Periodicals and Posters

Number of items: 23

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 109
Item 158
"To Hash-m or to Baal." Protest Poster Against the Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah Halberstam of Klausenberg. 1961

Polemic sheet published after the Admor of Klausenberg’s meeting with David Ben-Gurion for the purpose of establishing Kiryat Sanz in Netanya. There is a picture from the meeting on the first page.
Specifications: [4] printed pages. 25 cm.
Condition: Moderate-fine. Fold marks and wear.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 159
Aha! Aha! ... How Long Will the Wicked Rejoice?! Protest Poster

“How long will the wicked rejoice” in their eradication campaign aimed at immigrant children: protest poster and summons to a fundamental assembly and mass protest in Meah Shearim.
“… to announce and publicly declare to the world that there is no affiliation whatsoever between them and us.”
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 28×22 cm.
Condition: Fold marks, fine condition.

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Auction 109
Item 160
List of Candidates for the Lomza Yeshivah. In its First Years in Petach Tikvah

List of candidates entering Lomza Yeshivah – Petach Tikvah. [According to the students’ ages as written on the page, it appears to be in the first years of the yeshivah’s function in the Land of Israel.]
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper, 13×15 cm. The students’ names are written by hand, and with the yeshivah’s seal.
Background: The Lomza Yeshivah was founded by the Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Eliezer Shulevitz in 1883 in Lomza, Poland. In 1926, a parallel yeshivah to that in Lomza was opened in Petach Tikvah. The leaf before us announced the list of those who will be attending the yeshivah, in its first years in the Land.
Condition: Fine. Fold marks. Double filing perforations in the center of the leaf.

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Auction 109
Item 161
Agudat Yisrael Representative's Eulogy Upon the Death of "Beit HaMinim's" Speaker. Rare. 1959

Publication by Kanai Yerushalayim against Agudat Yisrael, whose representative eulogized the speaker of the Knesset, Mr. Yosef Sprintzak. “The Torah has turned into a fatal drug for them.” 1959.
Specifications: [2] leaves, paper. 15×24 cm. Not found in the National Library.
Background: Mr. Yosef Sprintzak (1885-1959), speaker of the First Knesset, was eulogized by Knesset Member Zalman Ben Yaakov (1897-1959), representative of Agudat Yisrael. The publication before us criticizes the representative’s praise of the deceased, whose death, in their view, should not be lamented, and broadcast a call against voting in the elections.
Condition: Fold marks. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 162
Official Newspaper - Issue 1 - Israel, the Provisional Government. 5 Iyar 1948

Issue no. 1 of the Official Newspaper , HaPoel HaTzair press, Tel-Aviv 14/5/1948. Printed on behalf of the provisional government.
The declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel is printed in this issue, historical proofs to justify its existence, and fundamental principles of the state. A proclamation by the provisional government regarding powers of the state is printed on page four, as well as cancellation of the White Paper.
Four pages, 32 cm.
Fine condition. Filing holes. Tiny tears along the margins.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 163
Official Newspaper - Issues 2-25

Official Newspaper – issues 2-25 with an index of topics [ 21/5/1948 – 1/10/1948]. Printed by permission of the provisional government, HaPoel HaTzair press, Tel Aviv.
The newspapers were printed separately and bound together towards the end of 1948. These issues contain fascinating information about the state of emergency in Israel and the first organization of the young State’s institutions. There is an interesting sketch of the State of Israel’s ‘navy war flag,’ name lists of the ministers and their roles, orders of law and justice, emergency regulations, David Ben Gurion’s declaration of the IDF government in Jerusalem, regulations of restrictions on trading with the enemy, bank note orders, commerce regulations, regulations regarding draftees, appointments of justices, tax regulations and more.
24 issues in a period folder. Brown paper, slight tears in the margins of some of the issues. Filing holes. Moderate-fine condition.

