Italian Manuscripts & letters

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 122 Part I
Item 54
Power of Attorney Documents from the Beit Din in Torino for the Beit Din in Modena, 1777

The rabbis of Jerusalem appointed Torino rabbis Rabbi Michael Shlomo Yonah and Rabbi Ephraim Navon [son of the author of Nechpah VaKesef ] to be guardians of an orphan girl. In the document before us, Rabbi Michael Shlomo Yonah and Rabbi Ephraim Navon, in the presence of their colleagues, the dayanim of the Beit Din in Torino, appoint the Beit Din in Modena to care for the above-mentioned orphan’s affairs.

The document is wholly in Oriental script (not Italian), which may indicate that it was entirely written by Rabbi Ephraim Navon. The following dayanim of the Torino Beit Din signed this document:

Rabbi Yitzchak Trivash, who the gaon Rabbi Menachem Azariah Meir Castelnuovo, author of Misgeret HaShulchan , referred to in his book Shu”t Emek HaMelech as one of the three “tekifei d’ar’a” [rabbinic leaders of the country] ( Shu”t Emek HaMelech ): “There was a deed carried out in Torino in 1804 by one of the three tekifei d’ar’a, Rabbi Yeshayah Chizkiyah Shlomo Michael Yonah, and Yitzchak Trivash and Yosef Yarak zy”a.”

Rabbi Yosef Yarak was counted as well by the ‘Emek HaMelech’ as one of the “tekifei d’ar’a.” He is also mentioned by the Chid”a in Ma’agal Tov ( p. 172).

Rabbi Yisrael Milano – his work on ritual slaughter remains in manuscript (refer to Catalog Judaica , Summer 1992 p. 299).

[2] written pages, 19×24 cm. Thick, high-quality paper.
Fine condition. Fold marks. The strong ink goes through to the other side, but the text is legible.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 55
Letter from Rabbi Shmuel di Modena (II). Mantua, 1653

Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shmuel di Modena of Mantua, great-grandson of the Maharashda”m, to Rabbi Avraham Sulima, among the Venice rabbis.

Rabbi Shmuel was a son of the great sage Rabbi Shemayah b”r Moshe di Modena, son of the Maharashda”m. Rabbi Shemayah’s father, the Maharashda”m’s grandson, moved out of Salonika because of issues between him and the supporters of the city. He left the hometown of his ancestors, the rabbinic leaders of Salonika, and moved to Venice. In 1622 he printed his book on the Maharashda”m’s sermons, Ben Shmuel , and there he relates the reason for their arrival in Italy. (Refer also to Koreh HaDorot 43b; Simonson, Toldot HaYehudim B’Duchsot Mantova Part II, p 499; Vinograd, Otzar HaSefer HaIvri Mantova no. 224, 226).

Regarding the addressee, Rabbi Avraham Sulima, refer to Divrei Shmuel section 19 and Mayim Rabbim A”H section 21.

[1] leaf paper, 20×26 cm.
Fine condition. Fold marks. Tear in the margins without damage to text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 56
Chalitzah Document Signed by Leading Disciples of the Ramcha"l, Rama"d Wally and Rabbi Ya'akov Chazak. Padua, 1748

This document was enacted in the beit din of the geonim and tzaddikim Rabbi Moshe David Wally and Rabbi Ya’akov Chazak of Padua, among the leading disciples of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato. Important and exceptionally rare document.

A chalitzah document is essentially a guarantee for chalitzah, in which the brothers of the bridegroom [from the Luzzato family] commit to perform chalitzah free of charge and unconditionally in the event that, Heav-n forbid, their brother die childless.

Rabbi Moshe David Wally and Rabbi Ya’akov Chazak were older than the Ramcha”l and the Ramcha”l joined the yeshivah they founded in Padua, yet due to the Ramcha”l’s greatness and sanctity, they submitted themselves to him and learned Torah from him.

Rabbi Moshe David Wally [1697-1777] was one of the Ramcha”l’s primary disciples in the revealed and hidden [aspects of Torah] and there are those who say that Rabbi Moshe David was ten years older than the Ramcha”l and that he was initially the Ramcha”l’s teacher (Elmanatzi in Kerem Chemer ) and this is also what his townsman Rabbi. M. Sh. Girodni wrote: “I heard wondrous matters of his Torah, piety and sanctity. He was a primary disciple and confidante of … Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato zlh”h, a complete sage, a wondrous sermonizer and G-dly Kabbalist. He authored a multi-layered [ע”ד פרד”ס] commentary on the whole Tana”ch and responsa to Christians on matters of faith, alongside some works on the true path, which he composed in sanctity. He was also a cantor at the Sephardic synagogue. He would study Torah standing upright and would not go to sleep at night until all the Jews of his community arrived back safely; he would pray for them that no harm come to them. His writings have been published in our time, in the series Kitvei Rama”d Wally , numbering over twenty books.

