Copies Belonged to Admo"rs

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 123
Item 86
Shuchan Aruch that Belonged to the Bialer Rebbe, Father of the 'Avnei Nezer.' Signatures and Glosses in his Hand

Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah – Ashlei Ravrevei , at the press of the Admo”r, Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Slavuta, 1822. This copy belonged to Rabbi Ze’ev Nachum of Biala, author of Shu”t Agudat Azov and father of the author of Avnei Nezer . (A famous story is told that the Bialer Rebbe, in the merit of being the only one in the world to study Torah on Purim, merited his son, the ‘Avnei Nezer, ‘ who illuminated the entire world.) Signatures and glosses in his hand that have not been printed, as well as the Avnei Nezer’s signatures.

The Bialer Rebbe’s signature appears at the top of the leaf: ‘Ze’ev Nachum bmhr”a z”l.’ His signature appears in other places as well: “Ze’ev Nachum.” There is an additional signature on the title page, that of his son, the Admo”r Rabbi Avraham Borinstein of Sochachov, author of Avnei Nezer : “[א]ב[ר]הם ב… אמ”ו זאב נחום בארינשטיין” and there are remnants of another of the Avnei Nezer’s signatures.

There are many glosses and comments in the Bialer Rebbe’s hand among the leaves of the book. The glosses are on leaves 145b, 201a, 206a, 209b, 213a, 258a, 265a, 266b, 294a, 368a, 337a, 340a, 349a.

The Rebbe Rabbi Ze’ev Nachum Borinstein [1820-1884] was the renowned rabbi of the town of Biala, and led the yeshivah there, where many of the rabbinic leaders of Poland studied. His famous disciples include the author of Chelkat Yoav . The Bialer Rebbe was a Chassid of the Saraf of Kotzk, who was also his in-law.
There is a famous saying from the Kotzker Rebbe that Rabbi Ze’ev Nachum merited his son, the gaon, the author of Avnei Nezer and Eglei Tal , as a result of his toil in Torah study on Purim, at a time when the whole world is desolate of Torah study. It was decided in the heavenly court, measure for measure, that he would merit a son who would illuminate the entire world with his Torah.

352 [1] leaves, 37 cm. Greenish paper.
Poor-moderate condition. worming blemishes. The signatures are faded and blemished, and some are on period repair stickers. New binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 87
The Ramba"m that Belonged to the Admo"rs Rabbi Elimelech of Grozhinsk and his Son, the Author of Chovat HaTalmidim

Mishneh Torah L’HaRamba”m, Part I – Mada, Ahavah and Zmanim. Berdichov, 1818. Copy that belonged to the Admo”rs Rabbi Elimelech of Grodzhinsk and his son the Admo”r Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish of Piaseczno, author of Chovat HaTalmidim , who were among the most prominent Admo”rim of their generation.

On the title page and the leaf preceding it, there are several owners’ stamps of Rabbi Elimelech of Grodzhinsk, and of his son Rabbi Kalnoymus Kalman Shapira. Additional owner’s stamp of another son of the Grodzhink Rebbe, the Admo”r Rabbi Yeshayah Shapira. It also bears handwritten notations attesting to the Admo”rs’ ownership of the book, and a history of the prominent family.

It’s incredibly exciting and thrilling to hold in one’s hand Sefer HaMada L’HaRamba”m with the laws of Kiddush Hashem – the book studied by the author of Chovat HaTalmidim , Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish, who has many stories related about him regarding how he served as a lighthouse for tens of thousands of broken Jews in the ghetto, and led them to practical fulfilment of the rare mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for brief biographies of Rabbi Elimelech of Grodzhinsk, Rabbi Kalonymus Kalmish Shapira and the Admo”r Rabbi Yeshayah Shapira.

278 leaves, 39 cm. Greenish paper. Impressive volume.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Worming perforations. Leather binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".
Auction 123
Item 88
Shulchan Melachim, Copy that Belonged to Three Kings - Man Malki D'Rabbanan

Shulchan Melachim – halachah, from the gaon Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Landau, Av Beit Din of Kleinwardien. Beregszász, 1931. Copy that belonged to three great personages who together encompassed the entire Torah: Halachah, Kabbalah and Chassidut. Many signatures and glosses.

At the beginning, the book belonged to the gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Yosef Jungreis, Av Beit Din of Nyírmada, Hungary, whose stamps appear on the title page and on the following page. (As well as an owner’s signature by his brother-in-law, Rabbi Yechiel Michel Broch.) From him the book moved on to one of the greatest in-depth Kabbalists of recent generations, the Kabbalist is Rabbi Daniel Frisch, author of Matok HaDevash , whose handwritten signature appears twice – once on the flyleaf and once on the title page. (It is unknown how the book came into Rabbi Daniel Frisch’s possession; what is known is that Rabbi Daniel is also of Hungarian origin.) And Rabbi Daniel Frisch, with his love for the sanctified, gave the book as mishloach manot to his teacher and rabbi, the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn. As appears in his hand on the flyleaf: “Mishloach manot for the Admo”r shlit”a, Daniel ben Sarah.”

