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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 113
Item 105
Emek HaMelech. Amsterdam, 1648. First Book Printed of the Ar"i's Kabbalah. Precious Find.

Emek HaMelech which clearly deciphers hidden mysteries, and commentary on the Zohar and the Ari”‘s books, by Rabbi Naftali son of Rabbi Yaakov [Bachrach]. Amsterdam, [1648]. First edition. First book ever printed on the Ar”i’s kabbalah.
On leaf 10,-9 (of the first pagination): Shaar Maaseh Nissim shel HaAr”i, z”l , a book praising the Ar”i, which was later printed on its own in many editions. With 12 ‘mishnayot’ containing details about the vessels of the Temple and their concealment. Many approbations including one by Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller author of Tosfot Yom Tov , Rabbi Shabtai Sheftil HaLevi Horowitz son of the Shela”h, and more.
The author, who was one of the sages of Frankfurt, immigrated to Safed and then returned to Frankfurt, bringing the Ar”i’s kabbalah with him to Ashkenaz. This is the first orderly composition of the Ar”i’s doctrine that was published; beforehand, only prayer books and Tikkunim were printed. Many kabbalists objected to the matter of the printing of the book itself, and to its content as well. Nevertheless, the book was studied by the greatest kabbalists of all times, who even cited it.
Extremely rare book. Referring to the copy before us, the well-known collector and scholar Yisrael Mehlman wrote: precious find.
21, 178 [should be: 180] leaves, 29.5 cm. Kabbalistic illustrations and sketches. Glosses in ancient script. Inscription in ancient script on the last leaf.
Fine condition. The title page and ten first leaves have been artistically restored with the completion of some text by photocopy. The rest of the leaves are in very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 106
Etz Chaim. Lasczczow, 1818. Pri Etz Chaim. On the Title Page: Koritz [Actually Horovshov or Lasczczow]. 1819

Etz Chaim . The Ari’s Kabbalah by Rabbi Chaim Vital. Lasczczow, printed by Rabbi Yehudah Leib Rabin Stein. [1818].
There are a number of typographical variants of the title page. Before us is the one with the printer’s name and the year of printing.
[1], 51 [should be: 101] leaves. 36 cm. Very fine condition. Dismantled binding.
Bound with : Pri Etz Chaim . The Ari’s Kabbalah by Rabbi Chaim Vital. On the title page: Koretz [actually Horobashov or Lasczczow]. 1819.
There are a number of typographical variants of the title page. Before us is the one with the place of printing, Koretz, as recorded in Ginzei Yisrael – the Mehlman Library no. 1064, copy no. 2. However, bibliographers have determined that the book was not printed in Koretz. Some assume it was printed in Horobashov, see the Bibliography of the Hebrew book listing no. 000130735. However, Ya’ari, Kiryat Sefer , 12, 1935-1936, p. 247, assumes that it was printed in Lasczczow.
[1], 91 leaves, 36 cm. Very fine condition. Dismantled binding.
Before us are the two books bound together, most likely from the time of printing. Therefore it can possibly be determined that the book Pri Etz Chaim was also printed in Lasczczow.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 107
Orchot Tzaddikim. Totzaot Chaim. Salonica, 1770. First Edition

Orchot Tzaddikim . The first part is matters of mussar and conduct according to the Ramba”m; the second part is proper customs as conducted by Rabbi Yitzchak Luria – the Ar”i, and his disciple Rabbi Chaim Vital, by Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Firandish Diash.
The second part contains an extensive compilation of the Ar”i’s customs, arranged alphabetically according to topic, including prayer text versions, intentions, names and more. With the approbation of Rabbi Malachi HaCohen and others.
[6], 86, [2]; [1], 77, [2] leaves, 16.5 cm.
Printed and bound with: Totzaot Chaim , an abridged Reishit Chochmah by Rabbi Eliyahu di Vidash. Salonica, 1770.
Both books were printed with the funding of R’ David Firandish Diash, father of Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Firandish Diash, author of Orchot Tzaddikim .
52 leaves, 16.5 cm.
Very fine condition with the exception of the first two leaves and the last leaf, which are detached.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 108
Seder Tikkunei Shabbat. Venice, [1759]. Rare

Seder Tikkunei Shabbat from the holy Rabbi Yitzchak Luria Ashkenazi, with supplements. Venice, Foa family at the Bragadini press. [1759]. Especially rare.
The title page notes: “And we have added the service for Motzaei Shabbat which was brought from the Holy Land to our country; in addition to Shabbat hymns and vowelization for all the prayers and all 24 chapters of Shabbat and the psalms of Tehillim and the Sefer Yetzirah …” The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book lists a similar edition, but this edition is not listed. This edition is listed by Rabbi Chaim Lieberman in Ohel Rache”l section I, in the article regarding Tikkunei Shabbat , p. 381-441, no. 19. In a comment, he provides an extensive discussion of the prayers in this edition. Not found in the National Library.
115 leaves, paper. 11×7.5 cm. Very fine condition. Aging stains, folds in the corners of some of the leaves.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 109
Tikunei Shabbat. Prayers, Rectifications and Songs for Shabbat by the Ar"i. Wilhermsdorf at Hirsch son of Chaim of Furth Press, 1738. Especially Rare Edition

