Rabbinic Letters

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 119
Item 273
"Blessings for all [you] Uphold" - Letter from the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, Rosh Yeshivah of Mir. Jerusalem, 1972

Letter from Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, rosh yeshivah of Mir, about assistance for the yeshivah – the largest yeshivah in the Land of Israel. The letter mentions: “My son-in-law the gaon R’ Yitzchak Ezrachi, shlit”a” [one of the current rashei yeshivah]. Rabbi Chaim blesses profusely: “Blessings for all [you] uphold.”  For a brief biography of Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, refer to the Hebrew text. [1] leaf official Mir yeshivah stationery. 28×22 cm. Entirely handwritten, signed and stamped by Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz; very fine condition. Fold marks.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 274
... The Tortures, the Decrees and the Suffering you Underwent in the Camps of the Terrible Holocaust

Chilling and emotional letter from rabbinic leader Rabbi Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz, who writes words of strength and encouragement to a Holocaust survivor:
” Considering the tortures, the decrees and the suffering you underwent in the camps of the terrible Holocaust, you survived with Heaven’s help, physical survival. All the more so, survival of the spirit, required withstanding a great test to remain with perfect faith, so I hereby bless [you] with length of many good years of physical and spiritual health and a clear mind …”
The letter is written in his hand, and is signed by him [12 lines].
The gaon Rabbi Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz (1914-2011) was a member of the Council of Torah Sages and one of the rabbinic leaders of the generation, who stood at the breach; he disseminated Torah to thousands.
[1] leaf.
Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 275
Group of [4] Letters from Rabbi Kook and from his Disciple, Rabbi Charlop

Four letters by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook and from his foremost disciple and successor, Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe Charlop.
1: Letter of recommendation in English on a Chief Rabbinate of Israel stationery blank from 1927, signed by Rabbi Kook in English. Poor condition, with glue on the front, and fabric to reinforce the letter on the back, with worming perforations and lack in the text.
2: Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Charlop, with very interesting content in response to a young man about a shidduch suggestion, ” With respect to the question of livelihood, I hope that after the wedding, with Hash-m’s loving kindness, [you] will engage in business and see success, as He who gives life gives sustenance. With respect to dress and outlook, it would help to speak openly with … and if after all this, [you] are fully inclined, this is a sign from Heav-n that this is desired …” Very fine condition.
3-4: Two letters signed by Rabbi Charlop. Moderate-fine condition, with glued adhesions, one letter has slight lack in the text.
[4] leaves.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 276
Halachic Responsum Handwritten and Signed by Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner

Halachic responsum with an original ruling by the Posek HaDor, Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, to the gaon Rabbi Binyamin Ze’ev Weiss – Ra’ava”d of Zurich. The letter deals with the strict halachahs of the sanctity of the deceased, with respect to an injection given to the deceased who are moved from place to place to prevent decomposition. Rabbi Wosner deliberates the words of the Earlier and Later Authorities [הראשונים והאחרונים], and at the conclusion of the responsum, he is inclined to permit it if there is no alternative way to prevent the decomposition. This is for the original reason that although giving an injection to the deceased is included in the definition of disgrace to the deceased, he determines this to be “disgrace which prevents disgrace.” For a brief biography of Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, refer to the Hebrew text. [1] leaf official stationery on an addressed, stamped and postmarked aerogram. 28 cm. Entirely handwritten and signed by Rabbi Wosner. Fine condition. Fold marks and creases.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 277
Handwritten and Signed Letter from "The Tzaddik of Jerusalem," Rabbi Aryeh Levin

Letter handwritten and signed by Rabbi Aryeh Levin, “The Tzaddik of Jerusalem,” to Mordechai Raziel and his daughter MK Esther Naor, in which he tells them about the condition of his health and blesses members of the family. Jerusalem, 1961. The tzaddik Rabbi Aryeh Levin [1885-1969] was one of the glorious personages of Jerusalem, a great gaon in all aspects of the Torah and a compassionate father to all the depressed. He served as a mashgiach at the Etz Chaim yeshivah, and was known as the prisoners’ rabbi because he used to visit them regularly, encourage them, and take care of their needs. He was especially close to the “olei hagardom,” and visited them before they were executed. R’ Mordechai Raziel was an alumnus of Lithuanian yeshivahs, a speaker, an author and a poet. He established a network of schools in Russia, and was a teacher in Jerusalem who taught many students. He was the father of David Raziel (one of the founders of Etze”l) and of Esther Raziel Naor. Ester Raziel Naor was an Etze”l activist. She was the first news announcer of the Irgun’s radio station, Kol Tziyon HaLochemet. She also wrote for the HaMashkif newspaper, and after it closed down, for the Cherut movement’s bulletin. In 1943, she became a member of the Irgun’s command. She served as a member of the Knesset and as the chairwoman of the Cherut party after the establishment of the State. Ink on stamped postcard 14×10 cm. The envelope is also included, 12×15 cm. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 278
Huge Collection of [33] Letters from Rabbis, and Documents, 1930s

