Letters to Sir Moses Montefiore

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Auction 106
Item 68
Impressive Letter from the Heads and Rabbis of the Ashkenazic Community of Jerusalem [1855]

מספר מעלליך הטובים, צדקת פרזונך מי יוכלל למלל.
ירית חץ התשועה מתת למשיסה יעקב וישראל לבוזזים.
פתח התקוה פתחת, הצלת צאן קדשים מיד גוזזים.
ויקרא שמך “משה” לאמור מהמים הזדונים תמשה אחים.
This poem, printed in Kol Nehi (Vienna, 1865), is one of dozens of poems expressing praise and thanksgiving to Sir Moses Montefiore. He was undoubtedly one of the most admired figures in the Jewish nation – and he rightfully earned this praise. Through his benevolent philanthropy and tireless efforts at the royal courts on behalf of his brethren suffering under the yoke of money-hungry rulers and despots, Montefiore left his mark on 19th century Jewish life in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora.
It is impossible to list all of Montefiore’s activities on behalf of the yishuv in the Land of Israel, particularly in Jerusalem, and for all Jewish communities in the Diaspora. Montefiore visited the Land of Israel seven times (he was 90-years-old during his last visit). His money funded the Yemin Moshe, Mazkeret Moshe, and Mishkanot Shananim neighborhoods. (Kiryat Moshe and Zichron Moshe were named in his memory.) He founded a mill to lower the price of bread in Jerusalem and sent a printing press from London, and as such was the founder of the first press in Jerusalem. Every one of his visits involved difficulties and dangers. He put forth much effort to nullify the Damascus blood libel in 1840 and, in 1847, traveled to meet with Czar Nikolai in order to improve conditions for Russian Jewry. In 1859, he traveled to Rome to try to assist when Egardo Levi Mortara was seized by the Catholic church. In 1863, he was involved in efforts on behalf of the Jews of Morocco and in 1867, on behalf of the Jews of Romania.
Following is a collection of historic letters regarding Sir Moses Montefiore.

Letter of thanks and blessing for the funds sent, the manner they were distributed, and regards to the wife of Sir Montefiore ‘the famous righteous leader Yehudit.’ Jerusalem, 1855.
Specification: [1] paper leaf. 27×21 cm. 1855. Pleasant handwriting, blue paper.
Content: The letter is signed by the prominent leaders of the new Ashkenazic settlement in Jerusalem, the heads and directors of its central institutions.
Rabbi Yeshaya Bardaki (1790-1863), head of the Ashkenazic community of Jerusalem, disciple of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov, author of Pe’at HaShulchan . Immigrated to Safed in 1810, and relocated to Jerusalem after the earthquake of 1837, where he became head of the Ashkenazic yishuv.
Rabbi Shmuel Salant (1816-1909) Rabbi of Jerusalem and the leader of the Ashkenazic community for close to fifty years. Immigrated to Israel in 1841, then served in various roles in Jerusalem for the next seventy years. Leader of all charitable activities and the Torah institutions in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Uri Shabtai (1800-1857) dayan, Rabbi Yosef Zundel Salant’s son-in-law and Rabbi Shmuel Salant’s brother-in-law. He served as a dayan in Jerusalem and was one of the founders and managers of the Talmud Torah in the Churva of Rabbi Yehuda HeChassid.
Rabbi Dovber Segal , administrator of the community. Passed away in 1855.
Unique Features: In the margins of the letter, the rabbis inquire about the welfare of Sir Montefiore’s loyal secretary Rabbi Dr. Eliezer HaLevi, and signed once more with their handwritten signature.
Condition: Fine condition, fold marks, tiny holes on the right as the letter was once bound.

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Auction 106
Item 69
Letter from the Rishon L'Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Kubo with a Refusal to Receive Charity from a Non-Jew

Extremely interesting letter from the Rishon L’Tzion, Rabbi Yitzchak Kubo, and the leaders of the Askenazi yishuv of Jerusalem, to Moshe Montefiore. Jerusalem, 1851.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 21×26 cm. Pleasant handwriting.
Content: Letter of thanks for sending a donation to the residents of Jerusalem. Signed by the Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Kubo, Rabbi David Tevli Berlin (son of Rabbi Shlomo Herschel, Av Beit Din of London son of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Berlin, son of Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Av Beit Din of Amsterdam, son-in-law of the Chacham Tzvi, one of the builders and activists of Jerusalem), and R’ Nissan Beck (the son of the well-known printer Yisrael Beck, a chassid of Ruzhin and one of the foremost activists in Jerusalem).
Unique Features: Among the donations sent was ‘the donation of a nobleman who is not a member of our nation of the sum of one lira and ten shillings’ about which Rabbi Yitzchak Kubo writes in his handwriting and signature in the margins of the letters “I inform that I, the Rishon L’Tzion who signs first, did not want to benefit from the aforementioned one lira and ten shillings from the nobleman who is not a member of our faith, and did not take anything from it, and in his honor I signed on this as well …”
In this letter, the Rishon L’Tzion remains steadfast in his decision not to receive donations from non-Jews even though the Sefardi Kollels were in a state of ‘poverty and suffering.’ (Regarding the topic of whether it is permissible to receive charity from a non-Jew, see Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 254 and modern-day literature where this topic is discussed extensively.)
Background: The Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Kubo (1770-1854) of Salonika, immigrated to Israel toward the end of his life and was appointed as the Rishon L’Tzion in place of Rabbi Agan. In his time, the Sefardi kollels were in a terrible state and he therefore undertook to go abroad as an emissary, but took ill on his way to Egypt and died.
Condition: Fine – very fine. Fold marks, tiny holes in the right hand margins of the leaf as the letter was previously bound.

