Manuscripts & Letters by Admors

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Auction 106
Item 45
Manuscript by Rabbi Chaim Efraim of Sudylkow, Author of "Degel Machane Efraim" Only Copy in the World?

Manuscript by Rabbi Chaim Efraim of Sudylkow, author of Degel Machane Efraim and grandson of the Baal Shem Tov. Passage from the Degel Machane Efraim , parshat Chayei Sarah. This is apparently the only extant manuscript in his hand.
Specifications: [1] leaf. 17×21 cm. 25 lines in the hand of the holy author of the Degel .
Background: Rabbi Chaim Efraim of Sudylkow was the Baal Shem Tov’s grandson, son of his daughter Udel. He was raised by his grandfather, who wrote that his young grandson was a “great prodigy in [Torah] study.” After the Baal Shem Tov’s passing, Rabbi Chaim Efraim studied with Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezeritsch, but primarily with the rabbi of Polonoye, author of Toldot Yaakov Yosef. He served as rabbi of Sudylkow, a small village close to Mezibuzh, famed in the Jewish world because he lived there. In 1787, he returned to Mezibuzh. He passed away in 1800 and was buried in the same tomb as his holy grandfather in Mezibuzh. He wasn’t particularly prominent during his lifetime and did not draw crowds of followers. However, throughout the coming generations he was noted for his Degel Machane Efraim , which is one of the most prominent chassidic works. He is often called the “Baal Ha Degel .” The book received enthusiastic approbations from all the chassidic leaders of his time.
Unique Features: The entire passage is written in his hand and is apparently the only extant manuscript from this chassidic leader.
This lot includes a report written by expert Rabbi Yitzchak Yeshaya Weiss confirming that this manuscript was written by the author of the Degel Machane Efraim. In his report, Rabbi Weiss notes that the letters are formed in the identical way they appear in the known signature of the author of the Degel . The Degel Machane Efraim that was printed by the author’s son, Rabbi Yechiel of Sudylkow, has some editorial changes. Punctilious comparison of the text and style in the manuscript and the printed text indicates that this manuscript was written by the author himself soon after he said these holy words, and editorial changes were made later, as the book was prepared for print. Moreover, on the back of the leaf used by the rabbi to write his Torah thoughts, there is text indicating that it was previously used as an envelope sent to Mezibuzh, to the “Baal Ha Degel .” The text includes his name, Moshe Chaim Efraim, with many honorifics. In the introduction to the new and complete edition of Degel Machane Ephraim with comments, references and comparisons, published by Peer Mikdoshim (2013), there is a photocopy of the unique and rare manuscript before us, and comparisons have been made with the printed version.
Condition: Moderate. Stains. Fold marks and slight tears. Binder holes. Other than a few words, the text is clear and legible.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 46
Special Letter from Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam of Shinova, with a Supplement in his Hand

“He should have an abundance of success and he should merit to do charity and kindness with wealth and honor, all of his days.” Special letter of greeting from Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, Admor of Shinova. Shinova, 1897.
Specifications: 22×14 cm. Letterhead. Supplement in his hand and with his signature.
Unique features: The letter is on the letterhead of יחזקאל שרגא הלברשטאם, חופ”ק שינאווא יצ”ו [Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, in the Shinova community]. Written by a scribe. The Admor warmly blesses the addressee, and then adds five words in his own hand: דברי ידידו המצפה…. and signed his name.
Background: Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, author of Divrei Yechezkel, was the first Admor of Shinova. He was born in 1815, the oldest son of Admor Rabbi Chaim of Sanz, the “Divrei Chaim.” His abilities and talents were admired from a young age, and he was a favorite among the righteous people of the generation. In 1856, he began serving as rabbi in Shinova – and was known as the Admor of the city for generations to come. His father greatly admired him and valued his opinion. In 1876, he began serving as Admor and was considered his father’s greatest successor. Followers streamed to his doorstep from all over Galicia. He was a genius in halacha and wrote many halachic responsa. In addition, he was an expert in kabbala and proofread and edited a number of early kabbalistic works. He passed away in 1899, and some of his Torah thoughts were recorded in Divrei Yechezkel . His sons and grandsons served as Admors, and his progeny blossomed into a mammoth dynasty of Admors and righteous people. His manuscripts and letters are preserved by his followers as protective talismans, per the instructions of their adored Admor.
Condition: Moderate-fine. Two tiny holes, not affecting text. Stains. Fold marks.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 47
Letter by the Admor Rabbi Aharon of Belz

