Eretz Yisrael & Zionism

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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 108
Item 43
Mayor of Tel Aviv - Meir Dizengoff asks for a Favor. Tel Aviv [1933]

Interesting letter in which Meir Dizengoff asks a leader of the “Tzeirei Mizrachi,” to arrange employment for a friend, as a personal favor. [Tel Aviv], 1933.
Specifications: [1] leaf, stationery of the Belgian consulate. 29×22 cm. Signed autograph.
Letter content: Dizengoff’s friend, Shalom, an elderly Yemenite, worked as a shamash in the Great Synagogue of Tel Aviv for six years. During the last year and a half, he was put in charge of watering the grounds in return for two Palestine pounds a month. Dizengoff adds, “now a different Yemenite, Avraham, came and stole Shalom’s job watering the grounds. Since this is encroachment and since the old man, my friend, is a respected Yemenite, I ask that you give the watering job back to my friend Shalom. I know Shalom personally and he is an honest, quiet person. He is the father of Shoshana, who runs my household, therefore whatever you do to help this old man will be justified and a personal favor for me.”
Meir Dizengoff (1861-1936) was the first mayor of Tel Aviv, he also was the Belgian consul. David Tzvi Pinkas (1895-1952) was a leader of “Tzeirei Mizrachi” and manager of the “Bank HaMizrachi” in Tel Aviv. He was very active in public service. He was a member of the municipal council of Tel Aviv and the president of the Great Synagogue committee, president of the religious council, the cemetery council and burial society in Tel Aviv. In 1935, he served as head of Tel Aviv’s department of education. He eventually became one of the signatories on the Israeli Declaration of Independence and the third minister of transportation of the State of Israel.
Condition: Fine condition, fold marks, small stain on the bottom of the leaf that does not affect the text.

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Auction 108
Item 44
Binder of Photos of Etzel Detainees in the Camps in Kenya and Eritrea. 1940s.

Album of Shlomo Lev-Ami [Levi]. Mandatory Palestine, Kenya and Eritrea, 1940s.
Specifications: About [90] family photos and pictures of the daily life of the members of the underground who were detained in Africa. Leather and wood binding with an illustration of the battle to conquer Jaffa in the spring of 1948.
Unique Features: The binding illustration depicts Etzel fighters with “Rak Kach” flags, fighting to conquer Jaffa. Caption [in Hebrew]: “He who falls in battle establishes the nation,” another caption underneath the picture: “Jaffa Conquest, 17th of Nissan 1948.” Shlomo’s brother, Yosef, was killed in that battle. There are other words in his memory within the album. Some of the pictures have captions, at times poetic, such as “This is how we are in our marriage! Is there any comparison to our happiness? Do we feel sad? Faith is our slogan, our work, our hope …” Includes about [30] pictures from life in the detainment camps: group picture of prisoners, visits to the camp, exhibition and plays there, sport day, dining room, dormitory and more.
Dr. Shlomo Lev-Ami (Levi) (1919-2011) was a member of the Etzel top command, and substituted as its commander, he was an educator and Israeli historian. In 1945, he was extradited to the British and exiled to a detainment camp in Africa where he served as commander of the detainees and editor of the Etzel newsletter. In 1946, he escaped together with a group of prisoners through a tunnel, but was caught and returned to the camp. He succeeded in returning together with the last underground detainees in Kenya only after the establishment of the State of Israel. In 1998, he was a Likud candidate for president of Israel.
Condition: Fine-very fine condition. The album had contained other pictures which have been removed.

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Auction 108
Item 45
Envelope With the Signatures of the Athletes Who Participated in the Munich Olympics, some of whom were Murdered. Munich, 1972

