Jerusalem Prints & The Vilna Gaon

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Auction 089
Item 279
Ot L’Zikaron. Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger. Jerusalem, 1887. Rare

Ot L’Zikaron. Sermon regarding the importance of cleanliness and purity by [Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger], per the request of [Baron Edmond Benjamin Rothschild]. [Jerusalem, 1887]. Only edition. [4] pages. 19.5 cm. Printed without a title page. Unique, interesting publication regarding the sermon that Rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger delivered in the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue in Jerusalem, per the request of Baron Edmond Benjamin Rothschild when he visited Jerusalem. Apparently published by R’ Moshe Mordechai Chaikin, the author’s son-in-law. Rare booklet, not listed by Shoshana HaLevi. Magnificent leather binding, gilt. Aging stains, small hole in one leaf. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 280
Tov Meod. Jerusalem, [1889]

Tov Meod. Mussar regarding death by Rabbi Chaimi Berish b”r Yaakov HaKohen. Jerusalem [Goshtsinni press]. [1899]. [2], 2-48 leaves. 20.5 cm. Unique book dealing with matters related to death; to encourage a person to fulfill mitzvos in this world. Many approbations from Jerusalem rabbis. Shoshana Halevi 662 writes that the first two leaves were printed at Zukerman press. New binding. Brittle paper. The title page is partially detached. Very fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 281
Ma’ase Nisim. Jerusalem, [1915]. (Only 50 Copies were Printed)

Ma’ase Nisim, which relates Hashem’s wonder to the Jewish Nation in Ancona from 1793-1797, by Yaakov ben Matzliach Chaim Cohen. Jerusalem, [1915]. Printed from manuscript by Efraim Deinard, who, as usual, attacks a number of authors and researchers in his introduction. [3], 16 pages. 24 cm. Quality, chrome paper. Original binding with a slightly detached, blemished spine. Minimal aging stains. Very fine condition. Only fifty exemplars were printed – as listed in the title page and Deinard’s introduction. Very rare.

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Auction 089
Item 282
Collection of Early Jerusalem Works [6], 1843-1890

See Hebrew catalogue entry for detailed descriptions of the books in this lot.

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Auction 089
Item 283
Shahin Torah. Jerusalem, [1902]. First Edition

Srach Shahin Torah. Section two on Genesis. The story of the sale of Joseph in Judeo-Persian, by Maulana Shahin. Jerusalem, [1902]. First edition. [4], 128 leaves. 24 cm. Translation of the Torah integrated with midrashim of Chazal, Persian in Hebrew letters, rhymes. The author was active in the second half of the 14th century, in addition the “Tochen Alilot”, the first section of the work “Milchama B’Shalom” – the story of the sale of Joseph is translated into Bukharin in Hebrew letters. The book was first printed by Rabbi Shimon Chacham. Illustration of the Me’arat HaMachpela and Rachel’s Tomb. Worn, decorated Persian binding. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 284
Biurei HaGR”A. Vilna, 1860

Biruei HaGR”A on Shulchan Aruch Orech Chaim. Vilna, 1860. [4], 55 leaves, 39.5 cm. Unique edition of the Biurei HaGR”A without the Shulchan Aruch. The publisher writes that many Shulchan Aruchs were printed without the Biurei HaGRA, so he printed this commentary on its own. Includes the introductions and approbations that were printed in the first edition – which was printed together with the Shulchan Aruch. New binding. Minimal worming holes and aging stains. Fine condition. Vinograd, Sifrei HaGRA, 748.

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Auction 089
Item 285
Alim L’Terufa. The GR”A. Sha’arei Kedusha of Rabbi Chaim Vital. Aleppo, 1866

Alim L’Terufa, Mussar letters from the Ramban and Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna [the GR”A]. Aleppo, [1866]. 8 leaves, 14.5 cm. Vinograd, HaGR”A 1150. Yaari, Aleppo 2. Printed and bound with: Sha’arei Kedusha, Mussar from Rabbi Chaim Vital. Aleppo, 1866. [4] 48 leaves, 14.5 cm. Yaari, Aleppo 1. Old, original binding, worn. Very fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 286
Elya Rabba. Brunn, [1802], First Edition

Elya Rabba, commentary on Mishnayot Seder Teharot by Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna [the GR”A]. Brunn, [1802]. First edition. [2] 44 leaves, 22.5 cm. The commentary was written by the GRA’s disciple, Rabbi Meir of Vilna, who served his teacher for five years. Amongst the approbations are letters from the GRA and the brothers of the GRA. They note that the author served the GRA for five years and studied Mishanyot Teharot with him for a number of years. With the approbations of Rabbi Mordechai Bennet and Rabbi Elazar Flekles. New binding. Aging stains. Light blemishes to the corners of the margins on the first four leaves, without loss of text. Minimal, small worming holes. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 287
Two Books from the GR”A and His Family. First Editions

Medrash Ruth HaChadash. Zohar L’Megillat Ruth with elucidations and texts from the GR”A. Warsaw, 1865. First edition. [4] 33 [1] leaves, 20 cm. The introduction includes a story about an evil spirit that possessed a person in Vilna and its dialogue with the GRA. Prominent approbations. Bound with: Song of Songs with the commentary of Rashi, Avodat HaGershoni – the GRA’s nephew. Warsaw, [1866]. Only edition. [7], 33 leaves, 20 cm. In addition: Ma’alot HaTorah, by Rabbi Avraham, brother of the GRA of Vilna. Vilna, 1882. Missing its last leaf. Bound with: Orchot Tzaddikim, Warsaw, 1871. Without bindings. Overall fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 288
Searat Eliyahu. Warsaw, [1878]. First Edition