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Auction 109
Item 164
20 "Yediot Yerushalayim" Newspaper Issues, April 16 - May 17, 1948

20 “Yediot Yerushalayim” historic newspaper issues from the day the state was established and adjacent days, “published by journalists for readers of ‘Davar,’ ‘HaAretz,’ ‘HaBoker,’ ‘HaMashkif,’ ‘HaTzofeh.'” 16.4.1948-17.5.1948.
Specifications: [21] historic issues from the period of the state’s establishment and the War of Independence. Including the issue from the day the state was established.
Various conditions: Overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 165
"Davar" Newspaper in Honor of Victory Day. Jerusalem, 26 Iyar 5705, 9.4.45 [actually 9.5.45]

“Let the Jewish people embark on a new life of liberty and honor! – A Jewish state will be established!” ; “The day we hoped for has come – the defeat of human freedom’s enemy, who enslaved European workers and annihilated Jews en masse;” a one-time issue of Dvar Po’alei Yerushalayim on the occasion of Victory Day over Nazi Germany. Jerusalem, 26 Iyar 5705, 9.4.45 [actually 9.5.45].
S pecifications: [1] leaf, newsprint. 35×50 cm.
Contents: This issue, dedicated to the victory over Germany, contains the following sections:
– A memorial notice dedicated to the enormous losses to the Jewish nation and a promise that the people “will not remain silent nor rest until our independence is established in our homeland!”
– Proclamations regarding “this fateful hour”: “This victory will be – a Social victory!”; “To the bearers of the fire of vengeance and the vision of redemption – To our recruitees – Greetings!”; “The Land’s gates will be opened wide!”
Condition: Fine. Fold marks. Slightly worn and torn along fold lines and margins.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 166
Collection of more than 100 Newspapers from the Israeli War of Independence and the Beginning of the State. 1948

Impressive collection of historic issues of the HaBoker newspaper and a few other Israeli papers from the very start of the nascent State.
* [100] issues, HaBoker * [5] issues, “The Palestine Post” * [3] issues, Haaretz * [2] issues, Maariv – one incomplete * [1] issue, HaMagen * [1] issue, HaCherut
Varying conditions. Overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 167
Yediot Yerushalayim Newspaper Issue from the day of the Establishment of the State of Israel

Yediot Yerushalayim historic issue from the day of the S tate of Israel’s establishment, published by journalists for readers of Davar , HaAretz , HaBoker , HaMashkif , HaTzofeh . 7 Iyar (May 16th) 1948.
Fine-very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 168
Two Yiddish Booklets. 1931-1946

* Poilisher Mantshester. Polish People. Lodz – Poland June 1931.
18 pages. 22×29 cm. Color book cover. News and advertisements from daily Jewish life in Poland.
* Yungvarg. Youth. New York, December, 1946.
16 pages. 22×29 cm, color book cover. Bulletin about Chanukah.
Condition: Very fine.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 169
Collection of Newspapers, 1948

[18] issues of the newspapers Kol Yisrael, Yediot Achronot, HaCheirut , HaYoman and Mivrak . Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, 1948.
Specifications: Newspapers from the following dates: [11] Kol Yisrael issues: 8.1, 22.1, 5.2, 17.6, 24.6, 1.7, 8.7, 22.7, 5.8, 12.8, 26.8. [2] HaYoman issues: 19.5, 6.6. [1] HaCheirut issue: 4.6. [3] Yediot Achronot issues: 20.6, 8.9, 21.9. [1] Mevarak issue: 2.9.
Condition: Various conditions, moderate-fine.

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Auction 109
Item 170
Poster and Collection of [10] Issues of Various Newspapers from Historic Events in the Land of Israel and the State of Israel

* Late poster of the historic issue of The Palestine Post on the occasion of the day of the establishment of the State of Israel, published in Jerusalem on 16.05.1948. [2] pages. Very fine condition.
* Le Figaro – historic issue celebrating the end of WWI and the victory over Germany. (12.11.1918).
* [2] issues of The Palestine Post – entry of the Legion forces into the old city of Jerusalem (19.5.1948), failure of ceasefire talks with Syria and the opening of the medical school in Jerusalem (18.05.1949).
* [7] issues of The Jerusalem Post – repulsion of invading forces during the War of Independence (20.3.1949), the achievement of aerial superiority over Egypt during the Six Day War (6.6.1967), the capture of Mount Scopus, the entry into the Old City, the fall of Gaza and the destruction of Egyptian tanks (7.6.1967), the capture of the Old City and most of Sinai and the opening of the Straits of Tiran (8.6.1967), Egyptian forces captured in Sinai and agree to ceasefire (9.6.1967), reunification of Jerusalem (29.6.1967), passing of Levi Eshkol (27.2.1969).
Various conditions, overall fine condition.