Envelope with the signatures of 13 [out of 25] athletes who participated in the Munich Olympics, 1972. Amongst the signatures are five of the eleven athletes who were murdered: t he weightlifters Yoseph Romano, David Berger and Zev Friedman, as well as wrestlers, Eliezer Halfin and Mark Slavin. The five were murdered in the terrible massacre by the “Black September” organization.
Background: The massacre of the members of the Israeli delegation to the Munich Olympics took place on September 5th-6th, 1972, during the 20th Olympic Games in West Germany. Eleven athletes, trainers and judges were murdered by Palestinian terrorists from the Black September organization. The massacre took place in a series of several major terrorist attacks against Israeli targets by Palestinian forces, and is still considered one of the most well-known terrorist acts due to the circumstances and occurrence during the most important sports event.
The athletes who signed the envelope died under different circumstances: Yosef Romano, who was taken hostage by the kidnappers, attacked one of the terrorists with a fruit knife, and was simultaneously shot and badly wounded by another terrorist. The terrorists left him on the room’s floor to bleed to death as a warning to other bound hostages. David Berger, Zev Friedman, Mark Slavin and Elazar Halfin were killed along with the other hostages during the failed German forces’ rescue attempt.
The envelope was stamped and signed on 21/8/1972 at Ben-Gurion airport. After the athletes arrived in Munich, a series of postage stamps commemorating the Olympics, along with a postmark dated 1/8/1972, were stamped on the envelope. [A stamp containing the Olympic Games commencement date, in this case 1/8, appeared on all souvenir envelopes issued during the Olympic event].
Condition: Very fine.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 108
Item 46
Silver plate marking the visit of Dr. Goldman, president of the World Zionist Congress in Hamburg. Hamburg, 1966.

Silver Plate in Honor of the Visit of the President of the World Zionist Congress Dr. Nachum Goldberg, in Germany. Made by H. J. Wilm. Hamburg 1966, Rare
Description: Beautiful, decorated silver plate, diameter: 34 cm. Weight: 982 grams. Made by the H. J. Wilm company. Along the circumference of the plate there are grape leaves, branches and grapes, along with three gilt medals that were dedicated to the three central personalities in the history of Zionism and the State of Israel: Theodore Herzl, Chaim Weizmann, and Ben Gurion. At center of the plate there is a picture of a seven-stemmed menorah with a star of David at its right and the emblem of the city of Hamburg on its left. These illustrations are encircled with text in German noting the event for which the plate was designed to mark.
Dr. Nachum Goldman (1895-1982) was a Zionist leader, a member of the Vaad HaPoel HaTzioni since 1927, a founder of the World Jewish Congress and its president from 1956-1968. He was one of the most prominent players involved in procuring the German reparations agreement that was signed in 1952 and worked actively on behalf of the Jews in the Soviet Union.
H. J. Wilm is a silversmith and jewelry company that was founded in Berlin which specialized in jewelry and silver and gold pieces. The company was an official supplier for the emperors’ courts and its creations were exhibited in prominent exhibitions in Europe. During the Second World War, the company supplied jewelry to the leaders of the Nazi regime and earned their esteem. After the war, the company moved to Hamburg and continued manufacturing Jewelry and artistic silver pieces by special commission.
Background: Apparently the visit of the president of the World Jewish Congress in West Germany in the 1960s, just a few years after the Eichmann Trial, was considered an important, dramatic occurrence for the Germans. Dr. Goldman’s visit to Germany and his activities to promote the reparations agreement allowed the Germans to present the “Other Germany” that disassociated itself from the era of the Holocaust. It seems that this magnificent plate made by the H. J. Wilm company, which clearly expresses the German appreciation for the Jews and Zionism, was intended to transmit this message.
Condition: Very fine. The plate is in its original, elegant case.

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Auction 108
Item 47
Letter from Dr. Theodore Herzl. Reichenau, Lower Austria, 1890

Letter from Dr. Theodore Herzl written while he was a playwright. Reichenau, Lower Austria, 1890.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 18×11 cm. German.
Content: Herzl addresses someone, without writing his name, apparently the manager of the theater in Brunn, and notes that he found out from the “Neue Freie Presse” that the play he had submitted with his help had been accepted. Herzl thanks him for his assistance and asks to be notified when the play comes on stage. He wants to come and see how the actors will play out the complicated roles that he wrote in the script.
Condition: Very fine.