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Auction 106
Item 70
Rare Letter from the Great Rabbis: Rabbi Zundel Salant, Rabbi Yeshaya Bardaki and Rabbi Shmuel Salant

Letter to Sir Moshe Montefiore, with the handwritten signature of the most prominent and important people in the Ashkenazi yishuv at the time, Rabbi Yosef Zundel Salant, his son-in-law Rabbi Shmuel Salant and Rabbi Yeshaya Bardaki, son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov author of Peat HaShulchan . Jerusalem, 1856.
Specifications: [1] paper leaf. 21×27 cm. Thin blue paper.
Content: Letter of thanks and blessing for sending money for various purposes.
Unique Features: Rabbi Yosef Zundel Salant, one of the foremost disciples of Rabbi Chaim of Volzhin, signed the letter three times, and added an additional line and a half in his handwriting in the margins. Letters from him are extremely uncommon.
It is extremely rare to find one letter with the handwritten signatures of the these three leaders, upon whom the entire Ashkenazi yishuv of Jerusalem depended at that time.
Condition: Fine – very fine condition. Fold marks.

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Auction 106
Item 71
Letter of Thanks from The Rishon LeTzion Rabbi Chaim Nissim Abulafia and Other Scholars of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1859

Letter of thanks and blessing to Moses Montefiore for the monetary donation he sent ‘for the poor among Hash-m’s people who dwell in the “arba artzot chaim” … the money will be divided among us in peace and honesty.’ [1859].
Specifications: [1] leaf, thin, blue paper. 21×27 cm.
Unique Features: This letter to Montefiore is signed by the heads of Sephardic and Ashkenazic Kollels in Jerusalem.
Background: Rabbi Chaim Nissim Abulafia , known as Rabbi ChN”A, was born in Tiberias in 1798. He served in the rabbinate of Tiberias for many years, and then as the rabbi of Jerusalem and Rishon LeTzion from the year 1855 until his death in 1861.
Rabbi Yeshaya Berdki [1790-1862] was the head of the Ashkenazic community in Jerusalem. He was a student of the GR”Ch of Volozhin, and son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov, author of Pe’at HaShulchan. He immigrated to Tzfat in 1810, and in the aftermath of the 1837 earthquake, emigrated to Jerusalem and became the head of the Ashkenazic community.
Rabbi Nissan Beck was the son of the renowned printer Rabbi Yisrael Beck, and ran his father’s publishing house him. He was faithful to Admor Yisrael of Ruzhin and his son, the Admor of Sadigura, and was one of Jerusalem’s greatest activists.
Yellin of Lomza [his first name is indecipherable, most likely one of the ancestors of the Yellin family who left Lomza and immigrated to Jerusalem].
Condition: Fine. Fold marks, stains, binding holes on leaf’s side, tear in lower left corner without lack.

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Auction 106
Item 72
Letter from the Holy Brothers Rabbi Nachum of Shadik and Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Levi

Letter from the holy brothers Rabbi Nachum of Shadik and Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Levi, among the heads and founders of Kollel Polin and among the leaders of the Jewish settlement in Jerusalem, to Moshe Montefiore, Jerusalem, 1859.
Specifications: [1] paper leaf. 27×22 cm. Greenish paper.
Background: Rabbi Yaacov Yehuda Leib Levi (1813-1889) tremendous genius in both the hidden and revealed Torah, Av Beit Din of Jerusalem for over forty years, one of the scholars of the kabbalistic Beit El yeshiva, who acted according to the Ari, z”l in all matters. He was one of the leaders of the Ashkenazic settlement in Jerusalem and one of the founders of the Kollel Polin.
Rabbi Nachum of Shadik (1811-1866), the most famous of the holy brothers, was a kabbalist in Jerusalem and one of the 36 hidden tzaddikim of the generation, known to be holy and chaste, he used to fast throughout the week and an angel revealed itself to him and taught him secrets of the Torah. His son was Rabbi David Beharan.
It is well known that the three holy brothers Rabbi Nachum of Shadik, Rabbi Yaakov Yehuda Leib and Rabbi Asher Lemmel all dreamed on the same night that they must immigrate to the Land of Israel, and so they did. The brothers left Poland in 1845. The residents of the Land of Israel referred to this joint immigration as ‘The Immigration of the Three Holy Brothers’.
Special Features: Letter to Montifiore in the handwriting and with the signatures of the heads of Kollel Polin and the leaders of the Jewish settlement in Jerusalem. With the stamp “The holy congregation of the people of Poland, Varshe District, who volunteer to dwell in Jerusalem.” In the center of the stamp is a picture of the Western Wall and the words [in Hebrew] “And G-d comforted Zion and chose Jerusalem once again.” The Gaon, the great eagle Av Beit Din and Rosh Yeshiva of the holy community’ mentioned at the beginning of the letter is Rabbi Natan Adler, Av Beit Din of London, author of the book Netina L’Ger .
Condition: Moderate condition. Creases and fold marks. Aging stains, tiny tears in the margins of the letter and on the fold.