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Auction 109
Item 171
Bi-Monthly Journal. First Issue of Eretz Yisrael B'Binyanah. Cheshvan/October 1937

Bi-Monthly journal Eretz Yisrael B’Binyanah , first issue, illustrated. Cheshvan/October 1937.
Specifications: [8] leaves, paper, 34×23 cm. Dozens of black and white pictures.
Background: The bi-monthly journal Eretz Yisrael B’Binyanah was published from 1937-1947. The copy before us discusses the crop of the summer of 1937 and the beginning of the settlement in the Beit Shean valley. There are dozens of pictures in this issue depicting the ways of settling new immigrants, builders of the Land.
Condition: Very fine.

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Auction 109
Item 172
Poster by "Shlomi Emuni Yisrael": The Pulsa Denora has Done its Part, Agron is Dead." [Jerusalem] 1959

“Agron is Dead” poster, and a call to beware of the power of the Bada”tz in Jerusalem “Whose words are heard in Heaven,” and to heed their prohibition against participation in the elections to the fourth Knesset, which was held on 03.11.1959. Jerusalem, 1959.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper printed at Moriah Press in Jerusalem. 20×30 cm.
Background: Gershon Agron (Agronsky) [1893-01.11.1959] journalist, founder and editor of The Palestine Post who served as mayor of Jerusalem beginning in 1955. In 1959, the Bada”tz Eidah HaChareidit arranged a Pulsa Denora ceremony against him in the wake of the opening of the Jerusalem pool, and within two weeks Agron passed away due to complications of hepatitis.
Condition: Moderate- fine. Fold marks, short tears along the fold mark.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 173
Poster of Sephardic Rabbis in Opposition to the Elections. Kislev, 1926

Proclamation by rabbis of the Sephardic community forbidding participation in the Assembly of Representatives elections “according to election laws that are utterly opposed to the holy Torah and Jewish religion.”
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 36×31 cm. The proclamation bears the names of over fifty rabbis in the Land and abroad, who “unanimously agreed to prohibit participation in the elections of the Assembly of Representatives.”
Condition: Fold marks, tiny holes next to the fold line, wear to leaf’s margins. Moderate-fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 174
Posters Regarding the Ashkenazic Ritual Slaughter Controversy in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Late 1930s

[2] posters by “Vaad Adat Yisrael” in Jerusalem, to strengthen Ashkenazic ritual slaughter. Jerusalem, c. 1937.
Specifications: [1] poster, 17×25 cm. Proclamation calling on “the new immigrant” to strengthen Ashkenazic ritual slaughter and not support those attempting to destroy it.
[1] poster, 15×23 cm, open letter to Rabbi Yaakov Meir, president of the Sephardic rabbinate, calling on him to “Not continue intervening in matters of Ashkenazim.”
Condition: Fold marks, small tears in the margins of one of the posters without damage to text. Fine condition.

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Auction 109
Item 175
Proclamation Against the Intent to Conduct Mixed (Men and Women) Prayer Services at the Western Wall [Jerusalem], 1968

“We call on all residents of Jerusalem to whom the honor of the Western Wall is dear, to come en masse and fill the Western Wall plaza until it is full and crowded, in both sections, women and men separately.” Proclamation calling for a non-violent protest against mixed prayer at the Western Wall. [Jerusalem], 1968.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 17×25 cm.
Condition: Fold marks, fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 176
Collection of Rabbinic and Torah Institutions' Posters and Proclamations - Land of Israel, Early 20th Century

Important collection of 36 posters and proclamations, most from Torah institutions and on Torah topics, mainly from the Land of Israel, first decades of the 20th century.
Highlights include: Two advertising banners for Yaakov Weider’s print shop in Seini – Rumania [printed in Rumania], a proclamation of a day of fasting as ‘Two million of our brothers are on the verge of annihilation’ on Russian soil – rabbinic signatures, a printed picture with the students of Kollel Shomrei HaChomot’s Talmud Torah standing on the institution’s balcony, a proclamation calling for donations to the largest and first Torah center in the Land of Israel – Talmud Torah Etz Chaim with photograph of the institution’s building, proclamations regarding ritual slaughter, drought, and support for Torah scholars [including a proclamation signed in print by Zelig Reuven Bengis], an interesting notice by Rabbi Ben Tziyon Yadler that the general scope of the eruv in Jerusalem is completely repaired, proclamation from the Klil Chesed benevolent fund named for the Vilna Gaon signed in print by Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank and others, early receipts from the Bikur Cholim hospital and the Vaad HaKlali Knesset Yisrael in Jerusalem, United Shomrei HaChomot’s sustenance fund regulations, a proclamation with printed letters from the rabbis, the gaons, about the Shaar Shamayim Yeshiva, including one from rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, and more.
Various sizes and conditions, overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 177
Two Proclamations - Requests for Assistance for Russian Jews after the Pogroms. Austria, 1882 and 1903