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Auction 108
Item 48
Collection [5] Books on the History of Zionism and Settlers of the Land of Israel. 1886-1903

Collection of books in praise of Zionism and the settlement of the Land, and their histories. Warsaw, Krakow, Berlin and Vilna, 1886-1903.
* Doresh LeZion , substantial narrations of the Land of Israel’s resettlement, with an introduction in memory of the righteous Sir Moshe Montefiore, by Chaim Ya’akov Kramer, Warsaw, 1886.
* Ahavat Zion , published by Zacharia Mendel Shapira. Krakow, 1895. “To prove and vindicate to the public the idea of ​​’settling the Land of Israel’ and its supreme and sublime purpose.” Several pages were worn at the edges and were restored.
* Ra’ayonot al Davar HaCongress HaTzioni HaSheni , by Dr. Mordechai Ehrenpreis, Berlin, 1898.
* Al Tzion VeAl Mikra’ehah , with an eye to the history of the Zionist movement, by Shaul Pinchas Rabinowitz (ShP”R), Warsaw, 1898.
* HaTzionut , a book that explains, in a scientific yet simple style, the nature and origins of the Zionist movement by Dr. Y. Sapir, translated by Shraga Feivel Gerber, Vilna, 1903. The title page is torn on the side without damage to the text.
Condition: Overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 71
Historic Report of 26 pages "Not for Publication" by David Ben-Gurion Moscow, 1923

“I discovered other ‘blemishes’: That we are concerned with the future of the entire Hebrew people, that we are fighting for the revival of the Hebrew language, that for us the Land of Israel is sacred, that we consider only our needs and our independent movement …”
Intriguing secret report by David Ben-Gurion, to the Vaad HaPoel of the Histadrut General Labor Union in the Land of Israel, from his journey the the agricultural exhibition in Moscow. Moscow, 14 Tishrei / Oct. 24, 1923.
Background: In 1923, the Histadrut sent David Ben-Gurion and Meir Rothberg to represent it at the agricultural exhibition in Moscow. They set out to Constantinople and then sailed to Odessa, arriving on Aug. 26, 1923. They continued to Moscow by train from there. They were exposed to places where pogroms had taken place against the Jews while on their way. The Land-of-Israel booth at the agricultural exhibition was very successful. This “Not for Publication” report was sent during the three-month visit, to the Vaad HaPoal administration via a messenger with diplomatic immunity.
Specifications: 26 leaves, paper. 22×18 cm. Long report, entirely handwritten and signed by him. “Not for Publication” is inscribed on the first leaf, and the date the letter was received: 1 Cheshvan 1923. Mostly in Hebrew. Erasures and corrections.
Content of the report: David Ben-Gurion wrote freely, with the knowledge that the report was not being sent via mail which would be censored, rather it would be smuggled via a reliable person with diplomatic immunity. At the beginning, Ben-Gurion described his journey to Moscow by way of Odessa and Russian Jewry’s great interest in what was happening in the Land of Israel. He described the interest and great enthusiasm of the visitors to the exhibition, including Jews, farmers and professors. The exhibition constituted a Land-of-Israel propaganda center. Following participation in the exhibition, Ben-Gurion had the opportunity to try to legally establish HeChalutz activity in Soviet Russia, and he placed hope in the movement being a central impetus for all Zionist work in Soviet Russia. Participation in the exhibition, according to Ben-Gurion, held the key to extensive work in Russia. Ben-Gurion was concerned for the future of Russian Jews. He refused to forgo them or despair of them, he admitted that “We made a big mistake in the assumption that there is no possibility for Russia to substantially assist with the Land-of-Israel work,” and he estimates, “Russian Jewry can again be a leading power to build the Land of Israel, both with its strength and with its resources.” He would have liked to look into the possibility of opening a branch of Bank HaPoalim in Russia, if there would have been a legal way of doing so. He criticized Jews of Russian origin who attacked the Soviet police and thereby endangered all of Russian Jewry and strengthened the Yevsektzia in their satanical battle with Zionism. He was imbued with the recognition that that the exhibition provided a limited-time opportunity for their activities in Russia, and “each day that goes by without activity is an irrevocable loss,” and set an important goal for the Zionist movement to find a way to get to the public opinion of the Russian government. Ben-Gurion continued, detailing the urgent activities which must be implemented in order to recover Baron Ginzburg’s library to its legal owners – the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and pointed out that he would request of professor Einstein, who was about to arrive in Moscow over the next few days, to undertake this important matter. “I may leave here completely empty-handed, but it will have been worthwhile, and will be worthwhile even if there are no outstanding and concrete results.” At the conclusion of his letter, he requested that they send their response as well as a number of issues of Hebrew newspapers, and he asked that copies of this letter be sent to Kaplonsky and to Moshe Sartuk, and that the content of the letter be brought to the attention of the Zionist administration in Jerusalem.
Condition: Fine. Fold marks, aging stains. There are tiny folds and stains on the edges of some of the leaves, which occasionally blemish a a number of letters.