The book includes tractate Shabbat and a commentary in German, and the service for Motzaei Shabbat. Page titles: תקוני שבת מלכתא [Tikunei Shabbat Malketa].
Some of the leaves are unpaginated. This copy includes [105] leaves, apparently individual leaves were completed from another copy. Approximately 13 cm.
Rare edition not listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and not found in the National Library. Moderate condition. Blemish on the first and last leaves. Aging stains. Rubbed half-leather binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".

The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 110
Shaarei Tziyon, Dyhrenfurth 1792, Unknown Edition

Prayers and supplications per the Ar”i’s kabbalah, by Rabbi Natan Nota Hanover. Printed by Yechiel Michel Maya; edition unknown in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
Rabbi Natan Nota Hanover was born to his father, Rabbi Moshe, in the town of Ostroh. There are theories that he studied Torah under the Maharsh”a. During the decrees of Ta”ch V’Tat (1648/9) the rabbi and his family fled Ukraine (the escape was described in the book Yavan Metzulah ) and arrived in Italy, where he began to study kabbalah. Following this, he composed the book Shaarei Tziyon . He testified about himself that he was a disciple of Rabbi Chaim HaCohen of Aleppo, who was Rabbi Chaim Vital’s primary disciple.
105 leaves, 12.5 cm. Lacking leaf 6. Apparently five leaves in the book are from a different version.
Moderate-fine condition, some of the pages’ titles are cropped, aging stains and tears without lack.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 111
Shalom Yerushalayim. Kabbalistic Elucidations and Sermons by Rabbi Shalom Mizrachi Adani. Jerusalem, Luntz Press, 1889. First Edition with Author's Dedication

Elucidations and comments on Rabbi Chaim Vital’s works. In the introduction, the author writes about miracles that occurred to him. Inside the book, he writes about night visions in which secrets of the Torah were revealed to him through a note that descended from the heavens (leaf 38 and more). Rabbi Shalom Mizrachi Adani was born in Yemen and immigrated to the Land of Israel, incurring much hardship along the way. He writes about many miracles which happened on the way. In 1875 he arrived in Jerusalem and became known as a gaon in both hidden and revealed [aspects of Torah], and he was one of the leading directors of the Beit-El yeshivah. He passed away in 1913.
There is a gold-colored sticker on the flyleaf and a handwritten dedication to Rabbi Akiva Yosef [apparently rabbi Akiva Yosef Schlesinger].
[3], 44, 47-106 leaves, 38 cm (!). Beautiful copy with especially wide margins.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 113
Item 112
Shnei Luchot HaBrit. Amsterdam, 1648-1649. First Edition. Impressive Leather Binding with Clasps

Shnei Luchot HaBrit , p ure sayings more precious than pearls … composition on the Oral and Written Torah, arranged and organized … by … the complete G-dly sage … Rabbeinu Yeshayah HaLevi Horowitz. Amsterdam, Immanuel Benveniste Press, [1648-1649]. First edition.
[3], 2-421, [1]; 44 leaves, 29.5 cm. Special title page for Vavei HaAmudim .
First edition of the book renowned in the entire Jewish diaspora throughout the generations. Per the name of this work, its author, Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz, became known as the “Shelah HaKadosh.”
This is one of the most fundamental works of mussar and kabbalah, and includes novellae in both revealed and hidden Torah and proper conduct. It is one of the few books esteemed and studied by all the various Torah factions.
This edition includes the Vavei HaAmudim by Rabbi Sheftel, son of the author of Shela”h, who out of his great respect for his father, referred to his own work as an “introduction.”
The title page bears the handwritten signature of Rabbi Yehoshua Falk Suditz Bichler [1793-1839] one of the most senior disciples of the Chatam Sofer and the rabbi of Setchin. On leaf [2] rabbinical owner’s signature. Handwritten comment on leaf 36.
Fine condition. Aging stains. The margins of several leaves have been restored with no damage to text. New, impressive leather binding with clasps.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 116
Item 308
2 Rolled Paper Amulets, One of the Amulets is Especially Large. Yemen, Late 19th Century

2 amulets written on long paper and rolled up, with various symbols.
One amulet is 113 (!) cm long, the other is 16 cm long.
Fine condition, tears in the margins.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 116
Item 309
Kiseh Eliyahu. Bek Press, Jerusalem, 1865

