Tehilim & Prayer Books

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 089
Item 258
Tehilim with the Commentary of the Radak. Amsterdam, [1765]

Psalms with the commentary of Rabbi Dovid Kimchi. Amsterdam, [1765]. [3], 72 leaves, 24 cm. Nice, proofread edition of the Tehilim with the commentary of the Radak. The last leaves feature kabalistic prayers. Prayers for women after birth, pidyon nefesh and more. New binding. Minimal worming holes. Aging stains. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 259
Collection of Books of Psalms [6]

* Psalms in Arabic translation. Vienna, Adolf Holtzhausen press, [1898]. [2] 146 pages, 18 cm. New binding. Very fine condition. * Liber Psalmorum Hebraicus. Leipzig, 1861. 133 [1], XIV, [3] pages. 16.5 cm. Prefaces by Franz Delitzsch and the editor, Isaac Seligman Baer. Both in Latin. The last leaf features a list of books for sale by the publisher. Aging stains. Fine condition. * Psalms in Judeo-Persian. London, 1899. [1], 279 pages, 17 cm. Very fine condition. * Book of Psalms, Amsterdam, Solomon Proops press. [1733]. 120 leaves, 11.5 cm. Missing five leaves. * Sefer Tehilim, very precise, by Shlomo Bloch. Hanover, [1841]. [1], 226 pages. Width is larger than length. 11×9 cm. The title page features an illustration of King David and his harp. The last leaf is partially missing. Fine condition. * Psalms translated into Italian. Leghorn, [1738]. With an additional Italian title page. Italian translation on facing pages. Italian introduction. Italian explanation of difficult words at the conclusion. This copy is missing a leaf at the end [in the Italian part] and concludes on page 366. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 260
Rare Books of Psalms [2]. Jerusalem, Kefar Chabad

* Sefer Tehilim. Jerusalem, printed and published by the Levin Epstein brothers and partners [1940-1950?]. [5] 158 pages, width is larger than length, 12.5 cm. Frontispiece illustration by Lilien. * Sefer Tehilim Ohel Yosef Yitzchak. Kefar Chabad, [1973]. 224 pages, 12 cm. Thirteenth edition, 70th year of the Admor shlit”a. The books are in very fine condition and not in the National Library.

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Auction 089
Item 261
Tikun Shavout and Hoshana Raba. Vienna, 1794

Tikun Shavout and Hoshana Raba. Rabbi Yishaya Horowitz’s version brought in ‘Shnei Luchot Ha’brit’, with additions and the book of Psalms. Vienna, Anton Schmid print, 1794. 145, 46 pg. 17 cm. This is the first Shavuot night Tikun that was printed in the Austro-Hungarian kingdom. Very rare. Cardboard and half leather binding. Colorful. Rubbed. Aging stains. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 262
Rena V’Tefila. Leghorn, [1823]. Unknown Psalms, with the Prayers of the Chida. Pisa, 1711.

* Rena V’Tefila, prayer book as per the Sephardic customs, at the press of Nachman Sa’adon. [1823]. Bibliographically unknown. 96 leaves, 18 cm. Arranged according to the customs of the Sephardim,…with the Petichat Eliyahu HaNavi and a prayer for livelihood and more… Not in the National Library. The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book lists a similar prayer book according to a copy in the library of the Italian Synagogue of Jerusalem – but with prayers according to the Italian rites. * Psalms, with Prayers of the Chida. Pisa, 1711. 76 [1] leaves, 18 cm. The Psalms was printed a few years after the death of the Chida. The two books are bound together, with the addition of some blank leaves. Gilt, blemished binding. Minimal aging stains in the books. Fine-very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 263
The first Prayer Book printed in America. Seder Ha’Tefilot. New-York, 1826

Seder Ha’Tefilot’, Sephardic custom. New-York, 1826. The first siddur printed in America. [5], 234, 8 pg. 20.5 cm. The prayer book was corrected and proofread by Rav Eliezer Ben Rav Shmuel Lezarous. Translated into English and printed by Shlomo Hirsch Jackson from London, the first Jewish printer in America. Including prayers in honor of the president and the heads of the US government. Complete siddur: Title page, in Hebrew and English, and all leaves of the translator’s comments at the end of the siddur. The Bibliography of the Hebrew Book and the National Library list the prayer book according to an incomplete copy. New elegant leather binding. Aging stains. Worming holes and restored tears affecting text. 6 detached pages. Moderate-fine condition. Vinograd, New York 6. Goldman 34.