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Auction 109
Item 72
The 1st Commands published by IDF. Command no. 1. Commands, Orders, and Announcements of the IDF Government in Jerusalem -1948

Commands, Orders, and Announcements of the IDF Government in Jerusalem Published by Command of the Military Governor -1948 September 1948.
These historic leaves contain regulations and detailed lists about the exercise of military rule in the occupied territory of Jerusalem, various appointments, arms directives, emergency orders and regulations by the military governor Dov Yosef, defense regulations and more.
28 pages, 31 cm. Placed in the original period folder with a lace bundling them. The leaves themselves are in good condition. Sheets 4, 5, 6 have tears with lack in the corner of the title page with a tiny blemish to text. Tears and stains on the folders.

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Auction 109
Item 73
Letter from Shaul Tchernichovsky, Marine Rescue Station, Tel Aviv, 1936

Letter from Dr. Shaul Tchernichovsky, substitute head of the Marine Rescue Station, with a request for assistance adding a room to the Marine Rescue Station hut in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv, 1936.
Specifications: [1] leaf official Tel Aviv Marine Rescue Station stationery. 21×26.5 cm. With the rescue station’s stamp, Dr. Tchernichovsky’s signature as substitute committee head, and the secretary’s signature.
Unique Features: Document written by the poet Shaul Tchernichovsky, in his capacity as doctor in the administration of the rescue station. He begins by graphically explaining the need for the expansion of the station to mark the development of the Jewish settlement in Tel Aviv.
Shaul Tchernichovsky [1875-1943]. One of the great Hebrew poets; translator and doctor. Immigrated to Israel in 1931 and settled in Tel Aviv.
Condition: Fold marks, filing holes, erased name of addressee, fine condition.

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Auction 109
Item 74
Collection of Documents Concerning the Book Netzer Matei, Sent to the Author, Rabbi Natan Tzvi Friedman

Lot of [12] documents sent to Rabbi Natan Tzvi Friedman following the publication of his book, Netzer Matei . Among the documents is a receipt from the prime minister’s office and the ministerial bureau in which they thank the rabbi for his book.
Specifications: [12] leaves, official stationery, various sizes.
Background: Rabbi Natan Tzvi Friedman [1914-1993] was rabbi of Givat Shmuel and Shikun Heh in Bnei Brak.
In 1957, Rabbi Friedman published his book Netzer Matei , in which he adopted a lenient approach in various areas. A ruling which aroused opposition from a number of rabbis was written regarding a dispensation to close the main valve of the gas system on Yom Tov, which would cause extinguishing the flame after a few minutes, another of his recommendations was to make a blessing on saying Hallel on Yom HaAtzmaut. Rabbi Shmuel Wosner, Eidah Chareidit rabbi Pinchas Epstein, and rabbi of Jaffa Rabbi Yosef Tzvi HaLevi published a proclamation in which they expressed opposition to his dispensations, (afterwards, it was clarified that Rabbi HaLevi’s signature was forged). On the other hand, the Rishon LeTziyon Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, although he didn’t side with Rabbi Friedman in his rulings, was not comfortable with this proclamation.
Before us are many documents connected to Netzer Matei . Among the documents: ‘Office of the Prime Minister,’ ‘The Knesset,’ ‘Yad VaShem,’ ‘HaHistadrut HaTziyonit,’ ‘Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh.’
Condition: Overall very fine.

