Letters and Documents of Missions

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Auction 120
Item 1
Letter from Jerusalem Sages Signed by Kabbalist Rabbi Ya'akov Tzemach, HaRav HaMusmach Chaim Abulafiah I, the Gaon Rabbi Ya'akov Chagiz and More. Jerusalem, 1665. Rare and Valuable Historic Document

Lengthy Letter signed by the spiritual giants of Jerusalem, including: The Kabbalist Rabbi Ya’akov Tzemach, HaRav HaMusmach Rabbi Abulafiah I, the gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Chagiz and more; to Rabbi Malachi Montepotzki, rabbi of Livorno (grandfather of the author of Yad Malachi ), regarding the mission of Rabbi Shlomo Ashkenazi and Rabbi David Korigal. Historic document of exceptional importance.

There is almost nothing known about the mission of these two sages. Their mission is not mentioned in Shluchei Eretz Yisrael , and until now, what was known about them was only from their signatures on the Italian sage’s, Rabbi Mehalalel Haleluyah’s responsum, which was printed from manuscript in the HaMa’ayan anthology (Kovetz 52, Tevet 2012, p. 92). Apparently emissary David Korigal was the rabbi and father-in-law (in the first marriage) of Rabbi Ya’akov Chagiz (refer to Korban Minchah Izmir 434 section 105 leaf 12b).

Rabbinic signatories on this missive:
HaRav HaMusmach Chaim Abulafiah I [c. 1680-c. 1768] was a disciple of the Mahari”t and associate of the author of Knesset HaGedolah . Rabbi Chaim traveled abroad as an emissary of Safed, and when he returned, he was appointed a dayan in the city. He was rabbinically ordained by his father, Rabbi Ya’akov Abulafiah, with the power to grant this ordination given by the “Beit Yosef” to his maternal grandfather, Mahar”i Berav II, and he is therefore called “HaRav HaMusmach.” His grandson was Rabbi Chaim Abulafiah II, rabbi of Izmir and Tiberias, author of Mikra’ei Kodesh , Etz Chaim and more. Towards the end of his life, he moved to Jerusalem, where he maintained a yeshivah. His foremost disciples were HaRav HaMusmach Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto, author of Peirush HaRi”f on Ein Ya’akov, and more, head of the Pinto family dynasty.
The great Kabbalist Rabbi Ya’akov Tzemach [1570-1667] was one of the leading Kabbalists. He was the main editor of Rabbi Chaim Vital’s doctrine and he authored deep Kabbalisitc works. Rabbi Ya’akov was born in Lisbon, from where he ascended to Safed to study Kabbalah from Rabbi Shmuel Vital, son of Rabbi Chaim Vital. From there he ascended to Jerusalem and invested all his time in authoring Kabbalistic works and editing Rabbi Chaim Vital’s writings. His known works include: Naggid U’Mitzvah , Zohar HaRakia , Kol Ramah , Olat Tamid , Tzemach Tzaddik , Adam Yashar , Ranu L’Ya’akov , Otzrot Chaim and others, as well as many glosses on Rabbi Chaim Vital’s writings.
The gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Chagiz [1620-1674] was the leading rabbi of Jerusalem, author of Etz Chaim and Halachot Ketanot , and rosh yeshivah of Beit Ya’akov in Jerusalem, in which leading sages of Jerusalem studied. In his second marriage, he was son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Galanti (the Mage”n), and from this marriage, his son the gaon Rabbi Moshe Chagiz (the Menia”ch) was born. His son-in-law was the gaon Rabbi Moshe ben Chaviv, author of Get Pashut . He was known for his uncompromising battle against Shabbetai Tzvi. He traveled to Constantinople in 1673 to print his book, and passed away there. His works include: Shu”t Halachot Ketanot , Etz Chaim al HaMishnayot , Techilat Chochmah , Korban Minchah , Orach Mishor , Ptil Techelet , and more.
Rabbi Yitzchak Nissim ben Jamil authored Chaim V’Chessed , which was printed at the end of Chanan Elokim , the book by his grandson, his daughter’s son, Rabbi Chaim Abulafiah II (before that, it was printed under the name Be’er L’Chai Ro’i at the end of Yashresh Ya’akov ). Novellae by him are dispersed amongst the above grandson’s books.
Rabbi Avraham Gedilliah authored the renowned “Brit Avraham” commentary on Yalkut Shimoni (Livorno 1650-1660). Rabbinic leaders in Jerusalem and in Hebron attest in their approbations that Rabbi Avraham was expert in all six orders of the Mishnah by heart.
Rabbi Baruch b”r Yisrael Binyamin was among the Jerusalem sages – “an in-depth sage, adjudicator and chassid” ( Koreh HaDorot 49a). His responsa appear in the works of the sages of his generation. Mahara”m ben Chaviv, in his book Get Pashut (section 129 subsection 127) proves that in a get, Binyamin should be written בנימן – lacking a יו”ד, from the signature of Rabbi Baruch Binyamin, who would sign without this יו”ד (cited in Shem HaGedolim in the entry on Rabbi Yisrael Binyamin.)
Rabbi Yitzchak Bitton was a leading rabbi among the rabbis of Jerusalem. He signed on the Jerusalem regulations and on the renowned letter from Jerusalem rabbis about the Ten Tribes. The Chid”a mentions him in Shem HaGedolim in the entry on Rabbi Shmuel Garmizan.
Rabbi Yosef Molcho was a scion of Rabbi Shlomo Molcho, “a wellspring sage who came from Safed to Jerusalem” ( Korot HaDorot 49b). He studied at the Mahar”i Chagiz’s yeshivah there. His son was the pious Rabbi Ya’akov Molcho from whom the Chid”a cites responsa and halachic rulings. ( Toldot Chachmai Yerushalayim Part II p. 73).