Many glosses and corrections among the book’s leaves. The glosses, some of which were written in pen and some in pencil, were not checked in comparison with the script of the three rabbinic leaders, and they could have been written by one or all of them. One of the glosses concludes with: “Most wondrous and awesome matter.”

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for brief biographies of the gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Yosef HaLevi Jungreis , Kabbalist Rabbi Daniel Frisch , and the Admo”r Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn .

368 leaves, 23 cm.
Fine condition. Aging stains, one leaf is detached. Reinforcements. Brittle paper. Original binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 89
Mishnayot Kodshim - Slavuta. Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r of Toldot Aharon

“The pure should come and deal with purity”

Mishnayot, seder Kodshim, at the press of the Admo”r Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Slavuta, son of Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz. Slavuta, 1830. Copy that belonged to the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon.

With Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura’s commentary, as well as that of the Tosafot Yom Tov and Tosafot Chadashim, Pri Chadash, and chapter headings from all the chapters of Sha”s. The leaf preceding the title page bears an antique handwritten rabbinic dedication. There are two additional handwritten leaves at the end of the volume bearing chapter headings of all the chapters in Sha”s in alphabetic order as well as a memorial prayer for recitation after mishnah study.

The Admo”r Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahan [1914-1997], was one of the most prominent Admo”rs, and founder of the Toldot Aharon Chassidism. Following the passing of his father-in-law, Rabbi Aharon Roth, known by the moniker ‘Reb Ahraleh, ‘ most of the Chassidim decided to appoint him as the Admo”r’s successor. During his era, the Chassidut flourished and increased very much, and centers of the Chassidut were established in Beit Shemesh and also in New York. He is considered one of the greatest opponents of Zionism, and was known for his sanctity and asceticism.

163 leaves, approximately 27 cm. Title page in red and black ink; some of the book’s leaves are in blue, wide margins on several leaves.
Moderate-fine condition. Aging stains. Worming perforations. Tear in the corner of one leaf and in the margins of the title page, without damage to text. Original leather binding, slightly worn.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 90
Volumes of Sha"s that Belonged to the Admo"r of Toldot Aharon, Inherited from his Grandfather, the Kretchinef Rebbe

Tractates: Eruvin, Yoma, Gittin, Avodah Zarah, Zevachim and Menachot [six volumes] of Sha”s that belonged to the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn, who inherited them from his grandfather, the Admo”r of Kretchinef-Sighet, Rabbi Moshe Deitch. Lemberg, 1862-1865.

In most of the volumes, there are many signatures in the hand of Rabbi Moshe Deutch of Kretchinef. There is signed testimony from Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Kahn, rabbi of Toldot Aharon Chassidim in Jerusalem, at the beginning of Tractate Gittin, that this Sha”s was studied from and used by his father, the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon, over the course of many years.

The Admo”r Rabbi Moshe Deutch of Kretchinef-Sighet was a son of Rabbi David Nathan Deutch, Av Beit Din of Kretchinef and author of Nefesh David , son-in-law of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Heller, son of Rabbi Shmuel Heller, rabbi of Safed. Rabbi Moshe was the maternal grandfather of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahan, the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon. He served as the Admo”r of Sighet (as heard from the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon).

The Admo”r Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn was one of the most prominent Admo”rs and founder of the Toldot Aharon Chassidism. Following the passing of his father-in-law, Rabbi Aharon Roth, known by the moniker ‘Reb Ahraleh, ‘ most of the Chassidim decided to appoint him as the Admo”r’s successor. During his era, the Chassidut flourished and increased very much, and centers of the Chassidut were established in Beit Shemesh and also in New York. He was considered one of the greatest opponents of Zionism, and was known for his sanctity and asceticism.

[6] volumes. Overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 91
Chumash Vayikra, Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r of Toldot Aharon

Chumash Vayikra with the Alshich’s commentary and Shir HaShirim. Large format. Lemberg press. Copy that belonged to the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn.

Signed testimony on the flyleaf from Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Kahn, rabbi of the Toldot Aharon Chassidim in Jerusalem, that this book belonged to his father, the Admo”r. Antique owner’s notation on the title page: “הק’ ליפמן ב”ה לוי יצ”ו חונה פה ק”ק [סורצוילו] ואגפי’.”

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography o f Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn .

[1] 120 [1] leaf, 34 cm. Greenish/grayish paper.
Fine condition. Aging stains. Minimal worming tunnels. Slight tears in the margins of several leaves, restored with tape, with damage to text. Simple binding.

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Auction 123
Item 92
Tikkunei HaZohar that Belonged to the Admo"r of Toldot Aharon

Tikkunei HaZohar , Jerusalem, 1974. Photocopy print from the Zhitomir 1863 edition. Copy that belonged to the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon.

Signed testimony on the flyleaf from Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Kahn, rabbi of the Toldot Aharon Chassidim in Jerusalem, that this book belonged to his father, the Admo”r. The flyleaf bears a notation of one of the Chassidim for a blessing.
In the leaf following the title page, there is an approbation from Rabbi Aharon, son and successor of the maggid of Chernobyl who blesses, “In length days and good years. May Hashem benefit them materially and spiritually, with children, long life and sustenance.”

