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בחר קטגוריות להצגה
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Auction 127
Item 84
She'elot U'Teshuvot Mahari"k. Crimea, 1557. Signature and Gloss

She’elot U’Teshuvot Mahar”r Rabbi Yosef Colon z”l – known as Shu”t Mahari”k , is one of the fundamental books of halachah. Crimea, 1557-1558. (The title page records the year of print as שי”ז, but the colophon indicates the date of completion as 17 Cheshvan of the year … ובנקי”ן כ”ף – a chronogram that works out to שי”ח. The title page bears an owner’s signature and a gloss on page 27a, both in ancient Oriental script.

Before us is the second edition of the renowned book of responsa by Rabbi Yosef Colon, one of the leading Early Adjudicators. With the addition of indices for the responsa in the order of the Ramba”m. Drawing of the binding of Yitzchak at top of the title page.

Rabbi Yosef Colon Trabotto [HaKa”f- HaRa”m] was one of the leading adjudicators of Italian Jewry in the 15th century. He studied Torah with his father, Rabbi Shlomo, who was a descendant of Rash”i, and with Rabbi Mordechai Nathan. He served as a rabbi and a rosh yeshivah in Piedmont, and then as rabbi and rosh yeshivah in Mantua. At the end of his life, he served in Pavia, and there he passed away and was buried. Among his outstanding disciples was Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura, the great mishnaic commentator.

[12] 173 [should be: 172], 31 cm. Printed on thick paper with wide margins. Benayahu, Cremona 14. Osef Mehlman- Ginzei Yisrael 773.
Fine condition: Minimal worming perforations and dampstains, primarily in the white margins.
Light restoration to the white margins of the title page, far from the text. Several leaves are detached. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 85
Me'orei Beit Yitzchak. Special Variant. Beck Press. Jerusalem, 1866

Me’orei Beit Yitzchak – unique and interesting work by Rabbi Uri Yitzchak Isaac ben Abba Kadesh, one of the Brisk scholars who ascended to Jerusalem. First edition. Copy that belonged to the gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky.

The book includes two parts. Part I: ‘Mili D’ Brachot – Beit Va’ad L’Chachamim Chachmei Ba’alei HaSha”s Tana’aim V’Amora’im, ‘ which includes all the sayings of the tana’im and amora’im in Tractate Berachot in alphabetical order. Part II: ‘Minchah Belulah’ – Talmudic rules for “who is the teacher [מי הרב] and who is the colleague [מי החבר], who is the disciple [מי התלמיד] and according to whom the halachah is decided” in alphabetical order of the tana’aim and amora’im mentioned in Tractate Berachot.

Before us is a special variant. In most copies, there is an error at the end of the introduction, and the calculation works out to תרל”ו/1876, but in the copy before us, this has been corrected. Refer to Mif’al HaBibliographiah , entry 0108331.

12, 68 leaves, 17 cm. Sh. HaLevi, Sifrei Yerushalayim HaRishonim 124.
Fine condition: Aging stains. Minimal scribbles, Slight tears in the last six leaves with light damage to text. Tear and taped reinforcement in the margins of the title page, far from the text. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 87
Meir Netiv. Venice, 1564

Meir Netiv – Jewish concordance by Rabbi Mordechai Nathan of Provence. Brought to print by Rabbi Meir Printz. Venice, Bragadin Press. 1564. Incomplete copy.

Construct of the book: Leaves of indices, followed by R’ Yitzchak Nathan’s foreword, and then a leaf with two dedications by Meir Printzo to the head of the judges in Paris, Tholosati Arnaldo Ferrerio. (The first dedication is in Latin, and it speaks, inter alia, of the new letter prepared by Printzo, for the purpose of printing this book, and the second dedication is in Hebrew.)

The copy before us contains [approximately 400] leaves. Lacking the title page and the approximately 10 last leaves (ends with leaf ת] 400] of the word תוך). On the basis of various variants, and the fact that the leaves are not numbered – the precise number of leaves lacking is unknown, but it is about 10 leaves at the end of the book.)
Bound in two parts, approximately 27 cm. Light-colored, high-quality paper.
Fine condition: Aging stains. Wear in the margins of the first and last leaves with slight damage to text. Perforation in the last leaf of the first volume. Simple bindings.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 88
Sdei Chemed. Nine Parts. First Edition

Before us is the first edition of the famous halachic book Sdei Chemed by the renowned rabbi of Hebron, the gaon Rabbi Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini, one of the leading Later Authorities, known by the name of this book, as “the author of Sdei Chemed .”