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Auction 106
Item 73
Letter from the Rabbis of the Sefardic Community of Jerusalem Led By Rabbi Yissachar Atzraf, Father-in-Law and Teacher of the Angel Rabbi Refael, About a Prayer of Thanksgiving upon Queen Victoria Being Saved from Assassination Attempts

Letter from Rabbi Yissachar Atzraf and his Beit Din to Moshe Montefiore. In the letter they relate that they fulfilled his request to pray for the welfare of the great queen of Britain who was saved from death. [Jerusalem], 1882.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 22×28 cm. Beautiful scribal handwriting. Signed by the great Sefardic sages of Jerusalem: Rabbi Shlomo Vachnun, Rabbi Shlomo Abu Shadid and Rabbi Chaim Maimon Amiel. Signatures of the rabbis and the stamps of Rabbi Yissachar Atzraf, of the Kolelot Kehilot Kodesh HaMaaravim and of the Committee of the Sefardic communities.
Unique Features: Historical document which sheds light on the attitude of the Moroccan community of Jerusalem toward the British empire, the queen and Sir Montefiore, for whom they are praying at the Western Wall.
Background: In May 1882, a young assassin shot at the Queen with a pistol while she rode in her carriage through St. James Park. A month later the Queen experienced another assassination attempt, when a young man named John William Bean tried to shoot her. Montefiore sent a letter to communities throughout the Jewish world asking them to hold a service of prayer and thanksgiving in the synagogues.
Rabbi Yissachar Atzraf (1807-1892) – Av Beit Din of his native city of Sale. Rabbi and father-in-law of the angel Rabbi Rafael Ankawa. He was a great Torah scholar and a holy man and many miraculous stories are told about him (refer to Nachalat Avot by Rabbi Mashash, part two page 266). He immigrated to Israel in 1880, and succeeded Rabbi Rafael Elazar Ben Tovo, author of the Pekudat Elazar as head of the Sefardic community after the latter’s passing. He was revered and respected by the rabbis of all the groups and sectors in Jerusalem, and was considered to be a holy man and a miracle worker.
Condition: Fine – very fine, fold marks.

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Auction 106
Item 74
Letter by Rabbi Yosef Refael Tarragan Regarding the State of the Houses in the "Mishkenot Sha'ananim" Neighborhood. Jerusalem, 1863.

Letter by Rabbi Yosef Refael Tarragan, Jerusalem, 1863.
Specifications: [1] leaf, blue paper. 20X27 cm.
Contents: The letter revolves around the condition of the houses in the new neighborhood, Mishkenot Sha’ananim. R’ Tarragan informs Sir Montefiore that the neighborhood’s inhabitants suffer water leakage from the pipes of their homes, and due to the large amount, they “virtually float on the water at nights, especially we the Sephardim, whose beds are laying on the ground, almost to the point that we, our wives, and our children are in mortal danger. There is enormous damage to the houses’ walls, the gatekeeper’s roof, the oven, and the millstones …”
Rabbi Yosef Refael Tarragan, father of Rabbi Ben Zion Tarragan, was one of the sages of the Magen David Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He was among the first settlers in the Mishkenot Sha’ananim neighborhood, and Montefiore’s loyal friend, as one of the neighborhood’s fundraisers. He was the first signatory on words of blessings sent to Montefiore in 1861 from the founders of the neighborhood, which was printed at the end of Rabbi Yosef Nissim Burla’s sermon for the inauguration of the new synagogue in the Mishkenot Sha’ananim neighborhood (Jerusalem, 1862 – refer to S. HaLevi No. 76 – picture attached).
Unique Features: The Mishkenot Sha’ananim neighborhood was built by Sir Moshe Montefiore from the estate of Yehuda Tura. It was the first neighborhood built outside the walls of the Old City. We learn from this letter the extent to which Montefiore was involved in the daily life of the neighborhood and the state of its inhabitants.
Condition: Very fine.

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Auction 106
Item 75
Letter from the Heads of the Chabad Kollel to Montefiore. Jerusalem, 1862

Letter expressing thanks for Montefiore’s donations and a request future remembrance of their circumstances. Signed by the head of the Kollel.
Specifications: [1] leaf, blue paper, written on both sides. 21X27 cm. Stamped with the seal: “ביהכנ”ס בית מנחם דק”הק חסידים חב”ד הי”ו תושבי עיה”ק ירושלם תובב”א.” Includes four signatures. All four signatories signed once more on the other side of the page.
Unique Features: The letter is signed by the following rabbis:
The first signatory is Avraham Shtzeres, who is not known to us from any other source, a sort of novelty, since his name is not documented in any other Chabad source.
Rabbi Shneur Zalman Fundaminsky – son-in-law of Rabbi Ya’akov Slonim ( Sefer HaYachas, p. 111), among the leaders of Chabad in Jerusalem and Hebron.
Rabbi Uri Orenstein (1806-1879) was son-in-law of the author of Keren Ora, accepted into the Chassidut by the Tzemach Tzedek. When he moved to Safed, he became a disciple of Rabbi Avraham Dov of Ovruch, author of Bat Ayin . In 1840 he moved to Jerusalem, and went out twice as an emissary for the welfare of the Jews of Jerusalem. He lived ascetically and behaved piously, passed away in 1849. (See Tvch”y ch”g, p. 74, Gellis, Dmuyot Yerushalayim , p.p. 176-186)
Rabbi Yeshaya Orenstein – was born in 1834. He was the son of the above-mentioned Rabbi Uri Orenstein and son-in-law of Rabbi Moshe Rivlin, the Maggid of Shklov. He was a faithful follower of the Maharil Diskin. During an earthquake in Safed, he was buried alive under the rubble for a few days, and miraculously survived. He received Torah from the mouth of the author of Zayit Raanan , and was mentioned in many of his books (refer to Tvch”y, ibid., P. 69,74). Passed away in 1908. His grandson is the Agudat Yisrael activist Rabbi Moshe Blau.
Condition: Fine condition. Aging stains. Fold marks.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 76
Letter from the Heads of Kollel Chabad in Hebron Rabbi Yaacov Slonim Son-in-law of the Mitteler Admor and Rabbi Shimon Menashe Chaikin