Huge collection of 33 letters from rabbis and documents from the 1930s; below are highlights of the names of some of the rabbis:
* Postcard from 1928 written in the hand of the nasi of Kollel Galicia, Rabbi Avraham Chaim David Sofer, grandson of the Chatam Sofer, sent to the Admo” r Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Eichenstein of Zhidichov, son of the Admo” r Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Labin of Zhidichov, son of Rabbi Yisrael Yosef of Zhidichov, son-in-law of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Zhidichov.
* Letter from 1932 handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yechiel Michel Horowitz.
* Letter signed by Rabbi Elimelech HaKohen Rubenstein, Av Beit Din of Rachov.
* Letter from 1942 signed by Rabbi Pinchas Epstein, Ra’ava” d of the Edah Chareidit.
* Letter from 1937 signed by Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe Toledano.
* Letter from 1925 handwritten and signed by the leader of the rabbis of Djerba, Rabbi Tziyon de Shushan HaKohen, d. 1931.
* Letter from 1948 handwritten and signed by Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi of Tiberias, who, according to many, wrote the renowned note [פתק] ” Na Nach Nachm Nachman M’Uman, ” in which he writes that he sent a minyan to pray for the Admo” r Rabbi Shaul Yedidyah Eliezer ben Dobra Breindel of Modzhitz.
* Letter from 1942 signed by Rabbi Moshe Avigdor Amiel.
* Letter from 1937 signed by Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi Herzog.
* Letter from 1929 handwritten and signed by Chief Rabbi Isser Yehudah Unterman, while he still served as rabbi in Liverpool.
* Letter from 1938 signed by Rabbi Ben Tziyon Meir Chai Uziel.
* Letter handwritten and signed by the rosh yeshivah of Tchebin, Rabbi Baruch Shimon Schneerson, on the stationery of his father-in-law, the rabbi of Tchebin, Rabbi Dov Berish Weidenfeld.
* Bundle of [3] lengthy letters from 1928 handwritten and signed by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaLevi Foreman which were sent to the Admo” r Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac Eichenstein of Zhidichov, son of the Admo” r Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Labin of Zhidichov, son of Rabbi Yisrael Yosef of Zhidichov, son-in-law of Rabbi Yitzchak Isaac of Zhidichov.
And more.
[33] leaves, overall very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 279
Huge Collection of [35] Unprinted Halachic Responsa, and Letters from Rabbinic Leaders

