gedaliah Cordovero, who gave the sefer to Rabbi Menachem Azariah of Pano to edit and proofread, as he wrote: “I found the complete sage, the Rem”a of Pano … he is entirely faithful in my father’s home… and was privileged to proofread it.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of Rabbi Moshe Cordovero – the Rama”k .

2-56 leaf, lacking the title page. 15 cm.
Moderate condition. Stains, worming perforations. Simple binding, dismantled.

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Auction 142
Item 10
Mevakshei Hashem. Venice, 1596. First Edition

Sefer Mevakshei Hashem – drushim on the weekly Torah portions by Rabbi Shmuel Chagiz. Venice, 1596. First edition.

On the title page: “Three derashot on each and every parashah , prepared and researched by the complete sage Rabbi Shmuel … grandson of wise and knowledgeable people, the Chacham Rabbi Ya’akov son of the expert complete Chacham Rabbi Shmuel Chagiz …”

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the author, Rabbi Shmuel Chagiz .

HaMadpis Juan di Gara V’Reshimat Sifrei Beit Dfuso , no. 162.
Leaf 3 bears an ancient handwritten inscription.
With all the index leaves.
258, [8] leaf. 19.5 cm.
Moderate-fine condition. Worming perforations in the white margins. Aging stains. New semi-leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 128
Item 10
Shnem Esreh Derashot. Venice, 1594. First Edition

Shnem Esreh Derashot by Rabbi Shmuel Yehudah Katzenelbogen – Maharashi”k. Venice, Juan Di Gara Press, 1594. First edition. The first eulogies for the Beit Yosef and the Ram”a!

One of the sermons is a sermon for Shabbat HaGadol that occurs on the eve of Passover. Some of the sermons are eulogies for the rabbinic leaders of his generation, including a eulogy upon the passing of Rabbi Moshe Isserlin – the Ram”a, and Rabbi Yosef Karo – author of Shulchan Aruch: “And I have just heard, and my stomach roiled, that my relative in Krakow passed away – the gaon Rabbi Moshe Isserlin, z”l …”; ” I have come to speak the praises of the deceased gaon (the Beit Yosef) whose broad wisdom has been perceived throughout the world – there was no greater, such that it can be said that from the Ramba”m and the Ramba”n to this time, there has been none other like him among the Jewish people who has increased Torah study and its observance …”

The author Rabbi Shmuel Yehudah Katzenelbogen – Maharashi”k [1521-1597] was one of the rabbinic leaders of his generation, a dayan, rabbi and head of the yeshivah in Venice. He was a son of Rabbi Meir Katzenelbogen – Mahara”m Padua. He corresponded with the leaders of his period, such as Rabbi Yosef Karo, the Maharsha”l and the Ram”a (who was his relative), who cite him in their books. His son was Rabbi Shaul Wahl, who was known as king of Poland for one day.

The book was printed in his lifetime by his disciples.
Owner’s signature: The small one Zeligman Reiz, and others.
Haberman-Yudlov, HaMadpis Juan Di Gara 146 .
65, [1] leaf, 20 cm.
Reinforced title page. Minimal worming perforations.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 11
Tana"ch. Hanau, 1610. Very Rare

Torah, Nevi’im and Ketuvim. Hanau, Hanesh Yakuf Hennah Press, 1610. Lacking the title page.

Printed in two columns, without vowelization or cantillation. Every fifth verse is indicated with a letter.

Colophon: “Completed on … Wednesday, the second day of Rosh Chodesh Adar, 1610. That year, there was a similar edition printed, but this one is especially rare.

Ginzei Yisrael-Osef Mehlman 33, listing only Chamishah Chumshei Torah. The complete copy in the National Library is from the Valmadonna Library.

389 pp, 15.5 cm.
Fine condition. Aging stains. New leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 128
Item 11
Mishpat Tzedek, First Edition. Salonika, 1615. Rare Book

Mishpat Tzedek , Part I. Responsa by the gaon Rabbi Meir Melamed, son of Rabbi Shem Tov Melamed ztz”l, whose Torah illuminated the Moria region. First edition. Salonika, 1615. Rare book.