The book Sdei Chemed is one of the most popular books of Torah literature, and despite its great size, it was printed in quite a few editions after this first edition. The book is something of an encyclopedia, anthologizing halachic responsa and integrating them with current issues. The book collects responsa from the sages of Ashkenaz and Sepharad in alphabetic order, something which did not yet exist.
Following are precise details of the parts with the numbers of pages [indication of the numbers of pages per HaMif’al HaBibliography ]:
[Part I]: Kuntress HaKlalim Part I including letters א, ב, ג, ד, ה. Warsaw, Shuldberg Press, 1891. [2], 7, 4-248 pp.
[Part II]: Kuntress HaKlalim Part II including letters ו, ז, ח, ט, י. Warsaw, 1896. 166; 70 pp.
[Part III]: Kuntress HaKlalim Part III including letter כ and the Be’er B’Sadi compilation. Warsaw, 1896.
[4], 102; 72, 5-38 pp.
[Part VI] Aseifat Dinim me’archot ד-ז, and me’arechet Chatan V’Kallah V’Chuppah, and the ‘Klalei HaPoskim’ compilation. Warsaw, 1896. [4], 3, 5-108, 58; [2] 87 pp.
[Part VII] Aseifat Dinim me’archet Chametz U’Matzah Part I. Warsaw, 1896. [5], 5-242 pp.
[Part VIII] Aseifat Dinim me’archet Chametz U’Matzah Part II. And me’arechet Chol HaMoed V’Chanukah. Warsaw, 1896. [8], 3-198; 16 pp.
[Part X] Pe’at HaSdei Chemed MeChelkei HaKlalim , including me’archet א – addenda to the initial entries. Warsaw, 1901, 200 pp.
[Part XI] Pe’at HaSdei Chemed MeChelkei HaKlalim , including me’archot ב, ג, ד – addenda to the initial entries. Warsaw, 1901. [2], 110; 34; 77, [1] p.
[Part XII] Aseifat Dinim me’archet Rosh HaShanah and me’arechet Yom HaKippurim. Also … two simanim from Kuntress Aseifat Dinim me’arechet milah. Warsaw, 1902. 4, 128, 68, 73-118.

The Chacha”m Chaim Chizkiyahu Medini [1833-1905] was one of the leading Later Authorities. He was Av Beit Din of Karasubazar (Belohirsk) on the Crimean Peninsula, and then Av Beit Din of Chevron. He is primarily known as the ‘Sdei Chemed’ after this series of books before us. He was granted rabbinic ordination at the age of 13. He married young, and all the rabbinic leaders of the generation participated at his wedding. His name became known far and wide, and questions were sent to him from all around the world. He writes: “I am overly occupied not primarily with matters of this city, as most are from elsewhere, from all corners of the earth, and they are not distant, one says this way and another says that way, across all kinds of topics.”

Approximately 32 cm. Owner’s signatures: The gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky, rosh yeshivah of Etz Chaim.
Overall condition: Fine.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 89
Chiddushei HaRashb"a. Pair of Books, First Editions

Two books of the Rashb”a’s novellae on two of the “yeshivish” tractates, the most in-depth and studied of Sha”s. First editions. One of the most important fundamental books on the Talmud.

* Chiddushei HaRashb”a al Masechet Kiddushin . Constantinople, 1717. Fundamental book.
First edition of Chiddushei HaRashb”a al Masechet Kiddushin . The book was printed from manuscript with the generosity of Rabbi Chaim Kimchi, who was a dayan and an expert rabbi in Constantinople, and alongside this, he dealt in business and was wealthy. In the approbation from Constantinople rabbis, they thank him for his great part in bringing merit to the public.
88 leaves, 17 cm. Stefansky, Sifrei Yessod 52.

* Chiddushei HaRashb”a al Masechet Bava Kamma . Prague, 1734. Fundamental book.
First edition of Chiddushei HaRashb”a al kol Masechet Bava Kamma. (In the previous edition, novellae on only the seventh chapter were printed.)
49 leaves, 34 cm. Stefansky, Sifrei Yessod 52.