Rabbi Ya’akov Chazak, Av Beit Din of Padua [1689-1782] was one of the leading sages of Italy of his time. He passed away in Padua at the age of 93 and was buried there. The Chid”a said that he was holy as a G-dly angel … and even asked to be blessed by him (refer to Ma’agal Tov p. 8, Girodni p. 148) and in his book Dvash L’Fi (in the entry on Berachah) where he calls him עיר וקדיש סבא קדישא.

[1] leaf double paper. 20×29 cm.
Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Perforation and tiny tear in the white margins without damage to text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 57
Signature of the Gaon Rabbi Yishmael HaKohen, Author of 'Zera Emet, ' and the Sages of his Beit Din. Modena, 1787

Emissary’s document to receive a get from a wife, signed by the renowned gaon, Rabbi Yishmael HaKohen, Av Beit Din of Modena, author of Shu”t Zera Emet and the sages of his rabbinical court, Rabbi Ephraim Galiko and Rabbi Ya’akov Chaim ben Yichye.

Rabbi Yishmael HaKohen of Modena (1724-1811) was held in great esteem among the Jewish people. He was one of the great Later Authorities and rabbinic leaders of his generation in Italy. He served as the rabbi of Modena for over 30 years. He is known for his important work, Zera Emet , in three parts. He was admired by the sages of his generation and the Chid”a expounded his virtues and described him as the glory of the generation, the great light, the expert rabbi.
The author of Zera Emet writes much praise about the members of his above-mentioned beit din in his foreword: ‘my colleagues and partners from our beit din tzeddek … the great sage Rabbi Ya’akov ben Yichye and … Rabbi Ephraim Galiko …” [Rabbi Ephraim authored the work “Sha’ashu’ei Ephraim, ” which has remained in manuscript, Gironi p. 2 section 7].

Double leaf sized 18×28 cm. Very fine condition.

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Auction 122 Part I
Item 58
Ma'aseh Beit Din Signed by Rabbi Yisrael Gedaliah Kazis, Av Beit Din of Mantua, 1787

A scion of the ancient will grow from the vine / And for seekers of his good, his beauty will shine / His produce will be consumed as his sweet law / Indeed his praise resembles him, Selah! (Ramcha”l, in his poem on Rabbi Yisrael Gedaliah Kazis)

Document attesting that a youth divorced his fiancée per Jewish law, signed in the hand of Rabbi Yisrael Gedaliah Kazis, Av Beit Din of Mantua. Enacted in the Beit Din of Mantua in 1787.

Aside from Rabbi Yisrael Gedaliah Kazis’s signature, there are also signatures from two additional dayanim: Rabbi Azriel Yitzchak HaLevi and Rabbi Zerach Ya’akov b”r Rephael Naftali Katz. The bridegroom’s signature and others also appear, in Italian.

Rabbi Yisrael Gedaliah Kazis, Av Beit Din of Mantua [d. 1793] was a leading Italian sage, expert in both depth and breadth, and a wondrous sermonizer; rabbi of Mantua beginning in 1754. The Ramcha”l wrote a lengthy poem (20 stanzas!) in his honor. And the Chid”a, who heard his sermons, praised them extensively (see Ma’agalei Tov p. 79). He authored poems and prayers, as well as halachic responsa. His writings include: A prayer for the Jews of Mantua; a prayer for Kaiser Jozef’s victory in his war against the French armies. (Also refer to: Toldot Gedolei Yisrael B’Italia p. 160; Simonson Toldot HaYehudim BeDuchsot Mantuva p. 541.)

Rabbi Azriel Yitzchak HaLevi [d. 1809] was a lecturer, dayan and sermonizer in Mantua. (Refer to: Toldot , p. 283, Simonson, ibid, p. 523).

Rabbi Zerach Ya’akov b”r Rephael Naftali Katz [d. 1794] was a dayan and a poet. (Refer to: Simonson, ibid, p. 335, note 433).

[1] leaf double paper. 17×23 cm. High-quality paper.
Very fine condition. Fold marks.

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Auction 122 Part I
Item 59
Halachic Responsum from Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin Bassan Av Beit Din Reggio, 1787

Very lengthy halachic and practical responsum that extends over two large pages, by Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin Bassan, Av Beit Din of Reggio, signed in his hand.

Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin was close to 90 years old when this responsum was written; it was written as dictated by him, as indicated at the end: ‘נאום המכתיב’. His shaky signature also clearly attests to his infirmity and advanced age.

Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin Bassan [1701-1790] was the Av Beit Din in Reggio, Italy, for over 50 years and was one of the leading sages of Italy in his generation. He was born in 1701 to his father Rabbi Yeshayah Bassan, the Ramcha”l’s teacher. The Ramcha”l wrote the play Migdal Oz in honor of his wedding. In his letters to him, the Ramcha”l asks how his teacher’s son Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin is faring. The Chid”a was hosted by him during the former’s mission to Italy, and saw important manuscripts at his home. (Refer to Ma’agal Tov and Shem HaGedolim in the entry on Chessed L’Avraham .) He succeeded his father in the Reggio rabbinate beginning in 1739 and continued until his passing in 1790. Responsa by him are printed at the end of the book Lachmei Todah . (Nippi, Girodni, p. 153.)