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Auction 089
Item 264
Prayer Book According to the Italian Customs. Vienna, 1847

Prayer book according to the Italian customs, Formulario delle orazioni…secondo il rito italiano. Vienna, 1847. 104 leaves, 17 cm. Prayer book for the entire year, for the weekdays, shabbatot, holidays and High Holidays. Leaf 2 features the Lamnatzeich Psalm in the form of a Menorah. Half-leather binding. Light blemish to the title page. Words on leaf 17 were blemished and filled in by hand. The binder’s cropping blemished the page heading of the title page and a number of solitary leaves. Aging stains. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 265
Zichron L’Tova. Rosh HaShana Prayers. Bombay, 1899

Zichron L’Tova. Afternoon and evening prayers for Rosh Hashana, with Tashlich. Bombay, by Yehuda Dovid Ashkenazi HaMoehl. 1899. [2] 112, 59, 32 pages, 13.5 cm. Includes Mishnayot Tractate Rosh Hashana and the supplement of Cochin customs. Includes excerpts from the Zohar and kabalistic prayers and kavanot. Yaari, Bombay 76. Original, simple detached binding. Worming holes on the first leaves. A number of detached leaves. Moderate-fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 266
Collection of Selichot and Tikunim [3] Leghorn

* Selichot L’Ashmurot Haboker, as per the Sephardic customs with the addition of Algerian hymns. Leghorn, [1799]. 44 [should say: 48] leaves, 15 cm. The last leaves feature the Seder Seudat Leil Rosh Hashana and Seder Tashlich according to kabala. Uncommon book. * Pri Etz Hadar. Seder T”U B’Shevat. Leghorn, [1794]. 26 leaves, 18 cm. * Marpeh L’Nefesh. Selichot V’Tikunim. Leghorn [1909]. 76 leaves, 19 cm. Detached title page. Aging stains. Overall fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 267
Tefilot Yisrael. Gebethe der Israeliten. Vienna, 1827. Unknown Edition

Tefilot Yisrael with Ashkenazic translation. Gebethe der Israeliten. Vienna, 1827. Two sections. This edition is bibliographically unknown. [2] leaves, 306, II pages: 268, II pages, 18.5 cm. Prayer book as per the Polish customs, Ashkenazic version, Hebrew with German translation on facing pages. The first section includes prayers for the weekday and Shabbos, and the second section features prayers for Rosh Chodesh, the three pilgrimage holidays, and the High Holidays. The bibliographies note a similar prayer book from 1835. Not in the National Library. Both sections have an old, worn leather binding. Blemishes to the margins of solitary leaves. Aging stains. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 268
Rina V’Yeshua. Leghorn, 1857. Rare

Rina V’Yeshua, Section two [by Rabbi Shlomo Zarkow and Rabbi Yehuda Tzurman]; laws, liturgy and customs for the seventh day of Passover, Shavuot, and Sukkot. Per the Algeria customs. Leghorn, 1857. First edition. 181 [1] leaves, 18 cm. A section of the book is in Arabic with Hebrew letters. Includes Pirkei Avot with Arabic commentary; the Ten Commandments in Arabic from Rabbi Sa’adya Gaon; two lengthy ‘Azharot’ hymns for Shavuot; and many other hymns. The first section features the Passover Haggada. This second section is rare and not in the National Library. It is listed by the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book according to copies in the British Library and the Ben Zvi Institute. Original, blemished half-leather binding. Aging stains. Fine-very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 269
Viduy HaGadol. Beirut, 1960

Viduy HaGadol of Yom Kippur. Printed by the Mahadav Brothers, Beirut, 1960. 8 pages, 16 cm. Printed jacket. Lengthy confession [viduy], traditionally recited during the Shacharit prayer of Yom Kippur, before reading from the Torah – to inspire the hearts of the Jewish People to repentance. Nice souvenir from the Beirut Jewish community that no longer exists. Very fine condition. Rare.