Overall fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 90
Kaf HaChaim. Complete Set. First Edition

Kaf HaChaim – monumental work composed of eight parts on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim by the gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Chaim Sofer of Baghdad, known by the name of this work, as the author of Kaf HaChaim . All the parts, except Part I, are the first edition.

The composition before us was written by Rabbi Ya’akov Chaim Sofer over close to 40 years, from his youth until close to his passing. (At the end of his life, he also began to write on the Yoreh Deah section of Shulchan Aruch, but he only managed to write one volume, and in the middle of the second volume, he passed away. After his passing, Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef completed the part of the second volume that was lacking.) The book is similar in its structure to the Ashkenazic Mishnah Berurah , and was likewise accepted unchallenged by all the Sephardic communities as the ultimate book of halachah.

The gaon Rabbi Ya’akov Chaim Sofer [1867-1939] was a halachic adjudicator and Kabbalist. He was born in Baghdad and granted rabbinic ordination by the leader of the Iraqi diaspora, the author of Ben Ish Chai . He ascended to the Land of Israel in 1904 where he joined the Kabbalistic scholars in the Rechovot HaNahar yeshivah, and was a disciple/colleague of Rabbi Chaim Shaul HaKohen Dweck.

Following are specifications of the parts:
Part I: Orach Chaim, [simanim 1-88]. Y. Abukasis and P. Einav’s Aviv Press. Jerusalem, 1929. Second edition of the book with approbations and the author’s preface. [4], 139 leaves. Approximately 30 cm. Written on the back of the title page: (That due to the first edition’s running out, ) the book is being reprinted. Indeed, in many of the sets, the first part is from the second edition.
Part II: Orach Chaim, [simanim 89-156]. Moriah Shenbaum-Weiss Press. Jerusalem, 1913. First edition. [2], 181 leaves. Approximately 24 cm.
Part III: Orach Chaim, [simanim 157-241]. Jerusalem, 1915. First edition. [2], 190 leaves, approximately 24 cm.
Part IV: Orach Chaim, [simanim 242-318]. Moriah Shenbaum-Weiss Press. Jerusalem, 1920. First edition. [2], 165 leaves. Approximately 29 cm.
Part V: Orach Chaim, [simanim 319-428]. Y. A. Weiss Press. Jerusalem, 1924. First edition. [1], 179, [1] leaf. Approximately 29 cm.
Part VI: Orach Chaim, [simanim 429-494]. Aviv Lipschitz and Son and Einav Press. Jerusalem, 1928. First edition. [2], 165 leaves. Approximately 29 cm.
Part VII: Orach Chaim, [simanim 495-580]. P. Einav Press. Jerusalem, 1931. First edition. [2], 151 leaves. Approximately 29 cm.
Part VIII: Orach Chaim, [simanim 581-697]. P. Einav Press. Jerusalem, 1933. First edition. [2], 176 leaves. Approximately 29 cm.

The set is bound in four volumes, overall fine condition. Signatures.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 91
Nechmad V'Na'im, Yasnitz, 1743. With the Latin

Nechmad V’Na’im – astronomy, Kiddush HaChodesh and measurements of stars, by Rabbi David Ganz. Yasnitz, 1743. Astronomic diagrams. Only edition. Complete copy, including the leaves in Latin that are not found in many copies.

The author Rabbi David Ganz [1541-1613] was a disciple of Rabbi Moshe Isserlis – the Ram”a, and the Mahara”l of Prague, and was friendly with the leading astronomers of his era, Kepler and Tycho Brahe. The book before us contains the first Hebrew description of Copernicus’s model. There are astronomic diagrams printed along the leaves of the book. The copy before us contains all the Latin leaves (by Christian Hebenstreit, who was a Hebrew professor in Leipzig).

Two owner’s stamps by the gaon Rabbi Meir b”r Yehoshua Tzvi Robinson (22 Av 1852 – 19 Tammuz/9 July, 1936), rabbi of Radoshkowitz, Lithuania and other villages, and lived in Jerusalem at the end of his life.