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Auction 109
Item 75
Gift from the 26th Zionist Congress [Jerusalem, 1965]

Gift from the 26th Zionist Congress [Jerusalem, Oct. 1, 1965]: Folded leaf with photographs of presidents of the World Zionist Organization with the handwritten signature of David Ben-Gurion, and with the Congress’s seals and a Herzl postage stamp.
Specifications: [1] thick double paper leaf. 17×12.5 cm. On the first leaf, a postage stamp of Herzl with the seven stars he had intended appear on the State of Israel’s flag, alongside the Zionist Congress’s seals through the generations. The second page has the emblem of the 26th Zionist Congress integrated with the word “Gift.” Pictures of the presidents of WZO through the generations with their names and terms of office, in Hebrew and in English, and with the handwritten signature of the former prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, appear on the reverse of the second page.
Condition: Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 76
Collection of Documents Related to Dr. Agon Michael Zweig, and Zionist Center Activists in Vienna. Vienna-Jerusalem, 1904-1930

Collection of [11] documents including: postcards and letters on various topics, relating to Dr. Agon Michael Zweig, and to Zionist Center activists in Vienna.
Among the documents, a letter sent in 1929 by the Zionist Union in London, relating to the difficult situation of the Jews in the Soviet Union. In the letter, a request is sent to the members of the Vaad HaPoel to obtain 2000 English pounds, in order to finance the immigration of the Jews of the Soviet Union to the Land of Israel. As is well-known, Dr. Agon Michael Zweig was a key Zionist activist in Vienna.
Specifications: [11] leaves, most official stationery. Various sizes. Some are printed and others are handwritten. German.
Condition: Very fine.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 77
Personal Diary of a Public Personality, a Senior Member of the Zionist Movement

Approximately 50 notebook pages. Most of the diary is in a stapled notebook. Hebrew with some Yiddish and English. Personal diary written by a Zionist activist in the 1940s and 50s, including copies of letters he sent to various personalities. He also writes in the diary about his resignation from the reduced Zionist General Council. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 78
Hekdesh Contract for an Area Outside the Walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. c. 1930s

Hekdesh contract in the handwriting of ‘Head of the All-h scribes – El Kaladi, done according to the Ottoman judge Saliman Hashri son of Hassan.’ The contract testifies that the area outside the Old City walls south of the Arthur Cohen neighborhood which had been transferred in hekdesh from the hands of Mr. Yisrael son of Chaim Levi Zalman the Ashkenazi to Mr. Dov Ber son of Naftali Hornstein ‘The Ashkenazi Jew subject of the mighty Russian government, who lives in Radomyshl near the Kiev region, the contract was done in the year 1329 [from Muhamad’s birth], c. 1930s.
The area includes fourteen homes and three storerooms. The contract testifies: ‘The above land and everything contained in it according to the boundaries … belonging to the above sanctifier, in his possession, the above deed matches the official registry … acquired the above property, and consecrated it with a proper hekdesh according to religious rules, properly established, his name will not be forgotten, and his descendents will not redeem it forever … and he is the choice of heirs.’
The document before us details all the conditions of the hekdesh in force forever as it says: ‘In this manner it will be forever until Hash-m inherits the earth and its fullness.’ It’s interesting to note the the hekdesh conditions include that if one of the heirs [specified by name] does not appoint a continuing heir in his lifetime, the area will be transferred to the Wallin Kollel in Jerusalem.
[2] leaves. 39×24 cm. Fold marks. A few tears in the margins. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 79
Three Letters by the Founder of 'Beita"r' Reuven Feldshua

Three letters handwritten and signed by Rabbi Dr. Feldshua (Ben Shem), Givat Shmuel 1946-1947.
Interesting letter from 17 Elul 1947 sent to Dr. Bauminicher-Aloni in which Feldshua bares his heart about the failure of the ‘אחוד העם’ [‘United People’] idea: ‘I feel that the beautiful dream of the United People, which we had embroidered with crimson threads of our pure belief, is expiring … the United People is not the ruler on the Jewish street, and now the path to its realization is very distant …’ and other matters between the two. There is also and additional letter to Dr. Aloni from 18 Sivan 1946 about the lack of customs for the “United” movement, and a personal letter addressed to Dr. Bauminicher [from 24/2/47].
An envelope in which one of the letters was sent is attached.
Rabbi Dr. Reuven Feldshua [1900-1980]: an intriguing personality combining a wide swath of activism and communal influence: rabbi, educator, community functionary, revisionist activist, journalist and publicist, participant in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising and the Jewish underground in the Land of Israel on behalf of Beitar, scholar and historian in Poland and in Israel, a leader of Zionist youth in Poland between the two world wars and among the influential figures in the right-wing Zionist movement in the state, among the founders and leaders of Tzaha”r, Beita”r, Brit Kanaim [where he served as high commander] and HaShomer HaLeumi, pioneer of the third Aliyah, first chief rabbi of Poland after WWII.
Various sizes, overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 80
Purchase and Sale of Land in Palestine and Railway Track Laying - Collection of Documents and Letters, 1920s and 30s