The author, Rabbi Meir Melamed son of Rabbi Shem Tov [who passed away just before the book was printed], was a rabbi in Patras, Greece, and one of the leading sages and halachic decisors of Turkey and Greece. The Chid”a, in his book Shem Gedolim , writes that Rabbi Meir was a disciple of Rabbi Yosef ibn Ezra, author of Atzmot Yosef (who even mentions him in his book) and of Rabbi Aharon ibn Chasson, and this is also what is written in Seder HaDorot . At the beginning of this book, there is a preface by the author about his children who passed away.

260, 265-272 leaves, 28 cm. Light paper. Mehlmen, Gnuzot Sefarim 82.
Fine condition: Minimal aging stains. Some of the title page is professionally restored by photocopy. As such, there is also slight restoration to the margins of the [7] first leaves, with damage to individual words. Elegant leather binding.

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Auction 142
Item 12
Ruach Chen. Cremona, 1566

Ruach Chen – philosophic work attributed to Rabbi Yehudah ibn Tibbon with a commentary by an unknown writer. Cremona, Cunti Press, 1566.

The author’s preface appears on the back of the title page: MeHaMa’amar HaNechbad Moreh HaNevuchim yachlof al panei, U’V’Amdi al ktzat remizotav u’sodotav … ha’ireini hama’amar hahu … lidrosh v’lachkor ktzat min hainyanim hamo’ilim b’havanat hasefer . Despite the poetic introduction to his philosophic work, the author’s name is not mentioned.

20 leaf, 18 cm.

Moderate-fine condition. Aging stains. One leaf is loose, the title page is partially cropped. Beautiful antique parchment binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 13
Na"ch. Agudat Shmuel. Especially Rare Pocket Edition. Polemic. Amsterdam, 1699

Sefer HaMaggid . Nevi’im and Ketuvim with Rash”i’s commentary, Yiddish, and Agudat Shmuel by R’ Shmuel Delogtash, that which he compiled and collected from old sefarim , Haga”h D’Rabi Ovadiah HaNavi [of Grotem(?)] and Kitvei HaAr”i . Amsterdam, 1699. Four volumes. Rare first edition. Lacking individual leaves.

Nevi’im and Ketuvim with a Yiddish translation per the Tze’enah U’Re’enah in Tze’enah U’Re’enah lettering, with supplements to Rash”i.

Rash”i’s commentary appears with likkutim (supercommentaries to Rash”i and the text) named Agudat Shmuel scattered across the commentary. Each comment is in parentheses, concluding with the source citation. For more about compilations in the Agudat Shmuel commentary on Rash”i, inserted thereafter in many publications of Rash”i and occasionally subsumed into Rash”i’s commentary, refer to Ch. Lieberman, Ohel Rache”l I, New York, 1980, pp. 310-329.

Some object to the Agudat Shmuel’s compilations. Some for their strange content, and for the sources, but especially for the question of the identity of Rabbeinu Ovadiah HaNavi. However, additional editions printed the likkutim (or some of them), and over the generations they were inserted into Rash”i’s words without citation of the sources. Some gedolei Yisrael quoted the Agudat Shmuel , but there were also some gedolei Yisrael who objected to the additions, as Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margaliot writes “The author’s glosses printed in a small print with … contain many fabricated words … who permitted himself to insert these things into Rash”i’s words.
R’ Chaim Lieberman’s article on the topic is included. Refer as well to the work Agudat Shmuel (!) on R’ Shmuel Delogtash’s sefarim by Rabbi Moshe Hillel, where he proves that the entire compilation is the author’s fabrication.
Especially rare sefer . The above work Agudat Shmuel writes: “Note that there are almost no surviving copies of the first edition here, from which the special pocket edition was printed; there are only a few copies in the entire world.”
The National Library does not have a complete copy. To the best of our knowledge, a complete set of this sefer has not been offered at auction for about twenty years.
Details of the volumes:
Vol. I: Nevi’im Rishonim. [4], 279, 290-379, 390-554. Lacking the title page and 5 leaves at the end. With the approbation leaves, and the author’s preface with the tales of his travels (astonishing content!) the sefarim he found, from which he compiled Agudat Shmuel .
Vol. II: Nevi’m Acharonim (Yeshayah-Yechezkel). 14-379, 390-549 leaf. Lacking the first 13 leaves.
Vol. III: Ketuvim (Tehillim, Mishlei, Iyov, Daniel). 480 leaf.
Vol. IV: Ezra (and Nechemiah), Trei Asar, (Divrei HaYamim). 346, [2] leaf. With the last two leaves added to only some of the copies, containing a Selichah and a Kinah .
Approximately 11 cm.
Overall fine-very fine condition. Four magnificent new leather bindings, with a matching slipcase.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 14
Sefer Zikaron. Prague, 1640. Especially Rare Sefer

Sefer Zikaron – alphabetically arranged laws from the Shulchan Aruch to assist with memory, four parts, by Rabbi Yitzchak Shapira. [Prague? c. 1640]. Especially rare sefer . The first title page is a professional photocopy.
Early, unique work. The author writes a lengthy preface about the need for such a sefer . With many approbations.