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Auction 089
Item 270
First Prayer Book for IDF Soldiers

Prayer book for IDF soldiers, Marom Tzion prayer book, Sephardic rite. Jerusalem, Tzvi Brafman publishing. [1950s?]. Printed before the title page: Prayer for the IDF soldiers, with IDF emblems and additional text: IDF Chief Rabbinate. The body of the book is a stereotype of another prayer book, without any changes. This was most probably the first prayer book printed for IDF soldiers. Bibliographically unknown. Original, loose binding. Thin paper. Light tears. Fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 271
Machzor for the Entire Year. Amsterdam, [1784]. Bibliographically Unknown

Machzor for the entire year as per the customs of Poland, Reisen, Lithuania, Pihem and Mehrin, with the Hadrat Kodesh and commentary by Rabbi Yozpe Kashman, and a new commentary by the [Moshe] Kashman, father of the printers…Amsterdam, [1784]. Bibliographically unknown. [2], 12, 152: 158 leaves. 22.5 cm. Machzor for the High Holidays and three pilgrimage holidays. Noted on the title page: reprinted. First edition printed, 1766. There is another listed edition that was printed in 1805, but this edition is not listed. In its entry for the 1805 edition, the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book notes the 1766 edition. However, there is no mention of this edition. Includes the approbation of Rabbi Shaul of Amsterdam from the first edition. The Tefilat Tal and Tefilat Geshem feature woodcuts of the twelve zodiacal sign. Old, elegant leather binding. Aging stains. Light tears and reinforcements. Minimal worming holes. Moderate condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 272
Machzor Sha’ar Bat Rabim. Venice, [1711-1715]

Sha’ar Bat Raim. Prayer book with the Hadrat Kodesh as per the customs of the Kahal Kadosh Ashkenazim. Venice, [1711-1715]. Two of four volumes. Section one, volume 2, and section two, volume 1. Section one: 229-360, Pirkei Avot, Prayers for Shavuot, the 9th of Av, Shabbat Nachamu, and more [until the end of the book]. Section two: leaves 1-193, prayer book for the weekday and Shabbat, Selichot, and prayers for Rosh Hashana, and Selichot for the Ten Days of Repentance. 40 cm. Large, magnificent prayer book printed according to the request of many Italian communities who agreed to pay in advance for the printed copies. The prayer book was printed and sold as separate booklets, and it was printed over the course of five years. With many unique prayers customarily recited in various communities, with initial letters. Due to its size and weight, the prayer book was sometimes bound in four volumes. Here are two volumes, with the title page for the second section with cherub illustrations. At the beginning of the second volume of the second section there is an additional decorated leaf with a floral border, and a blank section at center, apparently for filling in the owner’s name and a dedication. New bindings. Quality paper with wide margins. Minimal worming holes. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 273
Seder Rina V’Tefila. Rodehleim, 1866. Miniature

Seder Rina V’Tefila, arranged nicely and precisely by Wolf Heidenheim. Rodelheim, 1866. Miniature. 200, 48 leaves. 8.3 cm. Miniature prayer book for the entire year, weekdays, Shabbat and holidays, with the weekly Torah readings for the afternoon services of Shabbat Mincha, and Mondays and Thursdays. The laws are in Judeo-German in Tzena U’Rena letters. There are some known copies without the 48 leaves of Torah readings at the conclusion. This is a complete copy. Original, slightly-rubbed binding. Tape reinforcing the back of the title page. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 274
Hymns for Simchat Torah. Shanghai, [1935]