[1] sheet paper folded into two pages, 24×21 cm each. (The first page contains the body of the letter and the second contains sender’s and addressee’s details.) Oriental script. Quality paper.

Fine condition. Fold marks. Professionally restored small tear in the margins without damage to text. Historic documentation about the rabbinic signatories included.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 120
Item 2
Mission Letter Signed by the Chid"a's Father and Father-in-Law, the Mahari"t Algazi and Leading Sages of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1758

Mission letter for Jerusalem emissary Rabbi Ya’akov Ashkenazi to the Modena community in Italy. Jerusalem, 1758.
The letter describes the mission and the emissary: He has become an elder and sits in yeshivah, travels the roads in countries of the Diaspora to collect funds for the Talmud Torah Kol Tefillah synagogue day and night, for the vapors of children’s mouths – for thirteen tables, and there must be a new building constructed for the Talmud Torah. The demolition and construction will cost twenty thousand … and also for the construction of new fences for the cemetery where several rabbis are buried.
The emissary Rabbi Ya’akov Ashkenazi [de Korona] was a Jerusalem sage. (Regarding his mission, refer to: Shluchei Eretz Yisrael pp. 396-397.)
Jerusalem rabbinic signatories:
Rabbi Rephael Meyuchas son of Rabbi Shmuel (author of Pri HaAdamah , later Rishon LeTziyon),
Rabbi Shlomo Chiya Mizrachi (son of Rabbi Yisrael Meir, author of Pri HaAretz . The Chid”a cites him several times in his book),
The youth Rephael Zerachiyah Azoulay (father of the Chid”a, one of the leading sages and dayanim of Jerusalem),
Rabbi Yom Tov Azoulay (Mahari”t Algazi, later Rishon LeTziyon),
Rabbi Pinchas Yosef Mizrachi (son of Rabbi Moshe, author of Admat Kodesh ),
Rabbi Nissim Berachah (father-in-law of the Chid”a, one of the leading sages and dayanim of Jerusalem),
Rabbi Rephael Moshe Bula (author of Get MeKushar , later Rishon LeTziyon),
As well as an appeal from the administrators of Jerusalem who were in Constantinople at the time, who join the request of the Jerusalem sages, signed by:
Yehoshua Tzunitzen, Chaim Shmuel Chovev, Yitzchak ben Rabbi Shmuel Angel, Moshe Ashio, Moshe son of Rabbi Ya’akov Ashkenazi, Chaim Yosef.
Before us is an emissary’s letter signed by the leading sages of Jerusalem of the period, many of whom were later appointed to the position of Rishon LeTziyon.
[1] leaf paper, 33×22 cm.
Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 120
Item 3
Emissary's Letter Signed by the Leading Sages of Jerusalem, Led by the Mahari"t Algazi and Rabbi Avraham Azoulay, Son of the Chid"a. Jerusalem, 1799

Lengthy letter signed by the leading sages of Jerusalem, led by the Mahari” t Algazi and Rabbi Avraham Azoulay, son of the Chid”a.