82 leaves, 20 pp, 20 cm.
Fine condition: Worming holes primarily in the first and last leaves with damage to several words. Blemish in the title page without damage to the text of the title page.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 93
Pair of Books by Rabbi Akiva Eiger. Berlin, 1858-1862. First Editions

* Hagahot Rabbi Akiva Eiger al Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim . Berlin, 1862.
In 1862, two editions were printed of Hagahot Rabbi Akiva Eiger al Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim . One is this one before us, that was printed in Berlin by his grandson, Rabbi Avraham, as a book on its own. The other was printed by his son Rabbi Itzak Leib, on the leaves of the Shulchan Aruch printed in Johannesburg. These two editions are the basis of all editions of Hagahot Rabbi Akiva Eiger that were printed later. In contrast to the edition printed in Johannesburg that was transcribed from the sheets of his father’s Shulchan Aruch, which he then published, the Berlin edition before us was done in a more precise manner, as written by Rabbi Akiva Eiger’s great-grandson in the introduction to this edition: Since the notebook with the manuscript was in Rabbi Avraham’s possession, it was sent to Rabbi Akiva Eiger to be examined. He revised it and eliminated and added passages, and after his proofreading, the manuscript was returned to his grandson to be brought to print, and the latter printed it in Berlin.
[2], 65, leaf. 21 cm. Fine-very fine condition: Signatures. Minimal aging stains. Simple Binding.

* Chiddushei Rabbi Akiva Eiger al Kamma MiMasechtot Shas . Berlin, 1858.
First edition of the novellae that were printed by his son, Rabbi Binyamin Wolf Eiger. The first leaf bears words from the author’s son. Rabbi Nachman Goldberg, Rabbi Binyamin Wolf’s son-in-law, arranged the book, and on the final leaf are some of his own Torah novellae.
[2] 28; 15; 26, [1] leaf, 33 cm. Fine condition: Signatures. Aging stains. Dismantled binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 94
Chazon Ish, First Edition. 11 Volumes.

The Chazon Ish books, first edition, including the Chazon Ish’s first book, as yet still published anonymously! In the Hilchot Shevi’it volume, there are many handwritten glosses, some of which are lengthy. The glosses before us were later printed in the subsequent editions of Chazon Ish !

Details of the volumes before us:
* Chazon Ish . Orach Chaim, topics in Kadshim and Niddah. Vilna, 1911. Two title pages. The first is blue and has a picture. First edition. First book by the Chazon Ish. The name of the author is hinted at by a Cyrillic letter. A.J.K.
* Chazon Ish . Even HaEzer. Gittin, Kiddushim and Avadim. Published by Rabbi Sh. Greineman. Vilna, 1932.
* Chazon Ish . Mikva’ot, Machshirin. Vilna, 1935.
* Chazon Ish . Keilim. Vilna, 1936.
* Chazon Ish . Shevi’it and comments. Jerusalem. 1937. With handwritten glosses that were printed in the next edition.
* Chazon Ish . Nega’im, Parah and supplements. Jerusalem, 1938.
* Chazon Ish . Demai, Ma’aserot and compilations. Jerusalem, 1938.
* Chazon Ish . Kila’im, Orlah. Jerusalem, 1940. With a table of shapes at the end of the book.
* Chazon Ish . Chelek Even HaEzer – Ishut, Yibum and Chalitzah, and compilations. Jerusalem, 1940.
* Chazon Ish . Taharot, Zavim, Tibul Yom, Yadim, Uktzin. Jerusalem, 1940.
* Chazon Ish . Hilchot Ketuvot and compilations. Jerusalem, 1941.

Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz [1879-1953] was known by the name of the series of books before us, as the author of Chazon Ish . He was a gaon and tzaddik, expert in all realms of Torah; an example of ‘toil in Torah’ for generations. On 16 Tammuz 1933, the Chazon Ish ascended together with his wife to the Land of Israel, where he was quickly accepted as one of the leaders of the generation (following a letter dispatched by Rabbi Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky of Vilna to the Land of Israel, in which he informed residents of the Land of Israel “A lion has ascended from Bavel”). The Chazon Ish was the primary leader of the Chareidi public in the Land of Israel, and drafted its path in the stormy period following the establishment of the state, where he revived the Torah world after the Holocaust.