The sefer is printed without the year or location details. Bibliographers determined the date to be c. 1640 from the approbations.
Several years before printing this sefer , the author printed one on the Orach Chaim section only, apparently in Kraków, listed in Mifa’l HaBibliographiah according to a copy in the British Library. All four parts are present here.
The sefer has three identical title pages, for the parts on Choshen Mishpat, Orach Chaim and Yoreh Deah. Even HaEzer is only three leaves; it was printed without a dedicated title page. The author wrote in the margins of the last page that he had wanted to print a table of errata, but he did not manage to even complete the body of the work itself.

Especially rare sefer . To the best of our knowledge, it has never been offered at auction.
Ginzei Yisrael 877, with the presumption that the sefer was printed in Kraków.
Part I: Choshen Mishpat. [24] leaf.
Part II: Orach Chaim. [30] leaf.
Part III: Yoreh Deah. [19] leaf.
Part IV: Even HaEzer. [3] leaf.
Total of [76] leaf, 17.5 cm.
The first title page is so artistically photocopied that it is difficult to determine that it is not the original.
Owner’s signature on the last page, glosses on several leaves.
Fine-very fine condition. Aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 15
Amudei Golah - Sma"k. First Edition. Post-Incunabula

Sefer Amudei Golah, known as Sefer Mitzvot HaKatzar , on mitzvahs performed during that era, by Rabbi Yitzchak of Corbeil – one of the Ba’alei HaTosafot. Constantinople, c. 1510. Rare first edition. Post-incunabula. Incomplete copy.

First edition of the fundamental sefer by one of the most prominent Rishonim .
Rabbi Moshe of Coucy authored the renowned work Sefer HaMitzvot ( Sma”g ). A couple of decades after the Sma”g was written, Rabbi Yitzchak of Corbeil, also one of the Ba’alei HaTosafot and a son-in-law of Rabbi Yechiel of Paris, compiled from the Sma”g the mitzvahs that were performed at the time, and he omitted Land-of-Israel-dependant mitzvahs, hence his entitling the sefer Sefer Amudei HaGolah , or by its more common name, Sefer Mitzvot Katzar – Sma”k , in contrast to the Sefer Mitzvot Gadol authored by Rabbi Moshe of Coucy, which became known as Sma”g . The author divided his sefer into seven parts – seven “pillars, ” so that one “pillar” would be studied each day of the week.

Stefansky, Sifrei Yessod 245; Ya’ari, Kushta 36; Ginzei Yisrael-Osef Mehlman , 735.
The vast majority of the sefer appears here, in successive leaves.
126 of 146 leaves (there are those who write 148, but apparently 146 is correct, and this is also what appears in the copy in Otzar Chochmah with the pagination).
Lacking 19 leaves at the beginning, and one leaf at the end.
This copy starts with leaf [21], the middle of Mitzvah 31, tzitzit , and continues through the end of the sefer , leaf [146].
Lacking one leaf [98], kuntress כה4. One leaf is added near the beginning of the sefer , at the end of the simanim of the mitzvahs and the beginning of the elucidations of the mitzvahs, leaf [11]. (Precise details will be sent upon request.)
Signature and gloss (refer to the photocopy).
Fine condition. Relatively few aging stains. Individual leaves are cropped far from the text. Tape for reinforcement in the margins of individual leaves. Simple binding.

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Auction 142
Item 16
Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim. Venice, 1574. Small Volume

Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim for elders and youths in a small volume so it can be carried easily … with the addition of word explanations. Venice, Bragadin Press, 1574. Incomplete copy.

Rare early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, printed without Hagahot HaRam”a. An especially rare edition, the sefer listed in Mif’al HaBibliographiah is a copy in the Bar Ilan Library. The copy in the National Library is lacking the title page and many leaves. Chelek Orach Chaim is known for its relative rarity when compared to the other parts, as many studied it and were constantly occupied with it, so copies of it were worn out.