Huge collection of 35 letters from rabbinic leaders. Highlights:
* Nine-line letter handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Dov Landau, rosh yeshivah of Slobodka, with many warm blessings.
* 11-line letter handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, leader of Chareidi Jewry, with many warm blessings. He signs his name with humility: ” שמואל חלא בן חמרא אאמו”ר גאון ישראל שלמה זלמן אויערבאך.”
* Note with a blessing from Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky: ” Blessing and success.”
* 8-line letter handwritten and signed by the gaon and kabbalist Rabbi Serayah Dviletzky, condolences to a widow upon the passing of her husband.
* Two halachic rulings regarding divorce and child custody signed [in initials] by the Posek HaDor, Rabbi Elyashiv; Rabbi Ya’akov Ades; and Rabbi Betzalel Zolty, rabbi of Jerusalem.
* Letter with many blessings handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Azrial Aurbach.
* Letter with a halachic responsum handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani, member of the Council of Torah Sages [מועצת חכמי התורה].
* Letter of blessing handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Shimon Ba’adani, member of the Council of Torah Sages [מועצת חכמי התורה].
* Letter with blessings handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Ben Tzion Bruk, rosh yeshivah of Novorodhok ” Beit Yosef” of Jerusalem, and one of the great leaders of the mussar movement in the Land of Israel.
* Leaf with 7 lines handwritten by the great gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Abramsky – part of his commentary on the Tosefta.
* Important halachic responsum by the great gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, chief rabbi of Israel, in which he rules regarding charity which was given to one who poses as poor, inter alia, the rabbi writes: ” and not like the charity collectors who collect to buy their offspring 4-room apartments …”
* Letter with a halachic responsum about prohibited speech signed in the hand of the great gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, chief rabbi of Israel.
* Letter of blessing signed in the hand of Rabbi David Yosef, member of the Council of Torah Sages [מועצת חכמי התורה].
* Letter of halachic responsum handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl, rabbi of the Old City.
* Letter of blessing signed in the hand of the great gaon Rabbi Yisrael Ganz.
* Letter handwritten and signed by the renowned Rabbi Uri Zohar, who brings merit to the masses, with words of encouragement to one who has removed the television from his home.
* Letter of blessing to handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Asher Weiss.
* Letter of blessing signed in the hand of the chief rabbi, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau.
* Letter of encouragement for a Holocaust survivor, signed in the hand of the great gaon Rabbi Simchah HaKohen Kook, chief rabbi of Rechovot.
* Letter with a lengthy halachic responsum handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg, son-in-law of the gaon Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach.
* Three very interesting letters handwritten and signed by renowned mashgiach Rabbi Chaim Wolkin. In one letter, the mashgiach writes to a Holocaust survivor ” As a Holocaust survivor, blessings are given in your hands. Anyone who experienced that gihennom, and survived as a remnant, it is a sign from Heav-n that he is fitting and desirable … I would only request that you bless me in return, Chaim ben Tzviyah, and my wife, Hendel Henya bat Bayla, that we also merit good years in happiness and health …” In another letter, responding regarding the dispute between Chassidim and those opposed to Chassidism [מתנגדים], the mashgiach writes, ” I am accustomed to hearing in my father’s house about ” der heiliger Ba’al Shem Tov, ” and we had a pronounced ” Litvak” home; I never heard ” Der Heiliger Vilna Gaon …”
* Two interesting letters from the great gaon Rabbi Yosef Leiberman, rosh yeshivah of Shomrei HaChomot, and brother-in-law of Rabbi Aharon of Belz. In one letter the gaon writes sharply against the internet ” The impure vessel which destroys whole homes, takes the mother from her children, the father from his family, while real facts scream out at him, when the impurity leaves your home, sanctity enters, and your camp will be holy …”
* Letter handwritten and signed by Ruth Tzivyon, daughter of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, who is writing in the name of her mother, Rebbetzin Kanievsky, ” The Rebbetzin is very busy, and does not have time to respond to letters, she doesn’t write letters to anybody! The Rebbetzin blesses you that you have much satisfaction …”
And more.
[35] leaves, overall very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 280
Interesting Letter Signed in the Hand of the Gaon of Tchebin. Jerusalem, 1960

Interesting letter by the gaon of Tchebin to the rabbi of Zurich, the gaon Rabbi Binyamin Ze’ev Weiss, with respect to receiving rabbinic ordination. Jerusalem, 1960. The rabbi of Zurich turned to the gaon of Tchebin with a request that the latter ordain his son. The gaon of Tchebin, with his gentleness and nobility, praises and glorifies the son, yet adds that he does not grant rabbinic ordination. For a brief biography of Rabbi Dov Berish Weidenfeld, refer to the Hebrew text. [1] official leaf stationery on an addressed, stamped and postmarked aerogram. 28 cm. Greenish paper. Handwritten by the gabbai, with the addition of two words in the hand of the gaon of Tchebin, and with his signature. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 281
Letter of Blessing from Rabbi David Feinstein

Letter handwritten and signed by the Posek HaDor Rabbi David Feinstein, son of the rabbi of the entire Diaspora, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, in which he blesses a person who disengaged from non-kosher devices, ” For what you have amended for the purity of the Jewish people, may you be blessed with all goodness, and derive satisfaction from all your progeny. Happy Chanukah and may your hands be strengthened.”
Rabbi David Feinstein was born in 1929 to his father, the great gaon Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. He succeeded his father as rosh yeshivah of Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem in New York. He is a member of the Council of Torah Sages in the United States, and one of the leading adjudicators of the generation in the United States.
[1] leaf.
Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 282
Letter of Blessing from Rabbi Wosner to Merit Good Children who are Torah Scholars with Fear of Heav-n

