Glosses and Inscriptions

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 092
Item 447
Letter Written and Signed by Rabbi Tzvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook, 1939.

Letter regarding a siddur with the “Olat Raaya” commentary of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook. On the stationery of Rabbi Zvi Yehuda, with his signature. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 448
Collection of Rabbinical Letters and Postcards with Signatures [25], USA and Israel, 1960-90s.

Letters, regards, and unprinted halachic shuʺt, written and signed by rabbis and roshei yeshivos, including a collection of letters and postcards that were sent to Rabbi Yisrael Meir Zecharish, (1934-2012), Rabbi in the Yarchei Kalla Synagogue, Bnei Brak. Senders include: Rabbi Yosef Dovid Segal Leiner, Rabbi Yissacher Dov ben HaAdmor of Komarno, Rabbi Efraim Greenblatt (author of Shuʺt Revavot Efraim), Rabbi Netanel HaKohen Klein (Metivta Torah V’Da’at), Rabbi Yehoshua Diskin (Pardes Chana), Rabbi Asher Lichtenstein (Yeshivat Kaminetz), Rabbi Shmuel Gedalya Neiman (Author of ʺGidulei Shmuelʺ Yeshivat Eitz Chaim), Rabbi Moshe Blau (Bnei Brak), Rabbi Avraham Pam (New York). Overall fine condition.

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Auction 092
Item 449
Confirmation of the Receipt of Funds from Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Signed by R' Yitzchak Eizik ben Tuvim. 1903.

Confirmation of the receipt of 3 rubles from Rabbi Shmuel Salant. Signed by R’ Yitzchak Eizik ben Tuvim [Bendet]. Interesting piece, because R’ Yitzchak Eizik was affiliated with the Mizrachi movement. We’ve included information regarding this personality.

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Auction 092
Item 450
IDF Hametz Sale form, Rabbi Goren, 1968 [3]

42×33 form for the sale of chametz from the IDF rabbinate ‘first year since the liberation of Jerusalem, sold to gentile Labiv Nassar Al-Din, with the addition of ‘bottles of whiskey of the undersigned on King David Street. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 451
Letter from Sir Moses Montefiore to Rabbi Shmuel Salant. [1863].

Letter from Sir Moses Montefiore from Ramsgate to Rabbi Shmuel Salant in Jerusalem. Written on the stationery of the Holy Land Company. [1863] 12×20 cm. The letter is addressed to Rabbi Shmuel Salant [with many honorary salutations] and two prominent public activists and discusses funds that were transferred from England to Jerusalem. It closes with wishes for a ʺgmar chatima tova. Signed by Moses Montefiore in English. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 452
Collection of Handwritten Hymns. Israel, 1970s.

21 cm., 66 written leaves, compiled by Moshe Ochana. Oriental script, ink on paper. Collection of hymns and songs, bar mitzvah, sukka, lulav and more – primarily from Morocco. Includes many hymns by Rabbi Dovid Buzaglo (1903-1975), written during his lifetime. Shir Hallel (in a different script) of Zvi Turgeman regarding Operation Entebbe . Much effort has been invested in this book, indexes and pagination were prepared for the entire book – though it was only partially used. Half-leather binding. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 453
Piskei Din Signed by Prominent Moroccan Sages [4], 1762-1954.

* Psak Din in oriental script, signed by prominent Moroccan rabbis, some with Moroccan stamps* Psak Din regarding financial matters, signed by Yaakov ben Elazar HaKohen and Mordechai ben Massoud Malka [1762]* Psak Din signed by Rabbi Reuven Elmaliach and Rabbi Avraham Anhori [1851]* Psak Din from Rabbi Avraham Bensusan [1923]* Psak Din signed by three dayanim: Rabbi Yaakov Aden Danon, Rabbi Maklof Yisrael, Rabbi Yedidya Mosnia, with the stamp of the Jerusalem and Fez batei din

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Auction 092
Item 454
Collection of [6] Books with Signatures and Glosses - Books are Incomplete

*Reishit Chachma, Berlin, 1903, Antiquated owner signatures on title page
* Abarbanel’s commentary on the Early Prophets. Hamburg, 1887. Handwritten gloss, stamps.
* Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim with the Magen Avraham, Magen David and Ateret Zikeinim. Early edition. About twenty glosses in an antiquated hand
* Kashot Miyoshav Koneigsberg, 1860. Stamp of Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Meisels of Lodz and owner signatures
* Shu”t Maharshal. Owner signature of Avraham Blichruita
* Tzala”ch, Jozefow, 1857. Rabbinical owner signatures, Rabbi Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg and other, early unidentified signatures

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 455
Beit Dovid on the Shisha Sidrei Mishna. Amsterdam, [1738-1739]. Signature of Rabbi Shlomo of Dubno

Commentary on the Shisha Sidrei Mishna by Rabbi Dovid Chaim Korinaldi. First edition. Missing the beginning of the first section. The title page of the second section is bound at the beginning. Signature of Rabbi Shlomo Dubno [1739-1813], the noted grammarian and author. Additional owner signatures. Lengthy, handwritten comment.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 456
Aderet Eliyahu. Leghorn [1864]. Ben Ish Chai. Signed by the Author's Nephew.

Sermons on the Torah readings, including kabalistic thoughts, by Rabbi Yosef Chaim of Bavel. Apparently the first book he printed. Rare work. Listed by the Hebrew Bibliographic Project according to the copy in the Ben Zvi Institute. Title page signature of Rabbi Abdalla ben Rabbi Moshe Vhaim, the Ben Ish Chai’s nephew. Refer to the Ahavat Shalom edition of the Bein Ish Chai, p. 30. Moderate condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 457
Mishneh Torah L'Rambam. Venice, 1575. Glosses and Signatures.