* Proclamation by Hilfs Comite fuer die verfolgten russischen juden [Committee for the Assistance of Persecuted Russian Jews] to donate towards the Jewish refugees who fled east following the persecutions in Russia, Lemberg 10/5/1882, German. Among the committee heads are Moritz Lazarus, Salomon Buber and Emil Byk. Size: 30×24 cm. Fold marks, fine condition.
* Proclamation calling for donations for Jews who were injured in the Kishinev riots after many Jews were killed, 92 were seriously injured, 500 lightly injured, and over 700 homes and businesses were looted and destroyed. Vienna, March 1903. German. 24×30 cm. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 178
Statement by the Baba Sali and Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv

“… according to the circumstances of the matters before us … Not only is there no possibility of a prohibition [in this matter], but rather, it is a mitzvah …” – Rabbi Elyashiv.
Statement by rabbinical leaders – the Baba Sali and Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, in support of the candidacy of Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef to serve as Rishon LeTziyon and chief rabbi of Israel. [1972].
Specifications: [1] leaf, thick paper. 20X19 cm.
C ondition: Fine. Stains.

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Auction 109
Item 179
Publications Following the Capture of the Western Wall. 1967/8

A call to a rally to protest the demolition of the Old City’s holy places under Jordanian rule [1967], and the spiritual and halachic guidelines delivered by the Chief Rabbinate of Jerusalem and pilgrims arriving for the Passover holiday [1968].
Specifications: [2] leaves, paper. 16×23 cm.
“The cry and protest of the Jewish people against the desecration of the holy, and the terrible destruction and decimation committed in the Old City of Jerusalem. [This is] an assembly of prayer and protest from the multitudes of the House of Israel.” Not found in the National Library.
[2] leaves, paper. 12×23 cm. “To our fellow Jerusalemites, guests who come to celebrate Passover, and pilgrims ascending [to the Holy City] during the holiday.” Not found in the National Library.
Condition: Fold marks, stains on one of the manifests. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 180
The Brisker Rav's Perspective on the Elections. [Jerusalem] 1959

Details of a discussion between Rabbi Yitzchak Zeev Soloveitchik and Rabbi Avraham Roth, member of the administration of the Eidah HaChareidit in Jerusalem, with respect to elections to the Knesset. [Jerusalem, 1959].
Specifications: [1] leaf, stencil paper. 21×32 cm.
Background: Rabbi Yitzchak Zeev Soloveitchik [1887-1959], the Brisker Rav, immigrated to Jerusalem and was leader of the Lithuanian (Yeshivah) Chareidi public. He was known as a sharp opponent of Zionism.
Leading up to the elections to the fourth Knesset, there was an initiative to unite the religious parties and run as a united religious front. Following the Brisker Rav’s requirement, the chareidi parties refused this unification and there was a claim that in exchange, the Brisker Rav would support their election, and that he does not explicitly prohibit participation in the elections to the Knesset. Refuting this claim, heard after the Brisker Rav’s passing, this letter representing the Rav’s stance was publicized, as was said to Rabbi Roth on 22 Adar II 1949. Rabbi Yitzchak Zeev explained that this should not be concluded from his call not to vote for the united religious front, because of the permission to participate in the election of a different party. Similar to rabbis who worked to exempt Jews who studied in a gymnasium from writing on Shabbat, when the concern of desecration of Shabbat did not prevent parents sending their children to a gymnasium, so too he sees fit to turn to those who were accustomed to voting, and are not concerned about its prohibition, they should at least “not vote, Heaven forbid, with their very hands, for Mizrachi, to strengthen these corrupt ones whose corruption in recent times crosses every boundary.” At the conclusion of the letter, it is brought that it pained the Brisker Rav very much that there are chareidim who would vote for the Knesset due to the propaganda following the annulment of the united religious front.
Condition: Fold marks, fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

Question about item

Poster by “Shlomi Emuni Yisrael”: The Pulsa Denora has Done its Part, Agron is Dead.” [Jerusalem] 1959

Start typing p to get relevant results

Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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