Great Chassidim and Kabbalists customarily study the book Tikkunei HaZohar and complete all 70 rectifications in the month of Elul and the high holidays (from the eve of Rosh HaShanah through Yom Kippur), given that according to many Kabbalistic and Chassidic works, reciting Tikkunei HaZohar rectifies the soul and purifies the body and the spirit. Tradition also maintains that in these days, known as the days of repentance, rectification of deeds increases. In this edition before us, which as mentioned is a photocopy print of the famous Zhitomir edition, there is a built-in division into the days of the month of Elul. According to this division, some days little is read, and other days, a lot.

The Admo”r Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn [1914-1997], was one of the most prominent Admo”rs, and founder of the Toldot Aharon Chassidism. Following the passing of his father-in-law, Rabbi Aharon Roth, known by the moniker ‘Reb Ahraleh, ‘ most of the Chassidim decided to appoint him as the Admo”r’s successor. During his era, the Chassidut flourished and increased very much, and centers of the Chassidut were established in Beit Shemesh and also in New York. He is considered one of the greatest opponents of Zionism, and was known for his sanctity and asceticism.

154, approximately 18 cm.
Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 93
Atzei Chaim, First Edition, Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r of Toldot Aharon

Atzei Chaim al Moadim , first edition. Sighet, 1934, by the Admo”r Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum, Av Beit of Sighet, known by the name of this book before us, as the author of Etz Chaim . Copy that belonged to the Toldot Aharon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn.

Signed testimony on the flyleaf from Rabbi Yisrael Chaim Kahn, rabbi of the the Toldot Aharon Chassidim in Jerusalem, that this book belonged to his father, the Admo”r. The word Admo”r is written in pencil on the title page. Among the book’s leaves, there is a kvittel – a note for salvation – from one of the Chassidim

Refer to the Hebrew text for a brief biographies of the Admo”rs Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Teitelbaum and Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn .

[2], 158 leaves, 25 cm. Wide margins.
Fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Brittle paper. Slight tears in the margins of the title page and taped reinforcements. Beautiful binding.

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Auction 123
Item 94
Collection of [14] Books that Belonged to the Admo"r of Toldot Aharon, from which he Studied over Many Years.

Collection of [14] books from the library of the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn, [7] books bound together and another [7] bound separately. There is a confirmation written and signed by the Toldot Aharon’s son, confirming that his father, the Admo”r, studied from these books over the years.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a detailed list of the books.

Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kahn, the Admo”r of Toldot Aharon [1914-1997], was the founder of Toldot Aharon Chassidism. He was a son-in-law of Rabbi Aharon Roth, author of
Shomer Emunim . He was born in Safed to his father, Rabbi Aharon David Kahn, who was a son-in-law of the Admo”r Rabbi Moshe Deutch of Sighet, son-in-law of Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Heller, son of the gaon Rabbi Shmuel Heller, rabbi of Safed. He was known for his sanctity, his wondrous divine service to the complete extent of his strength and for his Divine inspiration.

Various sizes and conditions.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 95
Seder Mishneh - Dozens of Signatures of the Admo"r Rabbi Yehudaleh of Dzikov

Seder Mishneh , elucidation of the Ramba”m by a son of the author of Machatzit HaShekel . Jerusalem, 1941. Copy that belonged to the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudaleh Horowitz of Dzikov. Dozens of signatures in Hebrew and in a foreign language in his hand.

This book was authored by the gaon Rabbi Wolf Baskawitz, son of the Machatzit HaShekel. The book received the enthusiastic approbation and blessing from the Chatam Sofer, who blessed “And all who support him will be blessed by the Master of the World … and He will hear him and answer him from Heaven.”

The leaf preceding the title page bears many owners’ signatures, alternately in Hebrew and in a foreign language, and in the hand of Rabbi Yehudahleh of Dzikov. It is known that due to his intense devotion and in-depth study, he was smitten with severe headaches, and in order to experience some relief, he would write and scribble words over and over.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudah Horowitz .

[4], 127 pp, 24 cm.
Fine condition. Brittle paper. Dismantled binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 123
Item 96
Eleh HaMitzvot. Copy that Belonged to the Admo"r Rabbi Yehudaleh of Dzikov.

Eleh HaMitzvot – mitzvah count by Rabbi Moshe Chagiz. Two parts with separate title pages. Pshemishl, 1903. Copy that belonged to the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudahleh Horowitz of Dzikov. Four signatures in Hebrew and in a foreign language in his hand.

The leaf preceding the title page bears four signatures in Hebrew and in a foreign language, all in the hand of Rabbi Yehudaleh of Dzikov. It is known that due to his intense devotion and in-depth study, he was smitten with severe headaches, and in order to experience some relief, he would write and scribble words over and over.

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudah Horowitz .

74, [1], 70 leaves. 20 cm. The last leaves were bound out of order.
Fine condition. Brittle paper. Detached title page. Partially detached binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

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Eleh HaMitzvot. Copy that Belonged to the Admo”r Rabbi Yehudaleh of Dzikov.

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Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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