Small note handwritten and signed by Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, rabbi and Av Beit Din of Zichron Meir, in which he gives a very important blessing:
Be blessed from Heav-n, and may you merit good children who are Torah scholars with fear of Heav-n” and he signs his name, ” I hereby sign, Shmuel HaLevi Wosner.”
For a brief biography of Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi Wosner, refer to the Hebrew text.
[1] leaf, very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 283
Letter of Blessings from Rabbi Steinman to "Merit much Satisfaction from all [Your] Progeny"

Letter with blessings [5 lines] handwritten and signed by Rabbi Aharon Yehudah Leib Steinman, in which he blesses:
” May [you] merit much satisfaction from all [your] children, and also merit length of days and years, until the arrival of the righteous redeemer.”
The gaon Rabbi Yehudah Leib Steinman (1914-2017) was one of the leaders of Chareidi Jewry, president of Degel HaTorah’s Council of Torah Sages. He stood at the head of the Lithuanian (yeshivah) Torah world during his final twenty years. He passed away in the 104th year of his life, and hundreds of thousands participated in his funeral.
[1] leaf.
Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 284
Postcard with the Chafetz Chaim's Tombstone and the Yeshivah of Radin's Stamp. Radin, 1930s

Postcard showing the Chafetz Chaim’s tombstone and the study hall erected next to the tent. Stamp on the back of the postcard: “The Chafetz Chaim Yeshivah in Radin, Rabbi L. W. Kaplan” (the yeshivah’s mashgiach, Rabbi Eliezer Ze’ev Kaplan). 14×9 cm. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 285
Prozbul Signed by the Geonim, Rabbi Nissim Karelitz Ztzuk"l, Ya'akov Edelstein Ztzuk"l, R' Pinchas Schreiber, Ztzuk"l, Bnei Brak 1994

Prozbul signed on Sunday 28 Elul 1994, signed by the gaon Rabbi Nissim Karelitz ztzuk”l, the gaon R’ Pinchas Schreiber ztzuk”l and the gaon R’ Ya’akov Edelstein ztzuk”l. [1] leaf, 9.5×17 cm. Fine condition, many creases.

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Auction 119
Item 286
Rare Emotional Letter by Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, Rosh Yeshivah of Ponovezh

Rare emotional letter handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Gershon Edelstein, written as a response to a young man who disengaged from non-kosher devices:
” Blessed are you, the Jewish people, before Whom do you sanctify and purify yourselves, and Who sanctifies and purifies you, the Holy One, Blessed be He, our Father in Heaven. You have great merit, may you be blessed with all the blessings promised to those who go in the holy and pure way …”
Rabbi Gershon Edelstein is the rosh yeshivah of Ponovezh and head of the Council of Torah Sages, one of the rabbinic leaders and tzaddikim of this generation.
[1] leaf.
Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 287
Responsum Postcard Placed in an Envelope. Entirely Handwritten by the Leader of our Generation, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. Bnei Brak, 2001

Postcard handwritten by the ” Sar HaTorah, ” Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky. Bnei Brak, 2001.
On the postcard, as a response to an inquiry which was apparently too complex to address in writing, the gaon Rabbi Chaim wrote ” Come see me when you are in Bnei Brak.” On the envelope, the gaon Rabbi Chaim added the name of the sender (the gaon Rabbi Chaim himself), the addressee, and their addresses.
For a biography of Rabbi Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim Kanievsky, refer to the Hebrew text.
Stamped postcard, 9×14 cm + envelope. Fine condition. Tears without lack.

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Auction 119
Item 288
Two Interesting Letters Regarding the Admo"r Rabbi Baruch of Munkacs and the Illness of his Second Wife - the Rebbetzin, and his Son the Admo"r of Dinov