This copy lacks only the title page and two leaves at the end.

A similar edition of Shulchan Aruch is known from 1578. Some parts of it are offered in this auction, but there is no Orach Chaim section known from the 1578 edition. This copy, as stated, lacks the title page and the colophon, was found with a note in ancient script, apparently written by an expert bibliographer, who writes that the sefer was printed in Venice in 1578. It remains to be clarified if this copy is indeed from 1578.

Among the first prints of the Shulchan Aruch. Rabbi Yosef Karo, Iyunim U’Mechkarim , no. 8.
2-299 leaf, 13.5 cm.
Moderate condition. Worming perforations. Detached leaves. Blemished antique leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 17
Shulchan Aruch in a Small Volume. Venice, 1578. Especially Rare

Shulchan Aruch for elders and youths in a small volume so it can be easily carried, with the addition of word explanations … Venice, Alessandra Gardani Press, 1577-1578. Two parts. Incomplete copy.

Rare early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, printed without Hagahot HaRam”a.
A similar edition is known from 1574, but this particular edition is especially rare.
Editors of Mif’al HaBibliographiah HaIvri did not see Chelek Even HaEzer .
[Part III] (Even HaEzer). 2-167 [1] leaf. Lacking the title page.
[Part IV] (Choshen HaMishpat). 353 leaf. Lacking leaves 349-352, and 6 leaves at the end.
According to what is written in Mif’al HaBibliographiah, page 245a from Part II is printed on the back of Part IV’s title page.

Among the first prints of the Shulchan Aruch. Rabbi Yosef Karo, Iyunim U’Mechkarim , no. 8.
13.5 cm. Two parts bound together in a leather binding.
Fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Tear with lack on leaf 2 of Even HaEzer.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 18
Shulchan Aruch. Choshen Mishpat. Venice, 1598 [שנת משי"ח]. Small Volume

Shulchan Aruch for elders and youths in a small volume so it can be easily carried … Venice, di Gara Press, 1598. Chelek Choshen HaMishpat.

Rare early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, printed without Hagahot HaRam”a. On the title page: Printed a third time… with the addition of word explanations.

The title page bears pictures of three crowns. Colophon: Completed on Tuesday, 25 Av, 1598 (שנת מ’ש’י’ח’ [שנ”ח]).

Another edition was printed that same year, in a larger format, also offered in this auction.

359 [1] leaf, 14 cm.
Moderate condition. Aging stains. Several detached leaves. Tears in the final leaves with slight blemishes and damage to the text. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 19
Mikra'ei Kodesh by Rabbi Yosef Samegah. Venice, 1586. Parchment Binding

“It will be considered as if he was occupied with the Torah the entire year, because the dedicated are influenced from the Yom Tov all the days of the year.” (The author’s preface.)

Sefer Mikra’ei Kodesh – Part I on the mitzvahs of reverence and love, and their roots; Part II on the secrets and reasons for mitzvahs, by the gaon and Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Samegah, author of Porat Yosef . Venice, Juan di Gara Press, 1586. First edition. Printed in the author’s lifetime, with the author’s preface.

The author was one of the gedolim of his generation. This sefer was very well-received and was published in subsequent editions. His sefer Porat Yosef was also very well-received, and it is mentioned approximately four times (!) by the Maharsh”a. Even in later generations, this sefer was greatly admired. The Minchat Elazar of Munkacs refers to the author as ‘one of the Rishonim ‘ (despite the fact that he was actually one of the Acharonim !). Minchat Elazar states as follows (Part III siman 31): In Sefer Mikra’ei Kodesh by the gaon Rabbi Yosef b”r Binyamin Sasigah z”l, from among the Rishonim , (printed in Venice, 1586, and this sefer was brought by the Maharsh”a, and Sha’ar HaMelech on the Ramba”m) … and who is the one with fear of Heaven, who observes serious matters like this regarding a person sitting in the sukkah on Shemini Atzeret, coming from the gaon and gadol from among the Rishonim in sanctity and purity, and his heart did not shudder” – the Minchat Elazar , about Rabbi Yosef Samegah.