[2] written leaves. 21×31 cm.
Very fine condition. Fold marks. Remnants of a wax seal.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 60
Document Signed by Venice Rabbis, 1779 - with a Revelation for the Study of the Ramcha"l's Writings

Document of power of attorney given by Mrs. Channah, daughter of our friend, the expert doctor Mordechai Morforgo, to Rabbi Mazal Tov Modona granting her power of attorney at the Beit Din in Modena. Venice, 1779.

The following members of the Yeshivah HaKlalit of Venice signed the document:

1) Rabbi Simchah Kalimani Av Beit Din of Venice – Rabbi Simchah was one of the leading sages of Italy in his generation – a rabbi, sermonizer, poet, and grammarian. He authored fundamental works that were very popular in Italy in his time. He passed away in 1784. Refer to Rabbi Chananel Nipi regarding his virtues in the book Ztz”l that was printed with Toldot Gedolei Yisrael (Trieste, 1853) p. 345.

2) Rabbi Avraham Chaim Krakovia was a rabbi, a Chassid and a Kabbalist. He left behind responsa and other works in manuscript. (Girodni, ibid, p. 42). His brother-in-law, Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin Bassan calls him a “complete tzaddik” in his introduction to Lachmei Todah (Venice 1741).

3) Rabbi Yekutiel Serayah son of the chassid Rabbi Y. L. Gordon – this is Rabbi Yekutiel Gordon, who was the primary disciple and closest confidante of the Ramcha”l, who spent the rest of his life in Venice.

According to Tishbi, in his book Netivei Emunah U’Minut (195), he was inspired [‘שריה’] with a destination for a messianic role. In his book Razin Genizin L’Ramcha”l – this is Yekutiel Gordon (and refer to Benayahu, Kitvei Kabbalah shel HaRamcha”l p. 44). Here, according to his signature, this hypothesis has been verified with certainty. We are not aware of any other place where his name is signed with the addition of the name Serayah! [Material attached]

[1] leaf paper, folded. 19×28 cm. High-quality paper.
Very fine condition. Fold marks.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 61
Tikkun Leil Shavuot, Megillah on Parchment. Especially Early and Rare Museum Item

Torah passages recited during Tikkun Leil Shavuot. Ink on parchment. Italy, 15th-16th century.

Tikkun Leil Shavuot is a Kabbalistic custom, written here before us on parchment in the form of a special scroll for this recitation.
In Tikkun Leil Shavuot, the first and last verses of each Torah portion are recited. Before us is an early script on parchment.
Recently, many have dealt with the differences between Tikkun Leil Shavuot per the Ar”i and the Tikkun as found currently, which is in the order determined by the Shla”h, who added to what was recited. The ‘original’ Tikkun Leil Shavuot per the Ar”i’s order has even been printed.
Today, it is customary to add verses from the Torah except for the beginnings and ends of the Torah portions that deal with the Creation of the world, receiving the Torah, the Ten Commandments and holiday sacrifices. In the early script before us, only the first verses of each portion were written.
Expert’s confirmation included. Especially rare.

6 sheets for a total length of approximately 5 meters. Parchment width 12 cm.
Moderate-fine condition. The ink is faded in several places. Slight blemish in the middle sheet. Slight tears in the margins of the sheets.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 122 Part I
Item 62
Letter from the Emissary Rabbi Ya'akov David Yekutiel HaKohen, Livorno, 1813

Letter handwritten and with the full signature of Jerusalem emissary Rabbi David Yekutiel HaKohen to philanthropist Rabbi Avraham Azaryahu Otlingo from Akway, Italy.

In the letter, the emissary requests from Rabbi Avraham Azariah that he expedite the members of his community to send the charity funds that have been collected for the benefit of settlers in the Holy Land. The letter also mentions: Mahara”m Zakut [son of Rabbi Eliyahu HaLevi, rabbi of Alessandria della Paglia] and Rabbi Ya’akov Nunis Vais of Livorno.

Rabbi David Yekutiel HaKohen traveled as a trusted emissary for the benefit of the Sephardic settlement in Jerusalem – in 1790, 1806 and 1821. On his way, he printed books by his grandfather, Rabbi David HaKohen [Rapaport]: Da’at Kedoshim (Livorno 1749) and Ben Heh Heh (Livorno 1823). Refer to: A Ya’ari Shluchei Eretz Yisrael pp. 704-706 and in the quarterly Jerusalem Book II, pp. 149-146.

[1] leaf paper 18×15 cm. Oriental script; fine condition. Minimal aging stains.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Tikkun Leil Shavuot, Megillah on Parchment. Especially Early and Rare Museum Item

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