The letter was sent to the heads of the Modena community, and discusses the difficult situation of the settlement in Jerusalem, and the matter of Rabbi Rephael Avraham Lev Aryeh’s mission.

Signed on the letter:
Rabbi Yom Tov – HaMahari” t Algazi [1727-1802], gaon and Kabbalist, one of the leaders of his generation. (See more about him in this catalog.)
Rabbi Avraham Azoulay [d. 1799], son of the Chid” a was a Torah leader; his father mentions him in his works with great respect. He traveled to Europe twice as an emissary of Jerusalem. His glosses were printed in the book Machzik Berachah . He predeceased his father.
The Rishon L’Tziyon Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Yosef Meyuchas [1738-1806] was a son of the author of Pri HaAdamah and son-in-law and successor of the Mahari”t Algazi. He authored: Berechot HaMayim and Shu”t Mayim Sha’al .
Rabbi Yehudah Burla [d. 1814] was one of the dayanim in the Mahari”t Algazi’s Beit Din. He authored Nachalat Yehudah , which was printed together with Mekor Yisrael by his father, the Rishon L’Tziyon Rabbi Yisrael Ya’akov Burla. He was eulogized by the Chikrei Lev. ( Toldot Chachmei Yisrael , Part III, p. 209.)
Rabbi Yitzchak Kubo (I) [d. 1807], was one of the sages in the Mahari”t Algazi’s Beit Din. (Ibid. p. 126.)
Rabbi Moshe Aharon HaLevi [d. 1814] was one of the dayanim of Jerusalem in the Mahari”t Algazi’s time, and every difficulty was brought to him (refer to the introduction to his book.) He authored the book Mateh Aharon in two parts (Salonika 1819-1820). (Ibid. p. 196.)
The Rishon L’Tziyon Rabbi Mordechai HaLevi [d. 1807] was known as “HaRav HaMelitz.” He traveled to Italy as an emissary of Jerusalem. He served for a short time as Rishon L’Tziyon after Rabbi Meyuchas’ passing.
[1] double leaf paper. 36×23 cm. Greenish paper, high-quality. Oriental script; fine condition. Fold marks. Minimal aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 120
Item 4
Emissary Letter from the Rashb"i's Grave Site from Safed Sages to Modena, Italy, 1773

Letter of request from those who stand in the house of G-d at the grave site of the G-dly tanna Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, may his merit protect us. Safed, 1773.
The Safed sages are making this request due to the burden of 10,000 grush debts and other debts totaling 12,000 grush. They write about the tzaddik Rabbi Massoud Bonan who traveled from there, and since then the debts and problems have increased, and he helped them and then traveled from there to Sidon, and he agreed to go back, and now they are sending him with this emissary’s letter to the Modena community; it is a matter of redemption of captives. 1773.
Approximately ten Safed rabbis are signed on it, including:
Rabbi Natan son of the belated Rabbi Levi, ztz” l; Rabbi Avraham son of Yosef HaLevi; Rabbi Eliyahu Prag” i(?), S” T; Rabbi Yeudah Lavi, S” T; Rabbi Yehoshaphat Birdugo, S” T; Rabbi Avraham Abegil(?), S” T.
[1] double leaf paper. 32×21. Fine condition. Minimal aging stains. Tiny holes.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 120
Item 5
Emissary Letter from 'Mearat HaMachpelah' Hebron Sages to the Modena community [1763]

Emissary letter from the holy city of Hebron for emissaries R’ Chaim Rachamim Baggio and Rabbi Yitzchak Ze’evi to the Modena community in Italy, 1763.
With respect to a court case between a Jew and a gentile in Hebron – the payment was a sum of 25,000 reals, and aside from this, there is a feud between two Ishmaelite families in Hebron, constituting a danger to Jews there, and a huge sum is necessary to leave to avoid the danger. Signed on the letter: Hebron rabbis, with a chronogram [” ושמרו דרך ה’ לעשות צדקה” ] working out to the year 1763.
Names of the rabbinic signatories:
Rabbi Aharon Alfandri [author of Yad Aharon and Merkavat HaMishnah ], Rabbi Chaim Yeudah Gomitz Pato [relative of the Chid” a], Rabbi Yitzchak HaKohen, Rabbi Chaim [Shlomo] Ze’evi, Rabbi Eli’ ben Archa, Rabbi Pinchas Mordechai Baggio, the youth Avraham Gedaliah [the grandson].
[1] leaf paper. 33×22 cm. Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains.