At the end of his introduction, the author promises that whoever studies his sefer , especially on Yamim Tovim, will be considered as if he is occupied with Torah the entire year! He states: “This is the reading and the study appropriate for all Jews to study on Shabbat, and especially on Yom Tov … It will be considered as if he was occupied with the Torah the entire year, because the dedicated are influenced from the Yom Tov all the days of the year.”

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the gaon and Kabbalist Rabbi Yosef Samegah .

HaMadpis Juan di Gara U’Reshimat Sifrei Beit Defuso no. 82.
6, 116 leaf, with the rare leaf at the end with the table of errata. Approximately 19 cm. High-quality paper.
Moderate-fine condition. Worming perforations and minimal tunnels. Several restored tears. Restored title page. Parchment binding in fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 20
Avodat HaLevi. Venice, 1546. Rare Sefer

Sefer Avodat HaLevi , references for the 613 mitzvahs according to the Ramba”m’s order and more, by Rabbi Shlomo Ben Eliezer HaLevi. Venice, Marco Antonio Justinian Press. 1546. Rare sefer .

The sefer is arranged according to the weekly Torah portions, and it includes references for the six orders of the mishnah, midrashim , the Ri”f, the Sma”g, the Sma”k, the Arba’ah Turim, Rabbeinu Yerucham, the Roke’ach and a few more sifrei Rishonim .
The title page bears Justinian’s printer’s device.

Ginzei Yisrael – Osef Mehlman 790.

28 leaf. 20 cm.

Moderate condition. Stains, primarily in the white margins. The last four leaves are artistically restored with artistic paper photocopy completions with some of the text.

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Auction 142
Item 21
Sefer Dikduk. Ortona. Gershom Soncino Press, 1519

Sefer Dikduk on grammar by R’ Moshe Kimchi with an elucidation by Eliyahu Bachur. Ortona, Gershom Soncino Press, 1519. Incomplete copy.
The main text of the work is in vowelized letters, with the elucidation alongside in Rash”i script.
This is the only Jewish book printed in Ortona, Italy.
One of the earliest books printed by the famous Soncino family printers. Gershom Soncino, one of the leading Hebrew printers in Italy, traveled with his family and his printing tools to various cities around Italy. Each place he resided, beginning in Soncino, he printed Hebrew books (the family takes its name from this location).
Especially rare sefer . To the best of our knowledge, a complete copy has never been sold at auction.
Two comments in Ashkenazic script.
Vinograd, Ortona 1.
[31] leaf. Lacking 4 leaves [26-27, 34-35]. Approximately 20 cm.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Light blemish on leaf 12 with damage to a few words. Magnificent new binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 142
Item 22
Ben HaMelech V'HaNazir: Mantua, 1557

Poetic proverbs in the form of a discussion between a prince immersed in the vanities of the times and an ascetic monk removed from worldly desires. Mantua, 1557.

Second edition of Ben HaMelech V’HaNazir , an early work of wisdom and mussar originally authored by an early Greek sage and translated into Lashon HaKodesh by Rabbi Avraham HaLevi Chasda’i at the beginning of the 13th century. The book was very well-received among the Jewish people. Gedolei HaDorot , Rishonim and Acharonim such as Rabbeinu HaMe’iri and the Gr”a, through Chassidic masters, studied and quoted from the book.

Approximately 250 wise sayings with rules of ethical behavior and life advice, in a wide range of areas, such as good and bad, wisdom and folly, lowliness of mind and pride, generosity and stinginess, old age and youth, laziness, jealousy, greed, words of philosophy and faith, flattery, the importance of preparation for life in the next world and proper life in this world.
Beautiful, elegant printing. The first letter of each chapter is an illustrated initial. The songs are vowelized.
Listed in Mif’al HaBibliographiah according to a copy in the British Library. The copy scanned in the National Library’s web site is blemished.

Ginzei Yisrael 1727.
92 leaf, 14 cm.
Moderate-fine condition. Light blemishes in the title page. Minimal worming perforations and artistic completions in the margins. Aging stains. New semi-leather binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".
Auction 142
Item 23
Post-Incunabula: Sefer HaIkarim. Rimini, 1522

Sefer HaIkarim – discussion of the fundamentals of faith and Jewish philosophy, by Rabbi Yosef Albo. Rimini, Soncino Press. 1522. Post-incunabula. Incomplete copy.

Among the most important sefarim of faith and philosophy.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the author, Rabbi Yosef Albo .