Letter signed by Rabbi Yaakov Slonim, son-in-law of the Mitteler Admor, and Rabbi Shimon Menashe Chaikin to Sir Moshe Montefiore and his wife Yehudit, about their donation to the Bikkur Cholim and Hachnasat Kallah societies in Hebron, about the manner the funds were distributed, and notification that a report of the income and expenses of the aforementioned societies has been sent. Hebron, 1851.
Specifications: [1] paper leaf. 27×22 cm. Beautiful scribal handwriting, with an impressive stamp of Kollel Chabad in Hebron.
Unique Features: Letter to the Montefiore family from the heads of Kollel Chabad in Hebron and among the first members of the Chabad settlement in the city. In the letter’s margins, Rabbi Shlomo Menashe added regards in his handwriting and with his signature to Montefiore’s secretary, Eliezer HaLevi.
Background: Rabbi Yaakov Slonim, patriarch of the Slonim family, son-in-law of the Mitteler Admor Rabbi Dov Ber Schneersohn of Lubavitch, son of Rabbi Shnuer Zalman of Liadi, author of the Tanya. Rabbi Yaakov married his famous daughter, Rebbetzin Menucha Rachel Schneersohn, referred to as ‘the mother of the Jewish settlement of Hebron.’ They immigrated to Hebron in 1843 at the instruction of the Tzemach Tzedek and were the founders of the Chabad settlement there. Rabbi Yaakov headed the burial society and the gemilut chassadim society. He passed away in 1857 (Shalom Dovber Levin, Toldot Chabad B’Eretz HaKodesh , page 78).
Rabbi Shimon Menashe Chaikin, rabbi of Hebron was born c. 1802, immigrated from Shklov to Safed, and was one of the first disciples of the Mitteler Admor to follow his instructions and move from Safed to Hebron. From 1843 onward, his name appears as one of the leaders of the community, and from 1856 as rabbi of the community. The Tzemach Tzedek greatly admired him. He led the community in the Jewish settlement in Hebron for fifty years and carried the burden of the people until his passing in 1893.
Condition: Fine condition, fold marks. Tiny holes on the right side.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 77
Letter with the Signature of Rabbi Shmuel Heller Av Beit Din of Safed and Rabbi Yaacov Dov Berish of Roman, the Emissary of the Rabbi of Ruzhin in the Land of Israel

Letter to Sir Moshe Montefiore regarding receiving money to distribute to bikkur cholim and hachnasat kallah in the city of Safed with the handwritten signatures of Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beit Din of Safed, and Rabbi Yaacov Dov Berish of Roman. Safed, 1853.
Specifications: [1] leaf, blue paper. 19×24 cm. Details of the addressee and a stamp are on the rear side of the letter, with a foreign-language inscription added after the letter reached its destination.
Unique Features: Letter with the handwritten signature of Rabbi Shmuel Heller, Av Beit Din of Safed, and Rabbi Yaacov Dov Berish of Roman, the representative of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin in the Land of Israel. In the letter’s margins, Rabbi Shmuel Heller added regards to Montefiore’s secretary Eliezer HaLevi.
Background: Rabbi Yaacov Dov Berish of Roman was close to the Rabbi Yitzchak of Radvil and later to Rabbi Shalom of Prohovitch and his son Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, and later, his son Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of Sagidura. He immigrated to the Land of Israel in 1836 and was one of the leaders of the community in Safed. He founded his study hall with money from Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin who even sent him to Moshe Montefiore as honorary gabbai, as Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin wrote in his letter: “… I have selected agents and loyal delegates to the country of England, the great and expert Rabbi Yaakov David of Roman and the great Rabbi Nissan the emissary from Jerusalem specifically and intentionally to the great and dear prince the distinguished leader Moshe Montefiore …” Passed away in 1858 and was buried in Safed [see the Iggerot HaRebbe M’Ruzhin part one page 216, footnote 23].
Condition: Fine, fold marks, tiny holes on the margin of the leaf from when it had been bound.

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Auction 106
Item 78
Condolence Letter from the Sages and Heads of the Ashkenazic Community of Tiberias Regarding the Passing of Sir Moses Montefiore. Tiberias, 1885.

Letter from the heads of the Tiberian community to Joseph Sebag Montefiore (Montefiore’s nephew and heir) and to Montefiore’s well-known secretary, Dr. Eliezer HaLevi. They express their condolences for the passing of Montefiore, and tell of the tremendous eulogy they delivered at the Great Synagogue in Tiberias, and of the candle that was lit in his memory i n the Beit Midrash of the Tanna Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes, that would remain lit for the duration of a year. Tiberias, 1885.
Specifications: [1] leaf. 26X21 cm. Extremely elegant scribal handwriting. Contains the rabbis’ signatures; the stamp of Rabbi Chaim son of Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch, ritual slaughterer; the stamp of the Bikkur Cholim Association of Tiberias; and the stamp of the gabbais of the Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes zy”a synagogue and the yeshiva Kotnot Ohr, for “the elevation of his soul, in the name of our brothers in the diaspora.”
Background: The eulogist was Rabbi Reuven Yeshaya Klinger, Av Beit Din of Seiwen, author of Klil Tiferet LeMoshe, in honor of Montefiore.
Unique Features: The letter is signed by the gabbai of Beit Midrash Rabbi Meir Baal HaNes and the gabbai of Bikur Cholim: Rabbi Avraham Beck – son of the famous printer Rabbi Yisrael Beck. He was one of the most important public figures in the city, the founder of the associations Bikkur Cholim and Yishuv Eretz HaKodesh; and, Rabbi Chaim son of Tzvi Hirsch, ritual slaughterer – one of the city’s sages and rabbis, and among the Chassidic elders of Tiberias. He was the trustee of Kollel Karlin and Zhitomir (Alfasi, HaChassidut VeEretz Yisrael, p. 482); along with Rabbi Moshe Goldtzweig, Rabbi Yaakov son of Yitzchak Isaac, and Rabbi Yosef Chaim son of Yissachar [the associations’ steward].
Condition: Fine. Miniscule holes on side of page without damage to text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 79
Poem about Queen Victoria's Rescue from Assassination Attempts and a Related Letter from the Rabbis of Tiberias. Tiberias [1882]