Kiseh Eliyahu – kabbalistic work constituting a gateway and introduction to the study of kabbalistic wisdom, attributed to Eliyahu Saliman Manne. Yisrael Bek Press. Among the rare books of Jerusalem.
The title page reads: “… this book has been copied from manuscript for public benefit, and the author is unknown.” Shoshanah HaLevi maintains that the book’s author is the gaon Rabbi Eliyahu Manne ( HaSefarim HaIvriim SheNidpesu BiYerushalayim , no. 112). However, there are those who doubt that he is the author because the author writes (on leaf 81) “these are the words of my teacher, the gaon Rabbi Chaim [of Volozhin] z”l”.
Rabbi Eliyahu Manne [1818-1899] was the Av Beit Din of Chevron and rosh yeshivah of the kabbalistic Beit El yeshivah. He was the Ben Ish Chai’s primary teacher of kabbalistic doctrine. He wrote about 140 books and compilations.
[2] 88 leaves. 17 cm. Fine condition. Stains. Isolated worming perforations. Worn and reinforced original semi-leather binding with marblized paper.

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Auction 116
Item 310
Maor VaShemesh. Livorno, 1839. Only Edition

Maor VaShemesh , kabbalistic work by Rabbi Yehudah Koriat, grandson of Rabbi Yehudah ben Attar, author of Minchat Yehudah .
This work is based on writings of the Ramba”n, the Ar”i, Rabbi Avraham HaLevi and Rabbi Yehudah ben Attar. With the addition of liturgical poems by the author and a commentary to “Aleinu LeShabeach” sent by Rabbi Hai Gaon and found in an ancient manuscript. Important approbations and introductions.
[1], 12, [1], 128 leaves. 21 cm. Leaf 10b includes a comment in Oriental script.
Fine condition. Stamps. Aging stains. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 116
Item 311
Sefer HaGoralot Urim V'Tumim. Bombay, 1886. Rare

Sefer HaGoralot – Urim V’Tumim – kabbalistic book for predicting the future. With the exception of the introduction, the entire book is in tabular form.
Includes tables for predicting destinies and holy Names. The tables are accompanied by detailed clear easily understandable instructions. There is a warning beside them not to use the lots except for at times of “great need.”
Printed on the title page: “Thus far never printed; printed now for the first time” (for the sake of bibliographic precision: this book was printed for the first time in Dyhernfurth in 1628 and then other printings preceding this one). This is followed by a lengthy and interesting introduction about the book’s origins: “This is the Sefer Goralot brought from the Holy Land … authored by 70 elders in the time of King Talmi …”
16, 72 pages, 20 cm. Ya’ari, Reshimat Sefarim SheNidpesu no. 38. The National Library database notes that this edition is scarce. Owner’s notations on the flyleaf.
Fine condition. Minimal tears without blemish or lack. Detached half-leather and fabric binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 116
Item 312
Sha'ar HaHakdamot. Yisrael Bek Press, Jerusalem, 1865

Sha’ar HaHakdamot by Rabbi Chaim Vital.
The first “gate” of the eight “gates” authored by Rabbi Chaim Vital, as he received from the Ar”i, z”l. Three etchings. 2 one-word glosses in Oriental script.
[2], 78, [1] leaf. 33 cm; fine condition. Stamps. Aging stains. Reinforcements and tiny tears without damage, on the title page. The last page (errata) is lacking. New binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 116
Item 313
Shoshanat Ya'akov. Livorno, 1792

Shoshanat Ya’akov – kabbalistic work dealing with palmistry and physiognomy by Rabbi Ya’akov bar Mordechai of Fulda.
Guide to palmistry and physiognomy (and hair) and more. Printed illustration of hand-lines. With Torah novellae by publisher Rabbi Chaim of Polonnoye.
[8], 44 leaves. 14 cm. Owner’s inscriptions and several glosses handwritten in Oriental script in the margins of the leaves.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Some of the leaves are detached. Lack in the margins of several leaves without damage to text. Original leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 116
Item 314
Tzemach Tzaddik. Livorno, 1784

Tzemach Tzaddik – kabbalistic study schedule for Friday nights (rectification for the blemish of the brit) according to the text in Chemdat HaYamim . It concludes with Karah Mikre “h “which is a wondrous rectification for the blemish of keri compiled from the doctrine of Rabbeinu, the Ar”i, ztzuk”l.”
There are approximately 15 corrections and glosses in the margins of Karah Mikre”h in Oriental script from the time of printing.
8, 100 leaves. 21 cm.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Worming perforations. Old binding.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Maor VaShemesh. Livorno, 1839. Only Edition

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Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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