Collection of approximately 60 documents concerning the ‘arrangement of matters [re.] land in Palestine,’ road construction, and railway track laying in the Land of Israel. 1920s and 30s.
Features: documents from various companies regarding railway construction in Palestine, filled out by hand [Palestine Railways]; transport receipts for goods and animals sent by freight train; documents regarding purchase and sale per the land registrar of the Land of Israel; real estate registrations from various cities in the Land of Israel; documents issued by the Palestine government in the Land of Israel; handwritten road and paving plans in Sharona [1937]; land ownership records from Ein Karem; registration of the purchase and sale of Arab land by the land registrar; documents from the Jerusalem land registrar regarding a plot in the Machane Yehudah marketplace in Jerusalem with Avraham Cohen Muchtar’s signature, and more.
The collection has not been thoroughly examined.
Different sizes and conditions. Material regarding various names appearing in the documents is included. Overall fine condition.

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Auction 109
Item 81
Contract for Purchase of Property in the Nazareth District Between Agudat Yisrael and Arabs. Av 1924

Handwritten contract regarding purchase of a plot of land which had belonged to Kfar Iksal in the Nazareth district, bought by Agudat Yisrael [represented by Rabbi Naftali Porush, Rabbi Yosef Herling, Rabbi Moshe Blau and Rabbi Yosef Levi Chagiz] from sellers Basrah Effendi Habib of Jerusalem, and Habib Alkuri of Nazereth. Av 1924.
Three handwritten pages detailing the conditions of the contract to purchase the land. According to the detailed conditions, under discussion is an area of 4000 dunams, with water wells. It boundaries are Tel Adash to the west, the Balfouria colony on the south, the road to Kfar Nayin on the east, and Nafat Dar to the north. According to the contract, the land is sold forever, and it details the conditions binding both parties. Written at the signing of the contract: this undertaking was made in two copies, it has been completed to the satisfaction of both of the above parties, it is completely and absolutely binding and the two parties attest to this signing on the 27th of August 1924, Jerusalem, 27 Menachem Av 1924.
Two documents from 1929 are attached, regarding the arrangements between the parties in the lands of Iksal.
[6] leaves official stationery of the Israel Center of the World Federation of Agudat Yisrael, Jerusalem. 29×22 cm. Filing holes. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 82
Di Ellyarte Fakler Haben Garedt Un Gatten [USA, C. 1918]. Rare

Pamphlet praising the Allies’ victory and a call to join the Zionist Organization in America. [USA, c. 1918]. Rare.
Specifications: [4] leaves, paper. 12×17 cm. Includes illustrations. Not found in the National Library.
Condition: Stains, fold marks. Fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 83
Herzl, Hechler, the Grand Duke of Baden and the German Kaiser 1896-1904" Tel Aviv 1961, Numbered Edition

Herzl, Hechler, the Grand Duke of Baden and the German Kaiser 1896-1904 dozens of letters handwritten by Theodor Herzl to the three and letters in which they responded to Herzl, and that they wrote among themselves about the Zionist movement, discovered by Hermann and Bassi Elran, printed in facsimile. Tel Aviv 1961. Edition numbered 393.
The book contains dozens of letters Theodor Herzl wrote to the grand duke Frederik of Baden and Wilhelm II, kaiser of Germany, and their letters in response to him. The letters are described and dated in print. Introduction by Alex Bain. On the one hand, these letters demonstrate support for the Zionist movement and stress the benefits of the entire region should a Jewish state be established. On the other hand, traces of popular antisemitism can be discerned towards the Jewish nation, which did not skip over these two, despite their support for Herzl’s initiative.
35 cm. Title page and introduction in Hebrew and parallel English (opening from left to right). Very fine condition except for the paper jacket, lacking the Hebrew side.