Letter from the rabbis of Tiberias notifying Sir Moses Montefiore that they acceded to his request and held prayers expressing their gratitude for the rescue of the Queen of Britain. With a poem they sang in honor of the queen. Tiberias, [1882].
Specifications: Letter from the rabbis of Tiberias, [1] paper, letterhead of the Kollels of Tiberias, 29×22 cm. Scribal writing, signatures and stamps of the sages and administrators of the Sephardic and Ashkenazic communities in Tiberias. With songs about the rescue of the queen, [1] paper. Letterhead of the Kollels of Tiberias, 29×22 cm. 28×22 cm. Scribal hand, with stamp.
Unique features: The letter is signed by the Ashkenazic and Sephardic rabbis of Tiberias: Rabbi Refael Avraham Kalphon (with his poetic signature: מעט אכ”ל); Rabbi Yosef David Abulafia; Rabbi Shimon Abadi; and Rabbi Avraham Yosef HaLevi, rabbi of the Ashkenazic community in Tiberias.
Background: In [May 1882] a young assassin shot at the queen while she drove by in her coach at St. James’s Park. A month later, another assassination attempt was made by a youth named John Bean. Montefiore sent a letter to all Jewish communities asking them to arrange prayers of thanksgiving in the synagogues. In this letter, the Tiberias rabbis inform Montefiore that they acceded to his request and “on Shabbat kodesh, in all the synagogues, with a large congregation, we thanked Hash-m for His goodness, who redeemed her soul from death.”
Condition: Fine. Aging stains on the letter, and wear-and-tear on the edges of the leaf, without affecting text.

Sir Moses Montefiore
מספר מעלליך הטובים, צדקת פרזונך מי יוכלל למלל.
ירית חץ התשועה מתת למשיסה יעקב וישראל לבוזזים.
פתח התקוה פתחת, הצלת צאן קדשים מיד גוזזים.
ויקרא שמך “משה” לאמור מהמים הזדונים תמשה אחים.
This poem, printed in Kol Nehi (Vienna, 1865), is one of dozens of poems expressing praise and thanksgiving to Sir Moses Montefiore. He was undoubtedly one of the most admired figures in the Jewish nation – and he rightfully earned this praise. Through his benevolent philanthropy and tireless efforts at the royal courts on behalf of his brethren suffering under the yoke of money-hungry rulers and despots, Montefiore left his mark on 19th century Jewish life in the Land of Israel and the Diaspora.
It is impossible to list all of Montefiore’s activities on behalf of the yishuv in the Land of Israel, particularly in Jerusalem, and for all Jewish communities in the Diaspora. Montefiore visited the Land of Israel seven times (he was 90-years-old during his last visit). His money funded the Yemin Moshe, Mazkeret Moshe, and Mishkanot Shananim neighborhoods. (Kiryat Moshe and Zichron Moshe were named in his memory.) He founded a mill to lower the price of bread in Jerusalem and sent a printing press from London, and as such was the founder of the first press in Jerusalem. Every one of his visits involved difficulties and dangers. He put forth much effort to nullify the Damascus blood libel in 1840 and, in 1847, traveled to meet with Czar Nikolai in order to improve conditions for Russian Jewry. In 1859, he traveled to Rome to try to assist when Egardo Levi Mortara was seized by the Catholic church. In 1863, he was involved in efforts on behalf of the Jews of Morocco and in 1867, on behalf of the Jews of Romania.
Following is a collection of historic letters regarding Sir Moses Montefiore.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 80
Rare Letter Signed by Rabbi Naftali Tzvi of Stolin, Grandson of the Baal Shem Tov. Tiberias, 1851

Letter from the leaders and administrators of the Ashkenazic and Chassidic communities in Tiberias to Sir Moses Montefiore, thanking him for a monetary donation to the Jewish settlement in Tiberias (the money was sent by Rabbi Natan Adler, through Reb Nissan Beck).
Specifications: [1] leaf, blue paper. 13×21 cm. Nice hand.
Background: Rabbi Naftali Tzvi of Stolin was the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov. His mother was Sheina Rochel, the daughter of Tzvi, son of the Besh”t. His father was Yaakov son of Rabbi Maneles, uncle of Rabbi Aharon of Karlin. Rabbi Naftali Tzvi was the son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael of Pikov, son of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev. He immigrated to Tiberias with his father in 1832 and was a trustee of the Kollelot HaChassidim D’Volin. In 1862, he was sent by the chassidim of Tiberias to raise funds. He met with prominent chassidic leaders Rabbi Aharon of Karlin, Rabbi Yitzchak of Niesuchojeze and Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. He possessed his grandfather the Baal Shem Tov’s Zohar , and he sent it as a gift to the Admor of Karlin (Refer to Kovetz Beit Aharon V’Yisrael , issue 63, p. 158). He passed away in 1874.
Unique features: This letter is signed by: Rabbi Shaul son of Tzvi Hirsh HaLevi; Rabbi Naftali Tzvi of Tiberias; and Rabbi Mordechai son of Shimon. Very rare.
Condition: Fine condition. Aging stains. Small tears at the top of the leaf which were used for the binding, not affecting text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 81
Letter of Greeting Signed by the Rabbis of Jaffa in Honor of Montefiore's Arrival in Israel. Jaffa, 1866