Letter of condolences and blessings from the Admor Rabbi Aharon Rokach of Belz [1953].
Specifications: [1] leaf on official stationary. 27×21 cm. With his holy signature.
Background: The letter was sent to the mayor of Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Mr. Yisrael Rokach, conveying condolences, a blessing for good health, and a blessing that he should merit to manage the city in the ways of Torah … Yisrael Rokach was a distant relative of the Admor.
Unique Features: The top of the letter is stamped with: Grand Rabbi A. Rokach from Belz. The text does not contain, “lo tosifu ledava od,” since the Belz custom was to omit this phrase, which was only introduced at a later period.
The letter was transcribed by the gabbai, and signed with the Admor’s holy signature. The Admor was accustomed to underline the letters “ע-ק”, which is the abbreviation of Amalek [refer to Bekedushato Shel Aharon, part 2, p. 83]. The signature before us contains the aforementioned lines. Letters from him are especially rare.
Background: Attached is an expert opinion affirming without a doubt that this is an authentic signature in the Admor’s own hand. He also relies on another expert who stated: It is clearly his signature, as is evident in every letter of the signature.
Rabbi Aharon Rokach of Belz [1880-1957], a wondrous figure of an ascetic tzaddik whose spirit was privy to the upper worlds, and was famed as a wonder worker. He was the firstborn son of the Admor Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokach of Belz. Orphaned at a tender age, he grew up in the shadow of his grandfather, the Admor Rabbi Yehoshua of Belz. From an early age he was known for his piety; so much so that Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Halberstam, the Rebbe of Sieniawa, said that the evil inclination had apparently forgotten about him. He became Admor in 1926. All of his sons, daughters and grandchildren were lost in the Holocaust. He re-established the Belz chassidic movement. Thousands of Jews from all walks of life took part in his funeral. He was buried on Har HaMenuchot in Jerusalem, and his grave became a holy site.
Condition: Fine. Fold marks and creases.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 48
Letter from the Admor Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl to his Son-In-Law Rabbi David Moshe of Chertkov

Letter from Rabbi Aharon Twersky, the Admor of Chernobyl, to his son-in-law, Rabbi David Moshe of Chertkov.
Specifications: [1] leaf, paper. 20×12 cm. Written by a scribe, with a signature in the Admor’s hand.
Contents: The letter was sent to his son-in-law the Admor Rabbi David Moshe of Chertkov, whom he calls ‘My dear son-in-law, the pious rabbi, the renowned holy candle for the sake and glory of Israel …’ his daughter Feiga, his grandchildren, and all those who accompany them. The letter is laden with blessings and concludes in his usual manner: “words of Aharon son of the renowned Rabbi Mordechai”.
Background: Rabbi Aharon Twersky of Chernobyl was born in 1787 as the eldest son of Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl. His mother was the daughter of Rabbi Aharon of Karlin, the rabbi’s namesake. Rabbi Mordechai had eight sons who all became famous Admorim and illuminated Russian Jewry. His distinguished father highly praised Rabbi Aharon, and likened his seven sons to the seven branches of the menorah, and Rabbi Aharon was an aspect of Aharon who prepared the candles. As a child he was always in the shadow of his great grandfather Rabbi Menachem Nachum, the disciple of the Baal Shem Tov. His father obligated him to be involved in the dynasty’s leadership matters from his youth, and he traveled extensively throughout the cities of Russia.
Upon his father’s passing, Rabbi Aharon inherited his place as the Admor and Maggid of Chernobyl. He was the firstborn of the brothers, all of whom served as Admorim in different cities, and treated him with tremendous honor and respect. He was among the leaders of Russian Jewry, president of Kollel Volhyn’s charity fund named ‘Rabbi Meir Baal Hanes,’ and worked hard to fortify settlements of the Land of Israel. He merited unusually long life and was considered to be the eldest of the tzaddikim of the generation and the leaders of the Chassidic world, so that all were in awe of him. He passed away in 1872 and was buried next to his grandfather, Menachem Nachum, as per his request.
His son-in-law, Rabbi David Moshe of Chertkov, son of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin, was the first Admor of Chertkov. There was great love between father-in-law and son-in-law, as is apparent in the letter before us. It is told that when Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl came to visit his son-in-law, who was in the midst of a large audience, he requested entrance and referred to himself as ‘the king’s father-in-law.’ The letter mentions his grandson, Rabbi Nachum Mordechai [born in c.1849], the son-in-law of his uncle Rabbi Shalom Yosef of Sadigura. Rabbi Nachum died in his youth in the year 1870, during his father’s lifetime. The letter contains a blessing that they would merit joy with him, perhaps the intention being upon his bar mitzvah.
Condition: Moderate. light tears with blemish to solitary letters. stains and creases.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 49
Letter from Rabbi Dovid of Kotzk

