Roman procurators of Judaea

Number of items: 17

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 090
Item 137
A bronze prutah of Coponius, procurator of Judea under Augustus

Obv.: Ear of grain surrounded by Greek inscription KAICAPOC (of Caesar). Rev.: Palm tree and underneath the date L Λς (year 36). 6/7 C.E. 1.79 grams, 17 mm, axis 12. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 73, no. 311. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 138
A bronze prutah of Marcus Ambibulus, procurator of Judea under Augustus

Obv.: Ear of grain surrounded by Greek inscription KAICAPOC (of Caesar). Rev.: Palm tree and underneath the date L ΛΘ (year 39). 9/10 C.E. 2.09 grams, 17¼ mm, axis 12. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 73, no. 313. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 139
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Greek inscription TIB KAI CAP (Tiberius Caesar) in a wreath tied at base with an X. Rev.: Upright palm branch and the inscription IOY ΛIA L Δ (Julia, year 4). 17 C.E. 1.80 grams, 15¾ mm, axis 5. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 74, no. 327. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 140
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Greek inscription TIB KAI CAP (Tiberius Caesar) in a wreath tied at base with an X. Rev.: Upright palm branch and the inscription IOY ΛIA L E (Julia, year 5). 18 C.E. 2.29 grams, 17¼ mm, axis 1. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 74, no. 328a. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 141
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Greek inscription IOY/ ΛIA (Julia) in inverted wreath. Rev.: Three lilies stemming from between two leaves and the date [L] Γ (year three). 16 C.E, 2.53 grams, 17¾ mm, axis 4. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 73, no. 321. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 142
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Greek inscription in wreath KAI/ CAP (Caesar). Rev.: Double cornucopia; above, the inscription TIB/ L B (year two of Tiberius). 15 C.E, 2.16 grams, 18 mm, axis 9. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 73, no. 316. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 143
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Greek inscription in wreath IOY/ ΛIA (Julia). Rev.: Laurel branch flanked by the date L B – year two (of Tiberius). 15 C.E, 1.84 grams, 16¼ mm, axis 9. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 73, no. 317. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 144
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Greek inscription KAI/ CAP (Caesar) in upside down wreath. Rev.: Double crossed cornucopia with a caduceus between horns. Above it, the inscription TIBEPIOY and below the date L Γ (year three). 16 C.E, 1.66 grams, 16 mm, axis 4. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 73, no. 320. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 145
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Vine branch; above it, Greek inscription [TIB]EPIOY (of Tiberius). Rev.: Kantharos with two handles and lid; across field, the date L Δ (year four). above it, the inscription [KAICAROC] (of the Caesar). 17 C.E, 1.62 grams, 16¾ mm, axis 6. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 74, no. 325. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 146
A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Vine branch with leaf, tendril and small bunch of grapes; above it, Greek inscription IOYΛIA (Julia). Rev.: Amphora with two handles; across field, the date L Δ (year four). 17 C.E, 1.55 grams, 16½ mm, axis 12. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 74, no. 326. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 090
Item 147
A bronze prutah of Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Simpulum surrounded by Greek inscription [TIB]EPIOY KAICAPOC L [Iς] (of Tiberius Caesar, year 16). Rev.: Three ears of grain tied together, surrounded by inscription [IOY]ΛIA KAICAPOC (of Julia Caesaris). 29 C.E. 2.19 grams, 15¾ mm, axis 12. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 74, no. 331. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 148
A bronze prutah of Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Lituus (divining rod) surrounded by Greek inscription TIBEPIOY K[AICAPO]C (of Tiberius Caesar). Rev.: Date in wreath LIZ (year 17). 30 C.E. 1.46 grams, 15¾ mm, axis 7. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 74, no. 333. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 149
A bronze prutah of Pontius Pilate, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

Obv.: Lituus (divining rod) surrounded by Greek inscription TIBEPI[O]Y [KAIC]APOC (of Tiberius Caesar). Rev.: Date in wreath LIH (year 18). 31 C.E. 2.51 grams, 15¾ mm, axis 11. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 75, no. 334. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 150
A bronze prutah of Antonius Felix, procurator of Judea under Claudius

Obv.: Two oblong shields and two spears crossed surrounded by Greek inscription NEPW KΛA[Y] [KAIC]AP (Nero Claudius Caesar). Rev.: Palm tree and inscription BRIT LI[Δ] KAI (Brittanicus, year 14 of Caesar). 54 C.E. 2.88 grams, 17 mm. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 75, no. 340. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 151
A bronze prutah of Antonius Felix, procurator of Judea under Claudius

Obv.: Two crossed palm branches surrounded by Greek inscription [TI] [K]ΛAYΔIOC KAICAP ΓEPM L IΔ (Tiberius Claudius Caesar Germanicus, year 14). Rev.: inscription in wreath IOY/ ΛIA AΓ/ PIΠΠI/ NA (Julia Agrippina). 54 C.E, 2.85 grams, 18¾ mm, axis 11. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 76, no. 342. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 152
A bronze prutah of Porcius Festus, procurator of Judea under Nero

Obv.: Greek inscription in wreath NEP/ WNO/ C (of Nero). Rev.: Palm branch surrounded by inscription LE KAICAPOC (year five of the Caesar). The palm branch is a common Jewish symbol, one of the Seven Species – seven fruits and grains mentioned in the Bible as typical of the Land of Israel. 59 C.E. 2.53 grams, 17 mm, axis 5. Cf. Ya’akov Meshorer, A Treasury of Jewish Coins (New York 2001), pl. 76, no. 345. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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Auction 090
Item 153
A set of six bronze prutot that were struck by the Roman procurators of Judaea in a laser printed olive wood box (6-62 CE.)

Each coin represents one of the procurators that struck coins in the Land of Israel. The symbolism employed largely reflects the agricultural produce of the land, palm tree, palm branch, ears of barley, motifs that the local populace was comfortable and were in no way antagonistic. Nevertheless in a number of coins such as the coins struck by Pontius Pilate there are pagan symbols derived from the Roman cult and on a coin of Antonius Felix are Roman military symbols, all of which could be considered a provocation. Herod’s son who ruled in Jerusalem, Archelaus, was incompetent so the Romans appointed governors, termed procurators. Most of them, with the exception of Pontius Pilate, respected Jewish religious sensitivities and struck coins with neutral motifs, drawn largely from the seven agricultural species of Israel.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

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A bronze prutah of Valerius Gratus, procurator of Judea under Tiberius

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