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Auction 120
Item 6
Emissary's Letter on behalf of the Ohr HaChaim HaKodesh's Study Hall - Knesset Yisrael, Signed by his Disciples.

Emissary’s letter for Rabbi Tzvi HaLevi for his mission to Modena, Italy, on behalf of the Knesset Yisrael study hall, which was founded by Rabbi Chaim ben Attar, zlh” h. 1766.
The sages of Jerusalem wrote about the condition of the Knesset Yisrael study hall, indicating to the Modena community that the author of Ohr HaChaim passed through their community, and they promised to support him. As is known, the continued existence of the Knesset Yisrael yeshivah was important to Rabbeinu Chaim ben Attar, and in his book, he writes that if anyone has questions on the book after his passing, he should turn to the Ohr HaChaim’s disciples at the yeshivah he founded. ‘The merit of the mentioned rabbi (that is, the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh) will stand by them’ is written in large letters in the emissary’s letter.
The emissary, Rabbi Tzvi HaLevi, ascended to the Land of Israel together with the Ohr HaChaim, and then had to return to Italy, whereafter he returned to Jerusalem. His name is mentioned in the list of the Ohr HaChaim’s disciples from 1758. Also, refer to A. Ya’ari, Shluchei Eretz Yisrael page 544.
Jerusalem rabbinic signatories:
Rabbi Shem Tov Gabbai [foremost disciple of the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh. He ascended with him from Morocco to the Land of Israel and studied at his yeshivah in Jerusalem. He signed together with the Ohr HaChaim’s disciples in their foreword to the book Rishon LeTziyon ]. Rabbi Chaim David son of Rabbi Shmuel Amar [one of the leading disciples of the Ohr HaChaim, and there are those who say he ascended with him from Livorno to Jerusalem; Author of Tehillah L’David ]. Rabbi Yeudah Gershon, S” T. Rabbi Moshe Korbaliv. Rabbi David Mizrachi. Rabbi Yehudah(?) Benveniste. Rabbi Mordechai Shitreet. The youth Aharon son of Rabbi Moshe. Rabbi Yisrael Meir Burla [author of Shu” t Mekor Yisrael and Nachalat Yehuda ].
[1] leaf, 32×21 cm. Very fine condition. Minimal aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 120
Item 7
Emissary's Letter from the Sages of Hebron to the Livorno Community, 1727

Letter signed by the sages of Hebron about Rabbi Yom Tov Krispi’s and Rabbi Avraham Gedalia’s mission. Hebron, 1727.
The letter is addressed to Rabbi Moshe Warmish of Livorno, with details of the required sums.
Names of the rabbinic signatories:
Rabbi Avraham ibn Archa (refer to: Mekorot U’Mechkarim by Ben-Tzvi 188-194, Gliss Encyclopedia L’Chachmei Eretz Yisrael III, 36)
Rabbi David Melamed (one of the Jerusalem sages who moved to Hebron, disciple and son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael Ze’evi; he moved to Hebron, and was appointed chief rabbi there in 1762)
Rabbi Yisrael HaKohen (one of the sages of Hebron; he gave an approbation to the book Mayim Rabbim by Rabbi Rephael Meldola, which has responsa by him)
Rabbi Chaim Yosef son of Rabbi Avraham Elyashar (one of the sages of Hebron; he was in Amsterdam with Rabbi Avraham Yitzchaki in 1712 and printed the book Naggid U’Mitzvah by Rabbi Ya’akov Tzemach)
Rabbi Yosef Kastil
Rabbi Yisrael Ze’evi (Rabbi Avraham Chaim Ze’evi, grandson of the “Chessed L’Avraham, ” author of Orim Gedolim )
The emissary Rabbi Avraham Gedaliah was the author of the renowned commentary ‘Brit Avraham’ on the Yalkut Shimoni (Livorno 1650-1660). Sages of Jerusalem and Hebron attest in their approbations there that Rabbi Avraham knew the six orders of mishnah by heart. Regarding this mission, see: A Ya’ari, Shluchei Eretz Yisrael , pp. 492-493.
[1] leaf paper, 21×23 cm. Fine condition. Aging stains. The lower corner is professionally restored.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Letter from Jerusalem Sages Signed by Kabbalist Rabbi Ya’akov Tzemach, HaRav HaMusmach Chaim Abulafiah I, the Gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Chagiz and More. Jerusalem, 1665. Rare and Valuable Historic Document

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