Letter written and signed by the Admor Rabbi David of Kotzk, son of Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk. Kotzk [1855?].

Specifications: [1] leaf. 6×20 cm. Mounted on supportive paper. The letter was written to a young man named Shmuel Chaim. Rabbi David signs at the conclusion: “ידידו דוד בהרה”ק שי’ מארגענשטערן.” He then adds another few, lengthy lines in his hand and signs his name again in short.

Background: Rabbi David Morgenstern of Kotzk was born in 1809, the oldest son of Rabbi Mendel of Kotzk, “The Kotzker Rebbe.” He also studied with Rabbi Bunim of Peshischa. After the death of his father, he succeeded him as Admor of Kotzk and was renowned for his sanctity. He passed away in 1873. His epitaph notes: Here is buried the holy ark … the master of the wise, the crown of the intelligent, and the glory of the holy … the light of his Torah will light within us and his holiness will hover over our heads … He, like his father, did not write his Torah, a little of his Torah thoughts were printed in Lehavot Esh, with Torah thoughts from his father.

On the second half of the leaf: Letter from The Meshamesh Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Lebel.

Condition: Moderate. Rabbi David’s script is faded. Light tears with blemish to solitary letters. Stains and creases.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 106
Item 50
Letter of Segulot to Recite when Entering a New House from the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar

Long letter from the Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar which also contains segulot to say when moving into a new house. 1947.
Specification: [1] official paper leaf. 22×28 cm. Appears to have been written by the important gabbai Rabbi Yosef Ashkenazi and signed in the Admor’s handwriting.
Unique Features: At the beginning of the letter, the Admor blesses his friend … with success, especially on the occasion of moving into the new house. The Admor signed in his handwriting, and then responded to the question of how to conduct himself when moving into the house, where he quotes a segulah from his grandfather, the author of Avnei Tzedek , and another segulah which he writes that he was told there is a tradition to do. In conclusion he states a source in Shu”t Chatam Sofer .
On the date of the letter, “or l’yom chamishi l’seder v’ya’as lahem batim” is written – a hint to inaugurating a new home.
Background: The Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar [1887-1979], son of the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet and younger brother of the “Atzei Chaim.” He succeeded his father as leader of the chassidut. He was the first Admor of Satmar. He was already known for his greatness before the Holocaust, and even though he was only seventeen when his father died, he drew the attention of the chassidim who began to gather around him. He led a flock and served as rabbi of various important communities for over seventy years. He was saved from the Holocaust in miraculous ways, immigrated to Israel and then moved to the United States where he was one of the founders of the chassidic world there. He re-instated the glory of chassidut which had lost most of its followers in the Holocaust and brought spirituality back into the lives of the survivors. He worked tirelessly to establish places of Torah and prayer and to revive Judaism after the destruction of Europe. He was known for his zealous and uncompromising approach to Zionism. He was the author of the books VaYoel Moshe , Imrei Yoel , Divrei Yoel and more.
Condition: Very fine. Fold marks.

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התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

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Manuscript by Rabbi Chaim Efraim of Sudylkow, Author of “Degel Machane Efraim” Only Copy in the World?

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