It is important to note that despite the Chazon Ish ascending to the Land already in 1933, in the books before us, we observe that until 1936, the Chazon Ish continued printing his books in Vilna. The reason for this was that the printing and sale of the books was attended to by the Chazon Ish’s brother-in-law, the gaon Rabbi Shmuel Greineman, who ascended to the Land only a few years after him, and he continued arranging the printing in Vilna until he also ascended to the Land of Israel.

Approximately 34 cm. Overall condition fine: Simple bindings.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 96
Amud HaYemini, First Edition. Minsk. 1811. Eulogy for the Gr"a

Amud HaYemini – divided into seven pillars, mussar sermons and more, by Rabbi Avraham ben Asher Anshel, maggid meishrim of Minsk (he began to ascend to the Land of Israel, but passed away en route). Minsk, 1811. First edition. Uncommon book.

“Amud HaMenuchah” contains “VaYikra Dischvi, ” a eulogy delivered by the author for the Gr”a, approximately two months after the latter’s passing. The book opens with an approbation by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, leading disciple of the Gr”a, and other approbations.

66 leaves, 20.5 cm. Vinograd, Sifrei HaGr”a 1303.
Fine condition: Stamps. Aging stains. Worming perforations. Slight blemish in the margins of some of the leaves, far from the text. New binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 97
Pair of Hebrew Calendars - 1834 and 1844

* Calendar from 1834/5. Breslau, at the press of Leib Sulzbach and Son, of the Katzenellenbogen family.
“With all the festivals and fasts … and the fairs and holidays that are celebrated in Silesia, Brandenburg, Pomerania [Pommern], Westfriesen, Greater and Lesser Poland…”
On the back of the title page, there is an approbation from Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Tiktin, chief rabbi of Breslau.
[23] leaves, 14.5 cm.

* Calendar from 1846 with all the festivals and fasts, moladot and tekufot , Torah portions, Pirkei Avot, the Hoshanah service and other customs. Vilna 1844 (!).
“Also Rosh Chodesh and holidays of the Russians and the Catholics who live in Russia…”
16 pp, 17 cm.

Overall fine condition: Marbleized paper bindings.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 98
Latin, Definitions of Biblical Words by Johann Leusden. Utrecht, 1683

Clavis hebraica Veteris Testamenti: in qua themata difficiliora Veteris Test. referantur, & voces ac constructiones irregulares explicantur, aliæque difficultates circa textum hebræum enodantur – Definitions of difficult words and expressions in the Tana”ch, Franciscum Halma Press, Latin.

The author Johanne Leusden was a philologist, Orientalist and Dutch Calvinist theologian who served as professor of Hebrew at Utrecht. He would conclude his books with a prayer using verses such as “I long for Your salvation, Hashem” and, “May it be Your will that the words of my mouth and the intent of my heart be before You, ” that he would write in Hebrew letters. (The book before us concludes with the Hebrew words “Guide me in Your Truth” from Tehillim.) He earned his fame for publishing, together with Rabbi Yosef Atias, the first edition of the Tana”ch with numbered verses, Biblia Hebraica .
[1] illustrated frontispiece, [14], 535 pp. 19 cm. High-quality paper.
Fine condition, most of the leaves are in fine condition. Stains. Light dampstains in the margins of the title page and several additional leaves. The frontispiece is detached. Small tears in the margins of the illustrated frontispiece. The title page and the first leaves are loose. Original parchment binding, front only, without the back binding or the spine.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 99
Tana"ch Leipzig, 1833. Elegant Volume. Thousands of Glosses!

Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim. Biblia Hebraica with a table of haftarahs for the entire year according to the customs of all communities. At the beginning of the Tana”ch, there is a Latin introduction by August Haan. Additional half-title page for the parts with the Later Prophets and Writings. Thousands of handwritten glosses in a foreign language.

Mif’al HaBibliographiah notes an edition printed in 1832. A year later, in 1833, the same edition was reprinted, but with the omission of the Latin leaves at the end of the book. All the Latin leaves appear in the copy before us, including comments on the mesorah.