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Auction 109
Item 84
Issues of the Journals of the Air Force in Battle. Six Day War. May-June 1967.

Volume binding together issues 1-8 of the preparedness bulletins from the 20th to the 31st of May, 1967 [the week and a half of preparation for war], and battle issues 1-3, from the 6th through the 9th of June, 1967 [the first three days after the outbreak of war]. Published by the Air Force Command. Cover designed by Shamir.

The issues offer detailed coverage of the preparation for war, army preparations, strategies, ammunition and a description of various stages of war. Includes tens of photos from the war, some on entire pages; of soldiers, training, aerial photos of IDF bombardments, air force planes over Cairo, the Western Wall, various stages of the war and more.

11 battle bulletins bound together in total. 38 cm.

Condition: Fine. Abrasions on the binding. Some leaves are detached.

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Auction 109
Item 85
Kruvetz L'Purim 1934, Purim Committee Newspaper, Tel Aviv, 1934

Satirical compilation, Kruvetz L’Purim 1934 . Tel Aviv. 1934.
Specifications: 54 pages. 32 cm. Including a word from the mayor, a schedule of Purim celebrations in the city, details of the “Adeloyada” parade, musical notes, songs, literary works on musical matters, Jewish clowns and more. Including an article on “The Trial of the Burned Books vs. their Burners,” following the Jewish book-burnings in Nazi Germany in 1933.
Condition: Some aging stains, fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 86
Lectures by Rabbi Meir Kahane, Regarding the Settlement and Defense of Israel on a Record Album. March 28, 1971.

Rabbi Meir Kahane of the Jewish Defense League Speaks record album of speeches by Rabbi Meir Kahane, regarding the settlement and defense of Israel. With inscription, possibly in his hand. March 28, 1971.
Description: Record album in its original cardboard case.
Rabbi Meir (Martin) David Kahane, August 1 1932-November 5, 1990 , was a member of the 11th Knesset and the leader of the radical right. He founded the Jewish Defense League in the United States and the Kach movement in Israel. In 1988, he was banned from running for elections for the Knesset as his platform was considered racist. He was the rosh yeshiva of HaRaayon HaYehudi, which he established, and author of philosophical works. He was murdered by a Moslem assassin, an Al-Qaeda agent dressed as a Jew, after a speech he gave in Manhattan.
Condition: Very fine, without scratches.

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Auction 109
Item 87
Levant Fair - Three Paper Items, 1932 and 1936

* Entry ticket to the official opening ceremony of the Levant Fair in 1932. Hebrew, Arabic, Yiddish and English [used].
* Subscription card to the Levant fair in 1936, which belonged to Dr. Aloni, with his passport photograph. The card was used fully, as is evident from the perforations of all the numbers representing the days of the fair, except for one. The interior leaf has a printed list of subscriber’s rights.
* Receipt from the Levant Fair which took place in 1932, with the fair’s emblem, ‘the flying camel.’
The Levant Fair was an international trade fair which took place in Tel Aviv in the 1930s. Before this fair, there were exhibitions and fairs conducted in Tel Aviv from 1924-1929 and mainly organized by the “Trade and Industry” company which was established by Tel Aviv entrepreneurs. The fair which took place in 1932 was the first to be called “The Levant Fair.”
Various sizes, very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 109
Item 88
Memorial for the Lost of the Carmel Forest. LaNoter Publishing. Haifa, 1939

Memorial booklet accompanied by photographs of Jewish guards (notrim) who were murdered by Arab gangs during their work guarding the Carmel forests. Written by friends of those murdered [a close friend of each victim wrote a segment about the guard’s life and personality from up close; the memorial words were written a short time after the murders]. Some of the victims were murdered a very short time before the booklet was printed.
The Carmel land was acquired by the Jewish Company in 1934 and it placed notrim (guards) on this vast area of land. Over a number of years, gangs of local Arabs ambushed these notrim and managed to murder some individuals and injure others.
[2] 66 pages, 22 cm. Book jacket with a picture of notrim at the foot of a watch tower. Creases in the margins of the cover. Moderate-fine condition.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Der Rebbe un der Satan. Complete Edition, New York 1959. Rare.

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Auction house conditions

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