Letter signed by the rabbis of the Adat HaMa’aravim in Jaffa on the occasion of Montefiore’s sixth visit to Israel in 1866 .
Specifications: [1] page, paper. 19X23 cm. Handsome scribal hand. Includes numerous signatures.
Contents: Later in the letter, they thank Montefiore for his prior aid, and implore for further assistance in the future.
Unique Features: The letter is signed with the personal calligraphic signatures of: Rabbi Shlomo Vechione, one of the prominent rabbis of the Adat HaMa’aravim in Israel; Rabbi Shlomo Buchbot, [born in Rabat] an illustrious rabbi of his generation and teacher of the kabbalist Rabbi Massoud HaCohen Elchadad; Rabbi David HaCohen Elchadad, (father of the Kabbalist Rabbi Massoud HaCohen Elchadad); Rabbi Avraham Abo; Rabbi Saalus Ibn Charbon; Rabbi Avraham Pinto; Rabbi David Ben Charbon, (later one of the scholars of Safed, signatory on the proclamation enclosed in Knessiah LeShem Shamayim against witchcraft; and Rabbi Levi HaCohen.
Condition: Very fine.

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Auction 106
Item 82
"Peace and Thanks to the Great Sir." Accolade Signed by the Tzaddik and Wonder Worker Rabbi Moshe Stein, Av Beit Din of Aharishar

Accolade with blessings from the community of Aharishar [near Sighet], signed by the holy Rabbi Moshe Stein, Av Beit Din of Aharishar, and author of Be’er Moshe, 1846.
Specifications: [1] page, paper. 21X33 cm. Exquisite and handsome handwriting, with decorative enlarged first letters. Contains additional signatures and the community’s seal.
Background: The holy tzaddik Rabbi Moshe Stein was born in 1840. He studied in Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet’s yeshiva in Harishar, and subsequently in the Ktav Sofer’s yeshiva in Pressburg. He was appointed rabbi upon his teacher’s resignation and relocation to Dej in 1861, and was elected in 1866 to be the rabbi of Arda-Sanzshwartz. he conducted himself piously and abstained from physical pleasures. His teacher, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Panet related to him as a tzaddik and wonder worker, and sent a message to him requesting his prayers upon his son’s falling ill. He died in his prime on the 4th of Tishrei, the 12th of September, 1873. His compilations on the Torah, festivals, eulogies and Talmudic novellae were printed in the book Be’er Moshe; and aggadot and sermons in Ratzon Moshe [ Shem HaGedolim MiEretz HaGer, p. 178, Chachamei Transylvania , p. 246, HaChatam Sofer VeTalmidav p. 725].
Unique Features: Composed by the great personalities of Aharishar, this accolade uses beautiful poetic language to praise the life work of Sir Moses Montefiore, who worked to promote and benefit his people during his trips to Damascus, Rome, Syria, Jerusalem, and more. They wrote: “Multitudinous times you sought your brother’s peace on consecrated land, you saw their needs and you did not withhold your mercy … And spoke against those who beat [your brothers], and the rulers of the earth, for the benefit of your brethren in the many lands of their dispersion … ”
Condition: Fine. The ink’s acidity damaged several words in the title.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 83
Letter from Rabbi Yosef Elchanan HaLevi Av Beit Din of סערהייא, Author of 'Eynot Mayim'

Letter from Rabbi Yosef Elchanan HaLevi Av Beit Din of סערהייא , author of Eynot Mayim and head of his community, to the editor of HaMaggid, Eliezer Lipman Zilberman. Sohrau, 1864.
Specifications: [1] page, blue paper. 14×22 cm. Request to add their blessings to those printed about Montifiore on the pages of the journal ‘HaMaggid.’
Unique Features: Document signed in the handwriting of the seven heads of the community in סערהייא, Poland, led by Rabbi Yosef Elchanan HaLevi, in which they describe their desire to publish their enthusiastic admiration for “the great officer in Israel Moshe Montifiore for the salvation which he has brought by the word of G-d to multitudes of Jews on this day,” and their blessing that G-d give him a long and pleasant life, “and may he have the merit to see when G-d returns the returnees to Zion and chooses Jerusalem once again. Amen.”
Background: Rabbi Yosef Elchanan HaLevi, Av Beit Din of סערהייא, was one of the greatest rabbis of his time (see Zecher Yehosef by Rabbi Stern, Yevamot 119b) and a famous preacher. His important book Eynot Mayim (Warsaw 1857) received approbations from many of the leaders of the generation: Rabbi Shmuel Avigגor author of Tana Tosefta , Rabbi Yitzchak Izik Chaver, author of Emek Yehoshua , Zayit Ra’anan , HaKtav V’HaKabbalah , Amudei Ohr , and the author of Imrei Binah .
Condition: Fine-very fine condition. Fold marks, one of the signatures is faded.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 84
Letter from Rabbi Moshe Landsberg, Disciple of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, and Dayanim of his Beit Din, Posen 1856

Words of blessing upon his return from a visit to the Land of Israel [Montefiore’s fourth visit in 1855] and a request to transfer funds to the directors of the Ashkenazic community in Jerusalem. Posen, 3rd Kislev 1856.
Background: Rabbi Moshe Landsberg , one of the great Dayanim of Posen, scion of Rabbi Yosef of Posen, author of Yesod Yosef . Born in Lubraniec in 1801, studied with Rabbi Akiva Eiger until he was appointed as a dayan on his beit din. There is a well known photograph in which he is seen walking through the streets of Posen together with Rabbi Akiva Eiger (printed in Iggerot Sofrim ). Rabbi Moshe passed away in 1884. There are responsa which Rabbi Akiva Eiger wrote to him, and matters he heard from Rabbi Akiva Eiger were printed from a ledger of his novaelle.
Specifications: [1] page, 14×22 cm. Thin blue paper.
Unique Features: Letter of thanks for a donation to “The great righteous man who is the glory of the House of Israel, famous among the nations Sir Moses Montefiore” by Rabbi Moshe Landsberg, in his handwriting and with his signature.
Condition: Fine condition, fold marks, aging stains, holes on the right as a result of having been bound.