[23] 1392 [3] XIV pp. Thick, elegant volume. High-quality paper. Green page cuts.
Fine-very fine condition: Aging stains. Original semi-leather binding with marbleized paper, slightly worn.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 104
Klei Nechoshet, Ibn Ezra. Königsberg, 1848. Rare First Edition

* Klei Nechoshet – composition on astronomy, with a description of the astrolabe and its measurements, by Rabbeinu Avraham Ibn Ezra. First edition.
The book before us was first brought to print from manuscript by Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Edleman-Chen Tov.
45, [1] p, 16 cm. Diagrams.
Fine-very fine condition: Aging stains.

Bound with:
Ohr Olam – composition on science by Rabbi Yehudah Leib Margaliot. Warsaw, 1842.
The author was a rabbi in Lelsla and then in Frankfurt, and he with the Gr”a, as brought in the foreword to the book Aliyot Eliyahu .
24 leaves, 16 pp.
Fine-very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 105
Three Books from Early Jerusalem Presses [Beck Press and Others], Bound Together

Group of [3] books from early [19th century] Jerusalem presses bound together, with separate title pages. At the top of each of the title pages is the owner’s signature or stamp of the rosh yeshivah of Etz Chaim, the gaon Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky.

* Toldot Ya’akov – Shittah al Masechet Beitzah by Rabbeinu Ya’akov Castro – Maharika”sh. First edition of the Maharika”sh’s commentary.
R’ Yisrael Beck Press. Jerusalem, 1865.
[4], 96 leaves, 21 cm. Printed on the back of the title page is a large picture of the Western Wall and the Temple Mount.

* Me’orer Zikaron U’Me’asef HaKlalim . Jerusalem, 1888. The author was one of the ancient geonim and his name is lost. Brought to press by Rabbi Dov Ber [Rabin] son of the gaon, the pious honorable Rabbi Menachem Mendel ztzuk”l.
[2], 6 leaves. 21 cm. With a large picture of the Beit E-l synagogue and a picture of the Western Wall.

* Halachah Psukah al Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah by Rabbi Dov Ber Rabin. Jerusalem, 1889.
[1] 16 leaves. 21 cm.

Rabbi Ya’akov Castro – Maharika”sh 1525-1610 was one of the renowned rabbis of Egypt in the late 16th century. In Egypt, he was viewed as the rabbinic leader of the generation, and he was called “Mara D’Atra, ” as were the Ramba”m and the Radba”z before him. The Chid”a wrote about him “his authority spread throughout the borders of Egypt.” He studied in Jerusalem under the Ralba”ch and was also a disciple of the Radba”z in Egypt. During his visit to the Land of Israel, he stayed in the home of Rabbi Yosef Karo. His decisions in Beit Din and his responsa were written in assertive and decisive language. Subsequent generations of sages in Egypt relied on his decisions and responsa. He also authored the book Arach Lechem on Shulchan Aruch, with a lengthy approbation from Rabbi David Chazan – “Cha”d B’Dara.”

Approximately 21 cm. Fine-very fine condition. Minimal aging stain. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 106
Tosefta with the Magen Avraham Commentary. First Edition. Uncommon

Biur al Tosefta Seder Nezikin by Rabbeinu Avraham Abele HaLevi Gombiner, author of Magen Avraham on Shulchan Aruch. Amsterdam, 1732. Fundamental book. Rare.

With the Tosefta text. The book is accompanied by Chelek Sheni MiLechem HaPanim by Rabbi Moshe Yekutiel Kaufman – son-in-law of the Magen Avraham, with a separate title page, and a responsum by the Magen Avraham. We will point out that his renowned book, Magen Avraham , is known to almost everyone, and in contrast, the book before us is rare and unknown.

[2] 60 leaves. 19 cm. Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod 105.
Fine condition: Aging stains. Worming perforations. Slight tear in the corner of the title page without damage to text. Simple binding, somewhat worn.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 107
Meshech Chochmah. Riga, 1927. Rare First Edition.

Meshech Chochmah – elucidations, explanations, ideas, sermons and novellae on the Torah by the renowned gaon Rabbi Meir Simchah HaKohen of Dvinsk, author of Ohr Samayach .

In the portion Bechukotai [leaf 123], the author wrote terrible things about the Jews of Germany, something of a far-off-anticipation … “The Jew in general will forget his origin, and think of himself as a fresh citizen, who will leave the study of his own religion, to study languages not his own … he will think Berlin is Jerusalem … and a stormy wind will come, uproot him by the trunk, and place him in a foreign nation whose language he has not learned …”

Refer to the Hebrew catalog text for a brief biography of the author, Rabbi Meir Simchah HaKohen .