Mishneh Torah, Nashim-Kedusha and a section of the Hafla’a. With the Kesef Mishna of Rabbi Yosef Karo, first edition. Antiquated owner signatures and glosses. Signature of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Mansano, 18th-century Moroccan sage. Incomplete. Poor condition.

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Auction 092
Item 458
Tosefet Shabbat, First Edition. Birkat Yaakov. Signature of Rabbi Noton Amram.

Tosefet Shabbat, Frankfurt on the Oder, 1766, first edition. Birkat Yaakov on Choshen Mishpat, Lemberg 1786, first edition. The title page of Tosefet Shabbat bears two signatures of Rabbi Noton Amram, Hebron stage during the earthquake, and rabbi of Alexandria. He authored the Mishbitzot Zahav responsa and more. Two books bound together. Worming holes. Moderate condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 459
Pela Yoetz. 2 Editions. Dedications, Signatures.

Pela Yoetz, section one, Vienna, 1860. Signature of Rabbi Eliezer?. Pela Yoetz, Jerusalem [1903]. Dedicated by Rabbi Hirsh Manischewitz. Fine condition..

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 460
Revach V'Hatzala. Legorn, [1827]. Notation from Rabbi Dovid Meldola that He Received the Book from the Author.

Thanksgiving for rescue and miracles by Rabbi Shaltiel b”r Avraham. [4], 49 leaves, 20 cm. Only edition. Two title pages. Owner signature of Rabbi Dovid Meldola, Rabbi of the Sephardic community in London. Rabbi Dovid Meldola [the second] assisted many fundraisers from Eretz Yisrael and received this book from the author, a fundraiser from Tzefat, who stayed by him in London. Half-leather binding. Fine-very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 461
Ktav Sofer. Inscribed by the Admor of Erloi

Teshuvot Ktav Sofer Even HaEzrer. Jerusalem, [1960]. Inscribed by the Admor of Erloi shlit”a to Rabbi Yisrael Waltz, Rabbi of Budapest, with the stamp of kabalist Rabbi Yisrael Waltz and Rabbi Noach Stockman of Przemysl. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 462
Yayin HaTov. Approbation from the Chofetz Chaim. Inscribed by the Author.

Shu”t, section one, by Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim. Inscribed and signed by the author [his note is covered with a thin layer, but it is legible]. Letter from the Chofetz Chaim to the young author. Very fine condition.

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Auction 092
Item 463
Leiv Mirp"ah. Jerusalem, 1887. Insribed by the Author, the Rishon L'Tzion

Inscribed by the author Rabbi Refael Meir Panigel, the Rishon L’Tzion. Dedication page on the back of the title page printed in gold ink. There the author filled in the name of the person who received the book and signed his name.Stickers on the title page [not affecting the dedication].

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Auction 092
Item 464
Hebrew-English Pocket Dictionary.

Stamps of Rabbi Eliyahu Dovid Slatky and two of his signatures in English [!]. Rabbi Eliyahu Dovid Slatky (d.1980) was the son of noted kabalist Rabbi Aharon Avraham Slatky. He was a genius in nigla and nistar, Rosh Yeshiva of the Sha’ar HaShamayim Yeshiva, and the author of many noted kabalistic works.

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Auction 092
Item 465
Shu"t HaRashba. Section three. Leghorn, 1778. Signatures and Glosses by Tunisian Rabbis.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog description for more information about the signatures in this book.

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Auction 092
Item 466
Talmud Bavli. Glosses in the Hand of Rabbi Yoel Halevi Herzog.

Babylonian Talmud, Seder Nezikin and Kadshim. Vilna, 1931. One volume in a small format. Masechtot Ketanot, but without Masechet Chulin. Many tens of handwritten references and glosses in the hand of Rabbi Yoel HaLevi Herzog. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 092
Item 467
Ecclesiastes with the Commentary of the Alshich. Stamp of Rabbi Avraham of Amshinov.

Devarim Tovim commentary of the Alshich on Megillat Kohelet.A section of the five megillot with the Alshich’s commentary. Warsaw, 1879. Separate title page. The title page and last page bear the stamp of Avraham bhr”k shlit”a of Amshinov. This is apparently the young son of Admor Menachem Kalish of Amshinov – Rabbi Avraham Kalish of Radmosk who was killed in the Holocaust. Refer to: Encyclopedia L’Chassidut, 1;45.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 468
Siddur Beit Yaakov - Signature of the Admor of Stretin- Providence

Siddur Beit Yaakov, Nusach sephard, reproduced edition, signature of the Admor of Stretin-Providence. Rabbi Yosef Shmuel Brandwein [1900-1974]. A leaf was added to the Shabbat hymns with a typewritten song. Original binding with embossing. Very fine condition.

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Auction 092
Item 469
Knesset Yisrael. Ruzhin. Inscribed by the Admor of Sadigura.

Likutei Chassidut of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin and his sons. 1877. Inscribed and signed by Admor Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of Sadigura. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 092
Item 470
Chumash with the Stamps of Admor Rabbi Nachman Kahana of Spinka

Chumash Devarim with the Orech Chaim commentary, with two stamps of Admor Rabbi Nachman Kahana of Spinka.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

Question about item

Beit Dovid on the Shisha Sidrei Mishna. Amsterdam, [1738-1739]. Signature of Rabbi Shlomo of Dubno

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Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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