Two interesting letters regarding the Admo”r Rabbi Baruch of Munkacs and the illness of his wife, a daughter of the Admo”r the Minchat Elazar of Munkacs, who became ill in 1944 and passed away in 1945. And also regarding their son, the Admo”r Rabbi Yitzchak Ya’akov Rabinowitz, the Admo”r of Dinov.
* Letter written and signed in the hand of Rabbi Ya’akov Moshe Charlop from 1945, telling his son, who served as rabbi of Rishon L’Tziyon, to support and assist the Admo”r of Munkacs and his wife the rebbetzin, “While my close friend the gaon and tzaddik, the Admo”r of Munkacs shlit”a is with you … especially in that he is a surviving remnant of the killing valley of our brethren, the Jewish people, and his wife, the rebbetzin, the only daughter of the rabbi of Munkacs, ztzuk”l, who has become ill with a harsh disease costing her approximately 80 liras a month …
* Family letter from the Admo”r of Zaloshitz, Rabbi Yehudah Frankel, to his cousin, the Admo”r Rabbi Baruch of Munkacs [both were grandsons of Rabbi Moshe of Komárno], in which he writes, “To my relative and son-in-law … the Admo”r of Munkacs, to the members of his household, the rebbetzin, in all our names, may the Healer of the ill send His help for a complete recovery from the Garden of Eden without any delay to the righteous rebbetzin … and I beg you to deliver my heartfelt regards to the lovely and clever boy R’ Yankele [the Admo”r of Dinov, shlit”a] for long days and years, from me, his fetter (uncle), because I miss him very much …”
The Admo”r Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz fled to the Land of Israel during the Holocaust via Budapest. During his stay in Budapest, he risked himself with the Hungarian authorities to save thousands of Jews, including by obtaining certificates for Polish Jews so that they could enter Hungary. In 1944 his wife, a daughter of the Admo”r the author of Minchat Elazar of Munkacs, became ill, and she passed away in 1945. After her passing, Rabbi Rabinowitz ceased functioning as an Admo”r, including of the Munkacs Chassidim. The letters before us are from the period he still served as Admo”r of Munkacs, from 1944, about half a year before the passing of his wife, the rebbetzin. It is very interesting that Rabbi Charlop, who was the foremost disciple and successor of Rabbi Kook, writes words of admiration about the Admo”r Rabbi Baruch of Munkacs, and also about his father-in-law the Minchat Elazar of Munkacs.
[2] leaves.
Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 119
Item 289
Two Interesting Letters from Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein to a Holocaust Survivor

Two letters of blessing handwritten and signed by the great gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein, rabbi of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood. In one of the letters Rabbi Zilberstein refers to the Holocaust – ” Salvation for those who were sent into the fire, may the blessed Hash-m who rides on the horses of fire lengthen your days in goodness and pleasantness.”
Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein was a son-in-law of Rabbi Elyashiv’s, a member of the Council of Torah Sages and rabbi of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood.
[2] leaves.
Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Letter of Blessings from Rabbi Steinman to “Merit much Satisfaction from all [Your] Progeny”

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Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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* A 24% commission charge is added to all payment made by purchasers up to $500,000. 20% is added up to $501,000. A Vat ia added only on this comission charges. This percentage is an integral part of the bid accepted by the auctioneer during
the auction, and all obligations, etc, apply also to this percentage
* A foreign resident will be exempt from VAT only if the item purchased is shipped outside of the country by the company without its
guarantee and subject to receipt of an export entry from the custom authorities. The purchaser will cover all related expenses.
* Bank and personal checks are accepted tentatively, until they are honored by the bank.
* Payment by cash, checks or transfers within the country will be accepted without further charge. Foreign checks, credit cards (from
Israel) will be charged an additional 1.5%. bank transfers from foreign countries will be charged an additional 1.5% min. $30. Credit card
payments from foreign countries will be charged an additional 3%.
* Each item is accompanied by an estimate value made by our experts. There is no guarantee that the item will not be sold for a lower
estimate nor that the actual price of the item will not be much higher than the highest estimate value. This paragraph does not detract from
our consistent defense of the minimum price determined by the owner of the item.
Additional information and conditions:
* The purchaser or his representative will claim the purchased item as soon as possible. We request that he appear within seven days to
make the payment and collect the acquisition: under no circumstances is this to take place after 14 days from actual date of auction. After 14 days storage charges may be charged of $5.00 per lot per day. The purchaser himself is solely responsible for the dispatch of items to his home, in any way that he deems fit. The purchaser is responsible for the costs involved in such dispatch. Optional shipping insurance is available.
* The purchased item will not leave the company’s premises until payment is made.
* If payment is not received within 14 days of the auction, Winners reserves the right to cancel the sale unilaterally, without foregoing
their claim for commission.
* ATTENTION OWNERS: The company is not responsible for the actual carrying- out of payments undertaken by the purchasers during
the auction. In the event that obligations by the purchaser are not honored, we shall support the former owner of the item is taking steps
to obtain the payment owing him, but we shall not engage in legal procedures against purchasers. We shall proceed in all ways we find
suitable, but we are under no obligations to do so.
* Purchasers and sellers agree to be considered legal parties in every way in case we exercise the rights we are hereby granted to engage in
legal proceedings, or any other accepted steps against a party who does not honor its obligations.
* The Hebrew text of the catalogue is the correct version, and overrides any addition, omission or change in the English translation