434 pp, 26 cm. Self-dedication.
Fine-very fine condition: Slight tear in leaf 112. Original semi-leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 108
Rare - Parting Sermon by Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler of Oldenburg. August, 1930.

Abschiedspredigt, gehalten in der israelitischen Synagoge zu Oldenburg, den 8. Aug. 1830 (Parting sermon given at the Hebrew synagogue in Oldenburg on August 8th, 1830, by Dr. Adler).
Parting sermon given by Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler, to his community in Oldenburg, northern Germany, where he served as rabbi 1828-1830. Printed in Oldenburg in 1830 or 1831.
Rare; not found in the National Library and has never been offered at auction. One copy is known to be found at the Oldenburg library.

Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler (1803-1890) was the second chief rabbi of the British Empire. He was born in Hanover and was named after his illustrious grandfather, the Kabbalist Rabbi Nathan Adler of Frankfurt. He was rabbinically ordained at the age of 19, and appointed rabbi of Würzburg, where he also studied at the local university. He received his doctorate, and that same year he was appointed rabbi of the small community in Oldenburg, where he served for about two years, and was then appointed rabbi of the country. He was the first chief rabbi of Germany to hold a doctorate, and was considered one of the pioneers of the modern rabbinate. He was appointed rabbi of the Great Synagogue in London in 1845 and served as rabbi of the British Empire.

16 pp, 19 cm.
Moderate-fine condition, stained.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 110
Two Early Works by Rabbi Kook, Bound Together. First Editions

* Adar HaYakar . Eulogy and ideas about the life of Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz [the Adere”t] by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook. Jerusalem, 1906. [1] leaf, XII, [3]-78 pp, 15.5 cm.

* Ikvei HaTzon , various essays by Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook. Jerusalem, 1906. 22 pp, 15.5 cm.

Adar HaYakar was written in memory of Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinowitz Teomim, known by his initials as the Adere”t. He was Rabbi Kook’s father-in-law for his first marriage. Rabbi Kook was widowed of his first wife and subsequently married the daughter of the Adere”t’s twin brother, Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Rabinowitz-Teomim.

Fine condition: Signatures. Two detached leaves, torn without lack. Detached front binding, without spine.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".

The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 112
Matnat Yad / Machar Chadash. Florence, 1795. Only Edition

Sefer Matnat Yad regarding ‘That which is given from hand to hand’ – support for Talmudic scholars, by Rabbi Daniel Triani, Av Beit Din of Florence. Bound with the book Machar Chadash by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Rimini (one of the rabbinic leaders of Florence) – elucidation of matters regarding Kiddush HaChodesh. Three title pages: General title page and a title page for each book.

* Matnat Yad – consisting of 14 parts with novellae and “drush” style elucidations regarding the commandment of charity and supporting Torah scholars. It ends with an in-depth study of Tractate Bava Metzia by the author’s friend, Rabbi Eliyah Chai Rephael Nachamu.

* Machar Chodesh – novellae on Tractate Rosh HaShanah and matters of Kiddush HaChodesh. Astronomic diagrams and tables of the tekufah. It ends with a critique of the book Mateh Dan .

The gaon Rabbi Daniel Triani [1740-1814] was one of the rabbinic leaders of Italy. He served as rabbi of Florence starting in 1791. His halachic work, Ikrei HaDa”t , is considered a fundamental book.

The gaon Rabbi Moshe Chaim Rimini was one of the leading rabbis of Florence, a superlative gaon and Talmudic scholar. He was both wise and wealthy. He was a close associate of the gaon Rabbi Daniel Triani (he is mentioned several times in the above-mentioned book, Ikrei HaDa”t. )

[2] 36 [1] 42 [1] leaf. 20 cm. High-quality white paper. Astronomic tables and diagrams.
Very fine condition.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 114
Lashon Chachamim. Prague, 1815. First Edition

Lashon Chachamim by Rabbi Baruch Yehudah ben Bezalel HaLevi Brandeis, compiled from Shulchan Aruch, from Early and Later Authorities and responsa. First and only edition. Two parts with separate title pages. Prague, 1815.