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Auction 106
Item 85
Letter from the Leaders and Heads of Adat Vilna, the Presidents of "Eretz Yisrael." Vilna, 1853.

Letter written by Rabbi Chaim Nachman Parnas and Rabbi Zalman Ze’ev, Maggid Misharim and Moreh Tzedek of Vilna, to Sir Moses Montefiore. Vilna, 1853.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 21X27 cm.
Contents: The signatories were the presidents of the charity fund for Eretz Yisrael in Vilna, and all the aid collected in Lithuania for Israel was channeled through them. In the letter, the rabbis asked Montefiore to transfer the monetary aid they sent to Rabbi Yeshaya Bardaki and Rabbi Shmuel Salant.
Special features: The letter was written by the famous sofer of the Vilna community, the energetic and remarkable Rabbi Avraham David Strashon [for his accolades see Kiryah Ne’emanah and Ir Vilna , pp. 190-191]. The calligraphic signature on the left is his, and the other rabbis signed after him.
* Rabbi Zalman Ze’ev, son of the gaon Rabbi Yechezkel Feivel, was the Maggid Meisharim of Vilna, and author of the famous book Toldot Adam [1789-1867]. He served as the Av Beit Din of Ritishin, and subsequently as the Maggid Meisharim of Vilna. He was one of the arbiters of the Volozhin Yeshiva in 1854. He also compiled the book Avodat Tama [Vilna, 1836], and Mussar veDaat al HaRambam [1866].
* Rabbi Chaim Nachman Parnas was one of the splendorous religious figures of Vilna. He was the son-in-law of Rabbi Efraim Zalman Margaliot, author of Beit Efraim. He taught Torah in the Great Synagogue of Vilna, and produced outstanding students. He possessed unique wisdom, including for worldly matters, so much so that the dignitaries of the generation came to him for his advice and insight. For many years he served as the parnas, director, and gabbai of tzedakah in Vilna, and also the president of Eretz Yisrael charity. He passed away in 1854. (See Kiryah Ne’emanah , p. 257, and Ir Vilna , pp. 185-189)
Condition: Very fine. Fold marks, binding holes on side of page without damage to text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 86
Letter from Rabbi Meir Michel Kahana, Av Beit Din of Asheminah, Son-In-Law of the Author of Pitchei Teshuva.' Asheminah [1864]

Letter from the gaon Rabbi Meir Michel Kahana, Av Beit Din of Asheminah, of “mishpachat hafla’ah,” to the editor of the Maggid, Zilberman, in praise of his initiative to publish the Jewish communities’ recognition of Moshe Montefiore. Asheminah, 1864.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 12X20 cm. Written on both sides.
Background: Rabbi Meir Michel Kahana, Av Beit Din of Asheminah, was the son of the gaon Rabbi Avraham Kahana, Av Beit Din of Asheminah (a disciple of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, and rabbi of the tzaddik Reb Nachum’ke of Horodna, the Chafetz Chaim’s rabbi). He held his father’s position for fifty years, from 1841 to his death in 1891. His father-in-law was the gaon, the author of Pitchei Teshuva (Moshe Tzinovitz, Etz Chaim , p. 99).
Unique Features: Enthusiastic letter to the editor of the Maggid , “To call upon all the communities of Yeshurun as one, to come with a blessing of thanks to the honorable and ‘great among Israel,’ Sir Moses Montefiore, may G-d preserve and guard him, for all the good that he has done with his brothers, the children of Israel, may they be saved without delay from their oppressors.” On the letter’s reverse side is a charcoal stamp on which Rabbi Meir Michel writes, “I have also placed here my seal … which I received from His Majesty, the king.” The signatures of the rabbis and community heads of Asheminah were added at the letter’s close.
Condition: Fine. Fold marks. A few aging stains.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 87
Letter by Rabbi Natan Nota HaLevi Kallel, Av Beit Din of Sharbagrad, Grandson of the Machatzit HaShekel

Letter by Rabbi Natan Nota HaLevi Kallel, to Sir Moses Montefiore, 1884.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper, written on both sides. 14×22 cm. The opening of the letter was written in a scribe’s elegant handwriting.
Unique Features: The letter opens with blessings and well wishes upon Sir Montefiore’s ninety-ninth birthday, and ends with a request to come to his aid because of his many expenses. Amongst other things, he mentions his desire to send his sons to study at a yeshiva in Eisenstadt with the gaon RY”M Perles, but lacks the finances to do so, and notes that he is the grandson of the holy author of Machatzit HaShekel . (Refer to the book HaChatam Sofer VeTalmidav p. 531, and Ohalei Shem, p. 290).
Background: Rabbi Natan Nota HaLevi Kallel, son of Rabbi Aharon son of Rabbi Yehudah, son of the Machatzit HaShekel, was born in 1851. He was a student of the Ktav Sofer and of the author of Machane Chaim . He served as Av Beit Din of Sharbagrad from 1870 until his passing in 1923. Many of his Torah novellae have been published in various journals: VaYelaket Yosef , Tel Talpiot and Torah MiTzion .
Condition: Fine. Aging stains. Fold marks.