Searat Eliyahu. Biography of the GRA of Vilna; His life story and unknown Torah thoughts, by Rabbi Avraham, the son of the GRA. Warsaw, [1878]. First edition. 28 leaves, 17.5 cm. Includes a letter from Rabbi Yehuda Epstein, the disciple of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, with unknown information regarding the GRA that he heard from his teacher, Rabbi Chaim. Approbations from the Rabbis of Vilna. Vinograd, Sifrei HaGRA 1360. Bound with: Masechta Atzilus. Breisa B’Chachmas HaKabala, with the Ginzei Meromim commentary by Rabbi Yitzchak Eizek Chaver. [Johannesburg] [1864]. First edition. [6] 42 pages, 18 cm. Owner stamps. Old binding. Minimal worming holes. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 289
Rabbi Elia. Frankfurt A.M., [1921]. Rare Book

Der Gaon von Wilna und seine Zeit by Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Unna, Rabbi in Manheim and Frankfurt A.M., [1921]. 43 pages. 16 cm. German. New cardboard binding. Very fine condition. Very rare.

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Auction 090
Item 485
Yatzev Gevulot. Kinoga Tzedaka. Polemics Regarding Charity Funds.

Yatzev Gevulot – Mishpat V’Tzedek. [Jerusalem?], [1904]. Polemic regarding the funds of Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNess in Tiberias by Rabbi Chaim Alchadif. Two works, tens of rabbinical signatures. Separate pagination for each work. Some copies have [2] additional leaves at the end of Mishpat V’Tzedek – they are not in this copy. Kinogeh Tzedaka, booklet 1. Jerusalem, [1933]. Polemic regarding the Persian charity fund for the poor in Eretz Yisrael. Tear without loss in the title page of Yatzev Gevulot. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 090
Item 486
Medrash Rabba with the Tiferet Tzion Commentary. Jersualem, 1896-1940.

Medrash Raba on Megillat Esther with the Tiferet Tzion commentary by Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Yadler. Jerusalem, Zukerman press, [1896]. Colored title page, apparently the first colored title page printed in Jerusalem. Very fine condition. *Medrash Raba on Kohelet with the Tiferet Tzion commentary by Rabbi Yitzchak Zev Yadler, published by his son, Rabbi Ben Tzion Yadler. Jerusalem, 1950. Very fine condition.

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Auction 090
Item 487
Thank-You Letter. Kollel Sovalk and Lomza in Jerusalem. Printed Poster.

Printed poster from Kollel Sovalk and Lomza, “Thank you letter”, Jerusalem, Zukerman press. [1930s]. 31×24 cm. Hebrew and Yiddish. The trustees of the kollel encourage those with kollel charity boxes in their homes. Alongside the upper section of the poster there are two small illustrations; the Western Wall and the Tomb of Rabbi Meir Ba’al HaNess. Pasted to cardboard. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 090
Item 488
Teharat Yisrael. Jerusalem [1926]. Uncommon.

Hilchot Teharot HaMishpacha according to “Mei’ein Tahor” printed in Yiddish, translated here into Hebrew with many revisions and supplements by Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky. Jerusalem, Zukerman press [1926]. Vowelized. Important preface by Rabbi Tukachinsky. Year of printing taken from “Encyclopedia L’Chalutzei HaYishuv U’Bonav, by Dovid Tidhar, volume 1, Tel Aviv 1947, page 80. Uncommon. Sticker on title page. Aging stains. Fine condition.

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Auction 090
Item 489
Toldot Yaakov. Rabbi Yaakov Castro. Jerusalem, Bak Press. 1865.

Tractate Beitza. From his manuscript. Born in Egypt c. [1525], with comments by Rabbi Efraim Becher Moshe. At the press of Rabbi Yisrael Bak. Stains on the title page and additional leaves. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 090
Item 490
Chidushei Maharam Chalawa on Tractate Pesachim. Jerusalem, [1873]

Rabbi Moshe Chalawa lived at the time of the Ran and Rivash. Printed from his manuscript that was owned by the Chida’s grandson in Jerusalem. Unique leaf with an illustration of the Churva synagogue. 69 leaves. Light blemish to the title page. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 090
Item 491
Ma’ase Rav [Lemberg? 1835-1840?]

15 [1] leaf, printed on the title page: Zolkiew, 1808. Though it was actually printed in Lemberg? 1835-1840. Vinograd, HaGRA, 810. Fine-very fine condition. Owner signatures. Rare

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 090
Item 492
Alim L’Terufa. Furth, [1859]. German Title Page.

Iggeret HaRamban and Iggeret HaGRA. Hebrew and Yiddish in Tzena U’rena letters. Additional German title page. The German title page is not listed by the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and is not in the copy in the National Library. Vinograd, HaGRA, 1147. Aging stains. Fine – very fine condition. Rare.

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Auction 090
Item 493
Kituv L’Chaim. Scribal Letters. According to the GRA. Vilna, [1858].

Only rare edition. Approbations from Lithuanian rabbis: Rabbi Eliezer Yitzchak of Volozhin, the Netziv., “Beit HaLevi”, Rabbi Chaim Berlin, Rabbi Yechiel Heller and many more. Stains. Fine condition.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

Question about item

Alim L’Terufa. The GR”A. Sha’arei Kedusha of Rabbi Chaim Vital. Aleppo, 1866

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