Part I: Orach Chaim, the laws of Torah reading and prayer and Tachanun. Part II: Laws of gema”ch, tearing (garments), onen and the halachahs of mourning.

[4] 97, [6]: [1], 48, [4] leaves, 19.5 cm.
Fine condition: Gloss and stamps. Aging stains. Simple binding.

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Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".
Error: the field format must contains "%s" or "%1$s".

The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 115
Kol Aryeh. Jerusalem, 1866. Special Copy

Kol Aryeh , in-depth Talmudic studies by Rabbi Aryeh Leib Charif. Brought to print by his grandson, Rabbi Shneur Zalman [Mendelowitz] of Hebron. Jerusalem, Beck Press. 1866. First edition. Dedication from the author’s grandson, Rabbi Shneur Zalman, emissary of Hebron.

Two title pages, with a picture of Jerusalem and a picture of the Cave of the Patriarchs. Lengthy dedication on the flyleaf from the one who brought it to print, handwritten by him and with his signature and stamp. The dedication is to “The exalted and famous maggid Rabbi Nota. Apparently this is the Jerusalem maggid, Rabbi Nota Tzvi Weiss, father-in-law of Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Salant.

The book was brought to print by the author’s grandson, Rabbi Shneur Zalman Mendelowitz of Hebron, and is accompanied by many important approbations, some rare. In a lengthy foreword, the person who brought it to print wrote about his mission as an emissary for Kollel Ashkenazim Chaba”d, and about his travels to Oriental lands. He also tells of his meetings with members of the Sassoon family in various countries and goes into detail about their great help in publishing the book in memory of their father, R’ David Sassoon, who passed away right before this book’s printing. (Regarding his mission and the book’s printing, refer to Ya’ari, Shluchei Eretz Yisrael 695-696.)

[4] 80 leaves, 20.5 cm. Shoshanah HaLevi, no. 127.
Fine condition: Aging stains. Tiny tear in the flyleaf. Simple binding, reinforced.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 118
Ma'ayan HaChochmah. Rödelheim, 1804. First Edition.

Ma’ayan HaChochmah , the 613 commandments in song, surrounded by an extensive commentary by Rabbi Noach Chaim Tzvi Berlin, rabbi of the Ah”u communities [Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbek]. With scholarly comments by his disciple Rabbi Wolf Heidenheim. Heidenheim-Bashevitz Press.

Page 45b bears a handwritten gloss from the period of the printing.

Regarding the greatness of the author: Refer to a question sent to the author by Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin [ Shu”t Chut HaMeshulash , question 10]. Serious question on issues of spiritual purity and impurity. This was just after his teacher, the Gr”a’s passing, and Rabbi Chaim writes to the author, that now, after the Gr”as’ passing, there is no one left to whom to ask hard and serious questions, except for this author!

[4], 142 leaves, 24 cm.
Fine condition: Aging stains. Simple binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

Auction 127
Item 119
Mishnayot. Constantinople, 1737. Special Title Page.

Mishnayot, Part II – Nezikin, Kadshim, Taharot – vowelized. Constantinople, 1737. On this title page, “Amsterdam” appears in place of “Constantinople” (see below).

In some copies, the title page was changed, and instead of the Constantinople, 1737, title page, they inserted the Amsterdam, 1737, title page. For more on this topic, refer to Meir Benayahu, ‘The Relocation of the Center of Hebrew Printing from Venice to Amsterdam and the Competition between them and the Printing Press in Constantinople, ‘ [Hebrew] in Mechkarim al Yahadut Holland , Volume I. Jerusalem, 1975, pp. 53-58.

[2] 447, 8 leaves, with the leaf of prayers before study at the beginning of the volume.
15.5 cm. High-quality paper. Ginzei Yisrae l, no. 117. Ya’ari, HaDefus HaIvri B’Kushta 397.
Fine condition: Aging stains. Worming perforations. Elegant new semi-leather binding.

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The price includes a buyer's commission

התחל להקליד ע"מ לקבל תוצאות רלוונטיות

Question about item

Sefer Chiddushei HaRa”ah. Prague, 1722. First Edition.

Start typing p to get relevant results

Auction house conditions

 Winner’s Auction LTD (the company) – is hereby holding an exhibition in Judaica, to enable the public to examine these
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