Hymns for Simchat Torah as per the Baghdadi Customs. Shanghai, [1935]. 29 pages, 13 cm. Jacket title page. The hymns were first printed by Yehuda Kohen, the beadle in the Knesset Eliyahu Synagogue in Bombay in 1885. This edition was published by his son, Meir Ben Tzion Yehuda, in Shanghai in 1935. One of the solitary books printed in Shanghai before the Holocaust, prior to the arrival of Lithuanian yeshiva refugees. Very fine condition, other than the jacket title page (detached).

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Auction 089
Item 275
Sefirat HaOmer. Offenbach, [1843]. Miniature with Illustrations

Sefirat HaOmer. Offenbach, [1843]. Miniature. 92 leaves, 9.5 cm. Illustrations. Seder Sefirat HaOmer in large letters, with the Mincha and Maariv prayers and the laws of Sefirat HaOmer in Ashkenazic [in Tzena U’Rena letters], and with prayers for motzei Shabbat, blessing of the new moon, Grace after Meals, and the bedtime Shema. The last leaves feature the Wayfarer’s Prayers and Eiruv Tavshilin. With five copperplate engravings: cutting the Omer, splitting of the Yam Suf, L”G B’Omer [2 illustrations] and Yom HaBikuurim. Rare book, listed in the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book according to a copy in a private collection. Original leather binding [?] slightly blemished. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 276
Tikun Leil Shavuot. Tikun Leil Hoshana Rabba. Amsterdam, [1767]

Seder Vatikin for Shavuot and Hoshana Rabba. Amsterdam, [1767]. [2], 82 leaves, 15 cm. Includes the Kavanot of the Ar”i and excerpts from the Zohar. Along with prayers for Hoshana Rabba [the Tikun was printed independently]. Bound with: Seder HaTikun Leil Hoshana Rabba, customarily recited in Eretz Yisrael [Hebron, Safed, Jerusalem]…Egypt and its environs and throughout the Diaspora. Amsterdam, [1767]. [2], 108 leaves, 15 cm. includes excerpts from the Zohar and the entire Book of Psalms. Old, rubbed binding. Minimal aging stains. Fine-very fine condition.

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Auction 089
Item 277
Machzor “Krovetz”. Amsterdam, [1721]. Rare

Machzor in Ashkenazic, as per the customs of Ashkenaz and Poland. “Krovetz”. Amsterdam, [1721]. [1], 156 leaves, 20 cm. Prayers for the High Holidays and holidays with Song of Songs, Ruth and Ecclesiastes – exclusively in Yiddish in Tzena U’Rena letters. Apparently intended for women. The back of the title page features a woodcut depicting the Shofar blowing. Advertisements for the printing press on the last page. Rare book. Ginzei Yisrael – Mehlman Collection 327. Blemished, half-parchment binding. Aging stains. The title page is torn off and slightly blemished in its margins. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 089
Item 278
Prayer Book for the Entire Year. Vienna, 1817. Psalms, Vienna 1835

Prayer book for the entire year with Parshiot, Zemirot, Yotzrot, Selichot, Tehilim and Ma’amadot. Vienna, 1817. 342 leaves. 14 cm. Blue paper. Prayer book for the entire year, weekdays, shabbatot and holidays, High Holidays, with yotzrot and selichot. Despite the note on the title page, all known copies do not include Psalms. That apparently explains why this is attached to: Tehilim, arranged according to the seven days of the week, Vienna, 1835. 90 leaves, 14 cm. Blue paper. The copy in the National Library features both these books in the same binding. Here, both books were received together – but they are bound in two separate bindings. Magnificent leather bindings. Minimal aging and usage stains. Reinforcing tape behind the title page. Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Hymns for Simchat Torah. Shanghai, [1935]

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 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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