Printed on the title page: “Printed for a third time, proofread well by the youngest Soncino son.” However, this is incorrect.
Important early edition of the sefer . Refer to: A.M. Haberman, HaMadpisim Bnei Soncino , Vienna, 1933, pp. 61-62.

Glosses in an early script.
Ginzei Yisrael-Osef Mehlman 1191. Haberman, Dfusei Soncino 75.
[154] leaf, 19.5 cm. The title page, the following four leaves, and another leaf in the middle of the sefer are all completed in professional photocopy.
Fine condition. Aging stains, artistic completions of the margins. New leather binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".
Auction 142
Item 24
Me'or Einayim. Venice, 1574. Book Banned Immediately upon its Publication

Me’or Einayim – renowned work by Rabbi Azariah dei Rossi min HaAdumim. Mantua, 1574. First edition. With all the revised leaves.

A large controversy surrounded Sefer Me’or Einayim . Immediately upon the release of this sefer , opposition arose to several chapters of the author’s words, what he wrote about Seder Yemei Olam and on Sefer HaZohar . Venice rabbis banned the sefer . The author attempted to clarify his words, and on condition that it would not be banned, he agreed to add the critiques written on it. Later on, the author also replaced many leaves in the sefer with altered leaves, but this was apparently also insufficient, as the Chid”a writes that in his final days, Rabbi Yosef Karo ordered the ban, but he did not manage to sign on this. The Mahara”l of Prague vigorously disagreed with the author’s words, and even dedicated part of his work Be’er HaGolah to opposing the sefer Me’or Einayim . At the same time, there were gedolei Yisrael who did offer some support to the author.

During one stage of the controversy, the author wrote that he agreed that these leaves be removed from the sefer , and there were those who did so. However, given that this also did not help, he printed revised leaves in place of those leaves, yet these revised leaves are not found in all copies.

This copy contains the revised leaves.

For more on this affair, refer to Meir Benayahu, “HaPolmus al Sefer Me’or Einayim ” Asufot 5, 1991, pp. 213-265. Yisrael Mehlman, Genuzot Sefarim pp. 21-39.

Due to the existence of several types of copies, we will provide an extensive description of this copy:

The body of the sefer ends with leaf 184. The author writes his name and describes the progression of the work through Tishrei 1572, and on the reverse side of that leaf is a song for its conclusion. Leaves 185-186 bear printed mehudarot – revisions, and the author writes there that some errors crept into the sefer . Leaves 187-188 bear a table of the chapters, concluding with “Completed, praise the Creator of the world.” Et questo con la detta licenza .

However, there are copies with additional leaves added to them, after they were printed.
194 leaf, approximately 19 cm. Sketches. Glosses in an antique script.
Fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Semi-leather binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".
Auction 142
Item 25
Urim V'Tumim. Venice, 1603. First Edition

Urim V’Tumim – commentary on Nevi’im – Yeshayahu and Yirmiyahu, by Rabbi Meir Aramah. Venice, 1603.

The person who brought it to print, Rabbi Menachem Ya’akov Ashkenazi, wrote in his introduction to this work, “This sefer was ordered for me, and from somewhere else a faithful person wondrously gave me the paper and the funds in such a way that a Creation-like ex nihilo miracle was performed for me.”

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of Rabbi Meir Aramah .

76 leaf, 19 cm.

Fine condition. Professionally restored. New binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".
Auction 142
Item 26
Shulchan Aruch. Even HaEzer. Venice, 1598 [שנת משיח - שנ"ח]. Very Rare

Shulchan Aruch by Rabbi Yosef Karo, two parts: Even HaEzer and Choshen Mishpat. Venice, Juan di Gara Press. 1598. Handwritten glosses.
Early edition of the Shulchan Aruch, still printed without the Ram”a’s glosses, but with explanations of difficult words.
Title page for each part.
Very rare sefer ! Important edition nicknamed ‘Mashiach.’
Ginzei Yisrael – Osef Mehlman 782. HaMadpis di Gara no. 183.
Even HaEzer: 56 leaf.
Choshen Mishpat: [1], 58-176 leaf.
20 cm. The two parts are bound together.
Fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Minimal reinforcements. Semi-leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

Question about item

Rabbeinu Bechayei, Elucidation on the Torah. Venice, Bomberg Press, 1546

Start typing p to get relevant results

Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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