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Auction 106
Item 88
Letter by Rabbi Moshe Feilchenfeld, Av Beit Din of Rogazen, Beloved Student of Rabbeinu Akiva Eiger

Letter by Rabbi Moshe Feilchenfeld, Av Beit Din of Rogazen, together with the heads of the community, to the editor of the Maggid [Eliezer Lipman Zilberman].
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 22×13 cm. The rabbi’s letter is in Hebrew, and that of heads of the community is in a foreign language. The back of the letter has the addressee’s details, stamps, and postmarks.
Unique Features: In his letter, the rabbi requests that the community’s name be appended to a letter of blessings to Sir Montefiore, which was published by editor Zilberman in his newspaper the Maggid.
Background: The gaon Rabbi Moshe Feilchenfeld [d. 1872], Av Beit Din of Rogazen [in the district of Pozna], was a disciple of two geniuses of the generation, Rabbi Ya’akov of Lissa, author of Netivot HaMishpat , and Rabbi Akiva Eiger. He was a close and dear student of the latter, to whom he referred to in his letter as, “My rabbi, precious friend, dearly beloved to my soul; the rabbi, the great light, renowned genius.” It is evident how highly Rabbi Akiva Eiger esteemed Rabbi Feilchenfeld through the letter he sent him upon departing for his son’s wedding, in which he requests Rabbi Feilchenfeld remember him in prayer that he should travel in peace, and that the couple would be successful (see Igrot Sofrim 39). His approbation was published at the beginning of the dissertations by Rabbi Akiva Eiger (Tehran 1868).
Condition: Fine. Fold marks. Aging stains. There is a line above and concealing most of the signature.

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Auction 106
Item 89
Letter by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Eliyahu Igel, Av Beit Din of Tchernowitz and Region. Tchernowitz, 1863

“I read the letter of appreciation in honor of Sir [Moses Montefiore], and it was like the sweetness of honey in my mouth.” Letter from Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Eliyahu Igel, Av Beit Din of Tchernowitz and region, to the editor of The Maggid , Zilberman. Tchernowitz, 1863.
Specifications: [1] page, paper. 14X23 cm. Autographed, with the signature and stamp of Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Eliyahu Igel.
Unique Features: Enthusiastic letter in response to the initiative of The Maggid ‘ s editor to inspire the gratitude of the Jewish people for Moses Montefiore’s life work; a heartfelt expression of thanks by the Av Beit Din of Tchernowitz on behalf of “All my Jewish brothers, the inhabitants of the state of Bukovina, their rabbis and leaders,” to Montefiore. He presented a list of signatories and requested that it be added to the general letter of thanks from the Jewish people. At the bottom of the page, M.S. Rabbiner, “the (previous) first teacher of the school in Tchernowitz” added his appreciation and blessings in honor of Sir Montefiore, and requested that The Maggid publish a poem he wrote in honor of Sir Montefiore, “Masa Matitiyahu . ”
Background: Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Eliyahu Igel [Lemberg 1824 – Tchernovitz 1892] traveled to Padua in 1843, whereupon he became a student of Rabbi Shmuel David Luzzato. In 1848, he was ordained as a rabbi and was also awarded a doctoral degree. In 1854, he was elected as the rabbi of Tchernowitz, upon which the government gave all matters regarding Jewish religion in Bukovina into his hands. However, the chareidim and chassidim did not regard him as an authority in any way. He published many valuable books, articles, and studies in German and Hebrew (for further reading see the Encyclopedia of Romanian Jewry, part 3, pp. 861-862).
Condition: Fine. Fold marks. A few ink-smears.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 90
Impressive Letter from the Leaders of the Kiev Community Prior to Montefiore's Meeting with Emperor Alexander II

Impressive letter from the leaders of the Kiev community, prior to Sir Montefiore’s meeting with Emperor Alexander II. Kiev, Monday, Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, 1872.
Specifications: [1] large paper leaf. 22×35 cm. Handsome writing, at the end of which is a list of fourteen community leaders.
Unique features: Rare historical document. In this impressive and dignified letter, the heads of the large Kiev community implore Montefiore to entreat our ruler, his Majesty the Kaiser for the rights of the Russian Jews, to enable them to acquire a part and parcel in the land.
Background: In 1872, despite his advanced age, Montefiore went back to Russia to meet with the great Kaiser Alexander II in the city of Petersburg. This meeting was on behalf of and for the welfare of the Russian Jews, after they expressed the importance of the encounter and their need of assistance. For further reference regarding Montefiore’s journey and his meeting with the emperor, see: Memoirs of Moses Montefiore, Part II, Chapter 26. Edited by his secretary Dr. Eliezer HaLevi (Warsaw 1899).
Condition: Very fine. Fold marks.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 91
Letter and Special Prayer for the Coronation of "Our King His Majesty Alexander III" Moscow 1882

Letter to Moses Montefiore and a special prayer upon the coronation of His Majesty Emperor Alexander III. Handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Berlin. Moscow, 1882.
Specifications: [2] leaves, paper. 22×28 cm. The letter and prayer were handwritten by Rabbi Chaim Berlin.
Content: On May 15, 1882, King Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna were crowned. Sir Montefiore asked Rabbi Chaim Berlin to gather the students of the Talmud Torah in Moscow and hold a special prayer session in honor of the coronation. He even sent a donation to distribute among the participants. Rabbi Chaim Berlin fulfilled this request and, as described in his letter, gathered everyone in the Great Synagogue. “They prayed the prayer that I arranged, before the Holy Ark , according to the copy included here.”
Unique features: This lot includes a letter from Rabbi Chaim Berlin with the order of prayer he authored. It is written in pleasant, flowery language and is full of praise for the emperor. It also notes the number of students who participated and the amount of money that they each received from Sir Montefiore’s donation. All the text is written in the pleasant, organized hand of Rabbi Chaim Berlin who was then serving as rabbi in Moscow.
Condition: Fine condition, fold marks, tiny hole in the letter and the leaf with the prayer text.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Letter Signed by the Rabbis of Marrakech. 1886

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Auction house conditions

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